381 research outputs found

    The impact of COVID-19-related media coverage on the return and volatility connectedness of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies

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    This research explores the impact of COVID-19-related media coverage on the dynamic return and volatility connectedness of the three dominant cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Ripple (XRP)) and the fiat currencies of the euro, GBP and Chinese yuan. The sample period covers the first and second devasting waves of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and ranges from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. The dynamic return and volatility connectedness measures are estimated using the time varying parameter-VAR approach. Our return connectedness analysis shows that the media coverage index (only before the first wave) and the cryptocurrencies are the net transmitters of shocks while the fiat currencies are the net receivers of shocks. Similar results are obtained in terms of volatility, except for the euro, which shows a clear net receiver profile in January and February. This fiat currency (the euro) became a net transmitter in March and during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis, which possibly shows the virulence of the pandemic on the European continent. Moreover, the most relevant differences between the net dynamic (return and volatility) connectedness of these two groups of currencies are focused on the beginning of the sample period, just before the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis, although some differences are observed during the first and second waves of the coronavirus outbreak

    The moderator role of Gender in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): A study on users of Electronic Document Management Systems

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    Venkatesh et al. [1] tried to integrate predictability capabilities from the different existing models of technology acceptance. This produced the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This comprehensive model resulted in the identification of common aspects. It proposed several constructs with a greater explanatory power and analyzed moderating drivers, such as age, Gender, experience and voluntariness of use. By doing so, UTAUT identifies three major drivers of behavioral intention: performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence. On the other hand, facilitating conditions and behavioral intention were identified as determinant factors of actual use [1]. In addition to previous considerations about UTAUT, empirical research has scarcely analyzed the moderating role of Gender [2]. This is why this paper particularly aims to fill this gap. Hofstede [3] describes strength, competitiveness and guidance for material success as social roles linked to male values, whilst modesty, tenderness, sensitivity and concern for the quality of life are values associated with women. With respect to UTAUT, existing studies have shown that performance expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for men (cf. [4], [5], [6] and [7]). Moreover, it has been observed that effort expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [4], [5] and [6]), while social influence positively affects behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [5], [7] and [8]). In our research, with the aim of testing the moderating effects of Gender, a sample of 2,175 users of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) in Portuguese municipalities was used. Taking into account that Gender is a categorical variable, we have adopted a multi-group or multi-sample analysis [9] -dividing the sample into two groups (male = 748; female = 1,427) and estimating each group of observations separately. Before comparing the groups, an analysis of the measurement invariance was carried out to make sure that the construct measures were invariant between both groups [10]. Once the metric invariance had been assessed, we carried out a set of multi-group analyses –interpreting statistically-significant differences in path coefficients as moderating effects. On the one hand, the parametric approach considering both equal variances and different variances has been used [11, 12]. On the other hand, we have applied non-parametric approaches exemplified by the permutation test [13], and Henseler’s PLS multi-group analysis [10, 12, 14]. This study notes slight differences in the results of the aforementioned methods. As a result, the moderating effect of Gender on the relation between performance expectancy and behavioral intention showed that this relationship is stronger among men than women. Finally, a discussion on the implications of Gender as a moderator for the UTAUT model is included

    Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local eGovernment Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

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    On numerous occasions the significant value of the investments involved in the development of eGovernment and the expectations of governmental information systems use do not correspond to the rate of effective use. This scenario makes it difficult to justify the development of electronic government by governments and local authorities among its citizens. It is therefore important to understand the factors that influence the employees' intention of using governmental information systems. With the aim of understanding the determining factors of using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in the context of Portuguese municipalities, this study develops an empirical analysis using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This model's application for information systems research in the governmental context has a weak expression and is unique in EDMS research. This empirical research follows a realist and positivist approach. Data was collected from a survey answered by 2,175 employees of Portuguese municipalities (EDMS users). Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the model proposed. The results showed that Intention to Use is positively affected by Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions. With respect to the EDMS Use, the results showed that it is positively influenced by Intention to Use and Facilitating Conditions. The main result indicates that EDMS users believe that the use of this information system will help them to obtain performance benefits in their work. However, the increasing use of EDMS is not very influenced by the system's perceived ease of use. In short, this study provides a contribution to the Information Systems Acceptance and Adoption literature in local eGovernmental contexts. In addition, our contribution empirically tests the model for implementation in governmental organizations and provides a better understanding of the adoption and use of an EDM

    Exploring the assessment of territorial potential for social innovation: an indicator system applied to a region in Ecuador

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    One of the key elements in territorial dynamics processes is Social Innovation since we can improve our regional sustainable systems from the relationship and participation among territorial agents. However, this concept is still poorly explored and does not currently have a commonly-agreed definition and a complete assessment system, based on which strategies for improvement might be designed to guarantee regional sustainability. As a result, it has limited capacity for contributing to development. In accordance with the above, the main aim of this article is to explore the concept of Social Innovation and to asses it, designing a system of indicators capable of measuring territorial potential for social innovation, applicable to any region and adapting to its specificities and necessities. This work also aims to use a case study application, using a Ecuadorian region, to design an indicator assessment tool for social innovation, which integrates the main Social Innovation dimensions. This article makes contribution to the international debate on Social Innovation since it offers real input, potentially encouraging social change and the improvement of society’s wellbeing.27 página

