1,477 research outputs found

    Xenolitos peridotíticos del volcán Morrón de Villamayor (Campo Volcánico de Calatrava)

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    The El Morrón de Villamayor (MVM) peridote xenoliths vary from orthopyroxene-poor lherzolite to wehrlite in modal composition. This compositional feature contrasts with other Calatrava (CVF) xenolith suites. The studied xenoliths equilibrated at lower temperatures (618-942 o C) and slightly shallower (8.8-13.6 kbar) conditions than other CVF peridotites. MVM peridotites show local intense interaction with the host leucitite displaying spongy rims around primary clinopyroxene and also reaction zones with K-rich minerals (e.g., sanidine, leucite and richterite) and widespread clinopyroxene, olivine and spinel neoblasts. Nevertheless, the orthopyroxene-poor character of MVM peridotites might be caused by some previous metasomatic event.Los xenolitos peridotíticos del volcán El Morrón de Villamayor (MVM) son lherzolitas pobres en ortopiroxeno y wehrlitas, en contraste con los datos previos de xenolitos de otros volcanes de Calatrava. Las peridotitas estudiadas están equilibradas a temperaturas más bajas (618-942 o C) y menor profundidad (8,8-13,6 kbar) que las estimadas en otras peridotitas del Campo Volcánico de Calatrava. Localmente hay una intensa interacción del fundido leucitítico con los minerales primarios de la peridotita, ya que se originan zonas de reacción con minerales ricos en K (p.ej., sanidina, leucita y richterita) y frecuentes neoblastos de clinopiroxeno, olivino y espinela. El carácter pobre en ortopiroxeno de las peridotitas MVM debe estar causado por algún evento metasomático previoDepto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)Universidad Complutense de Madridpu

    On the Connectedness and Diameter of a Geometric Johnson Graph

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in general position in the plane. A subset II of PP is called an \emph{island} if there exists a convex set CC such that I=PCI = P \cap C. In this paper we define the \emph{generalized island Johnson graph} of PP as the graph whose vertex consists of all islands of PP of cardinality kk, two of which are adjacent if their intersection consists of exactly ll elements. We show that for large enough values of nn, this graph is connected, and give upper and lower bounds on its diameter

    Tercer ejercicio resuelto de los procesos selectivos para el ingreso en el Cuerpo Superior de Interventores y Auditores del Estado

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    Caso 1. Análisis de liquidez y de rentabilidad económica y financiera. Caso 2. Consolidación. Ajustes de homogeneización y eliminaciones en balance homogeneizado agregado. Caso 3. Costes y márgenes de un proyecto de construcción

    Safety Issues in Buckling of Steel Structures by Improving Accuracy of Historical Methods

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    Buckling of structural elements is a phenomenon that has great consequences on the bearing capacity of structures. Historically, there have been serious buckling-related structural accidents that have resulted in loss of human lives and high material costs. In this article, an attempt is made to perform a historical analysis of the diverse models that experts have been using in designing and calculating compression buckling of simple metallic elements in the last 275 years. The analysis covers the lapse from the mid-18th century, in which the pioneers in this classic field of structural design are located, up to the present, highlighting the main standards that have been applied to steel structural analysis in the past and at present all over the world. What the study tries to provide is an overall view and a sense of continuity of the methods used for improving structural safety regarding buckling failures in the last three centuries. Each analyzed buckling model is compared with the results of a numerical finite element model of compressed steel columns. Finally, the conclusion reached is that in the last one hundred years, the convergence of solutions proposed in the field is gradually greater and more accurate

    Relationships between Strength and Step Frequency with Fatigue Index in Repeated Sprint Ability.

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    Force−velocity profile (FVP) and repeated-sprint ability (RSA) tests are indicators of physical capacities in most team sport players. The purpose of this study was to examine the stride kinematics during a repeated-sprint ability (RSA) test and to analyze the relationship between Bosco’s force−velocity profile (FVP) and RSA performance in elite female field hockey players. Thirteen elite-female players performed both RSA (six 30 m maximal sprints) and jumping (CMJ weighted and body weight) tests. Sprinting time fatigue indexes during a 30 m RSA test were correlated with step frequency fatigue indexes (r > 0.7; p 0.7; p 0.5; p < 0.05). This study highlighted two possible ways to improve fatigue indexes in RSA, with the aim of maximizing the distances covered at high-intensities during the matches: (a) strength training and (b) focusing on step frequency during speed training.post-print1622 K

    Fiabilidade e otimização do programa de PROTODEBA v 1.0 para a observação da toma de decisões em basquete

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    The aim of this study was to development, and optimizes an observational tool call PROTODEBA v 1.0. This program helps video observation to analyze behavior in decision making in handball players assessing three dimensions (location, transfer and termination) at any time (lag between passing and passing) in different sequences of a game. The study evaluated five observers each one examined six players in eighteen plays of a game. The reliability of the study was conducted in two ways. On one hand, It was calculated the Kappa index of agreement among observers that show values higher than 0,70 for all pairs of observers. For another, it has been estimated generalizability coefficients for different types of decisions and different universes, obtaining values between 0,87 and 0,99. Results support the accuracy of PROTODEBA V1.0 as a tool of observationEn esta investigación se ha realizado un estudio de fiabilidad para el desarrollo y optimización del programa PROTODEBA v 1.0. Este programa de observación de video estudia los comportamientos de la toma de decisión de los jugadores de balonmano valorando tres dimensiones (ubicación, traslado y finalización) en cada momento (que transcurre entre pase y pase) en secuencias de ataque posicional. Cinco observadores valoraron a seis jugadores en 18 momentos de un partido. El estudio de fiabilidad se realizó desde una doble perspectiva. Por un lado, se calcularon los índices Kappa de acuerdo entre observadores que muestran valores superiores a 0,7 para todas las parejas de observadores. Por otro, se han estimado coeficientes de generalizabilidad para distintos tipos de decisión y con diferentes universos, obteniéndose valores entre 0,87 y 0,99. Los resultados apoyan la precisión de PROTODEBA V1.0 como herramienta de observación.   Nessa pesquisa foi realizada um estudo de fiabilidade para o desenvolvimento e otimizaçao do programa PROTODEBA v 1.0. Este programa de observaçao e vídeo estuda os comportamentos da toma de decisoes dos jogadores de basquete, avaliando tres dimensoes (posicionamento,movimento e finalizaçao) em cada momento (passe a passe) em sequencias de ataque posicional. Cinco observadores valoraram seis jogadores em 18 momentos de um partido. O estudo de fiabilidade foi realizado em dupla perspectiva. Por um lado, foram calculados os índices Kappa em acordo entre os observadores e mostraram valores superiores a 0,7 para todas as duplas de observadores. Por outro lado foram estimados coeficientes de generalizaçao para diferentes tipos de decisao e em diferentes universos, obtendo-se valores entre 0,87 e 0,99. Os resultados apoiam a precisao de PROTODEBA V1.0 como ferramenta de observaçao

    Efficacy of photobiomodulation therapy in the treatment of pain and inflammation: a literature review

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    The main objective of this literature review was to analyze the efficacy of (PBM) therapy application on subjects with chronic pain and inflammation, and furthermore, to evaluate the methodological quality of the collected literature. The search was conducted using five databases: PubMed, ProQuest, Scopus, Web of Science, and PEDro. The keywords “low level laser therapy”, “chronic pain”, and “inflammation” provided the selection of RCTs that were published within the last 5 years, conducted in humans, and written in English. The PEDro Internal Validity Scale (IVS) checklist was used to evaluate the risk of bias in the included studies. A total of 11 articles were selected, all of them RCTs. Of the articles, five showed that PBM positively influences chronic pain, while another showed the same but only in the short term. In two other articles, the patient’s inflammation improved markedly. In one article there was no improvement in chronic pain and in another, there was no improvement in inflammation. Four articles demonstrated that PBM is beneficial in acute pain. Furthermore, six studies were given an “excellent” score and the remaining five a “good” score based on the IVS. Photobiomodulation has beneficial effects on chronic pain and inflammation, although more research needs to be completed in this line for this to be clarified as the existence of RCTs on this subject is limited.This study has been partially funded by the University Chair in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology (University of Granada and PNI Europe). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Calatrava volcanic field: constraints from peridotite xenoliths of the Cerro Gordo volcano

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    The Calatrava volcanic field (CVF) comprises about 250 volcanic centers in an area of ~5000 km2. Detailed studies on mantle xenolith suites have been focused on the Cerro Pelado (Villaseca et al., 2010, and referencestherein) and the El Aprisco (González-Jiménez et al., 2014) volcanoes, and on other CVF edifices (e.g., Andía et al., 2018; García Serrano et al., 2019). The Cerro Gordo (CG) volcano is a composite edifice made by a scoria cone with short lava flows, which was partially destroyed during an explosive stage generating a maar with pyroclastic surge deposits. Some lenticular cm-sized mantle fragments appear dispersedly within these pyroclastic layers. All the sampled peridotite xenoliths are spinel lherzolites, most of them having amphibole in accessory modal amounts. No previous reference on mantle xenoliths was known from this volcano

    Depleted lherzolite xenoliths from the leucititic Morrón de Villamayor volcano (Calatrava volcanic field, Spain)

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    This work reports petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data of a suite of mantle xenoliths from the Morrón de Villamayor volcanic centre (MVM), which belongs to the Calatrava Volcanic Field (CVF), a part of the Circum-Mediterranean Anorogenic Cenozoic Igneous Province. The MVM volcano is the only centre belonging to the first stage of the CVF magmatism, an ultrapotassic stage that provides a sampling of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath central Spain. The MVM peridotites record a variable host melt interaction (spongy texture and reaction zones), more intense toward xenolith-host leucitite contacts that it was formed during transport within the volcanic melt. The studied mantle xenoliths are spinel lherzolites equilibrated at lower temperatures (618–942 °C) and similar pressure ranges (8.8–13.6 kbar) than other studied CVF mantle xenoliths, and record a lithospheric mantle before the main volcanic Calatrava event. The MVM lherzolites could be classified in two groups by their chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) clinopyroxene patterns: group-1 lherzolites show flat pattern, and group-2 lherzolites display a LREE-depleted (N-MORB like) pattern. Group-1 lherzolites represent a more residual lithospheric mantle (up to 9 partial melting %) than group-2 lherzolites (~ 5%), the latter with similar partial melting degrees than other mantle xenoliths from the CVF. Moreover, group-1 lherzolites have undergone a post partial melting refertilization by different metasomatic agents: silicate and alkaline silicate melts different in composition to host leucitite. A primary clinopyroxene concentrate from these MVM lherzolites provides high Sr (87Sr/86Sr = 0.706104) and intermediate Nd (143Nd/144Nd = 0.512830) initial radiogenic ratios, not previously recorded in this volcanic field. This sampling proves the presence of an enriched isotope mantle pole in xenolith suites of the Calatrava area, trending in composition to an intermediate DMM-EMII component