    Exploring the assessment of territorial potential for social innovation: an indicator system applied to a region in Ecuador

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    One of the key elements in territorial dynamics processes is Social Innovation since we can improve our regional sustainable systems from the relationship and participation among territorial agents. However, this concept is still poorly explored and does not currently have a commonly-agreed definition and a complete assessment system, based on which strategies for improvement might be designed to guarantee regional sustainability. As a result, it has limited capacity for contributing to development. In accordance with the above, the main aim of this article is to explore the concept of Social Innovation and to asses it, designing a system of indicators capable of measuring territorial potential for social innovation, applicable to any region and adapting to its specificities and necessities. This work also aims to use a case study application, using a Ecuadorian region, to design an indicator assessment tool for social innovation, which integrates the main Social Innovation dimensions. This article makes contribution to the international debate on Social Innovation since it offers real input, potentially encouraging social change and the improvement of society’s wellbeing

    La formación en economía social. Análisis de la oferta universitaria de posgrado en España

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    En el presente artículo se analiza la importancia que tiene la formación para el fomento de la economía social, prestando especial atención a la caracterización de la oferta formativa de este tipo de estudios y diferenciándola respecto a la oferta formativa convencional en el área de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, emprendimiento e innovación. Previo a ello, se reflexiona, en base a un breve análisis bibliográfico, sobre las relaciones que se establecen entre educación y economía para, posteriormente, centrarnos en la caracterización de este tipo de formación, prestando especial atención a la que se centra en la Economía Social. Para ello, en primer lugar, se ha elaborado una base de datos en la que se incluyen todas las titulaciones de posgrado relacionadas con los estudios de Economía. Asimismo, se ha diseñado un cuestionario estructurado con el objetivo de caracterizar este tipo de formación. Se concluye la escasa importancia que tiene en el sistema universitario de posgrado español la formación en Economía Social, detectándose algunas diferencias significativas en la caracterización del proceso formativo entre las titulaciones de Economía Social y las convencionales de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, emprendimiento e innovación empresarial, en aspectos tales, como: los valores, las competencias, las habilidades, la forma de entender y transmitir el funcionamiento de la economía, etc. A partir de estas conclusiones se dan una serie de recomendaciones que pueden contribuir a fomentar y dinamizar, mediante la formación en posgrados, la Economía Social

    The training in social and Solidarity Economy. Analysis of the University offer in Spain

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    En el presente artículo se analiza la importancia que tiene la formación para el fomento de la economía social, prestando especial a tención a la caracterización de la oferta formativa de este tipo de estudios y diferenciándol a respecto a la oferta formativa convencional en el área de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, emprendimiento e innovación. Previo a ello, se reflexiona, en base a un breve análisis bibliográfico, sobre las relaciones que se establecen entre educación y econ omía para, posteriormente, centrarnos en la caracterización de este tipo de formación, prest ando especial atención a la que se centra en la Economía Social. Para ello, en primer lugar, se ha elaborado una base de datos en la que se incluyen todas las titulaciones de posgrado relacio nadas con los estudios de Economía. Asimismo, se ha diseñado un cuestionario estructura do con el objetivo de caracterizar este tipo de formación. Se concluye la escasa importanci a que tiene en el sistema universitario de posgrado español la formación en Economía Social, d etectándose algunas diferencias significativas en la caracterización del proceso fo rmativo entre las titulaciones de Economía Social y las convencionales de Administración y Dir ección de Empresas, emprendimiento e innovación empresarial, en aspectos tales, como: lo s valores, las competencias, las habilidades, la forma de entender y transmitir el f uncionamiento de la economía, etc. A partir de estas conclusiones se dan una serie de recomenda ciones que pueden contribuir a fomentar y dinamizar, mediante la formación en posgrados, la Economía Social.This research analyses the importance of the train ing for the promotion of the social economy in two ways: 1) focusing on the characteris tics of the educational offer of Social Economy and 2) analyzing its differences regarding to those studies from the Management, entrepreneurship, and innovations areas. To this ai m, it is carried out as a first step a literature review of the contributions that study the relation ships that can exist between the education and Economy. Then, being based on this previous ana lysis, we already center our research on the Social Economy sector and its relations with th e education system. To get this objective, it has been developed a database that includes all the postgraduate titles related to the Economics area. Likewise, a questionnaire has been designed with the aim of characterize the training in social Economy. As a conclusion, it is obtained that the training in social economy in postgraduate studies in the Spanish Universities is very poor. On the other hand, there are significant differences between Social Economy degr ees and Business Management, entrepreneurship and innovation degrees with regard to different aspects such as: values to transmit, competencies, skills, the way of understa nding the Economy, etc. Based on these conclusions, different recommendations are proposed in order to promote and boost this other way of doing Economy through the training and educa tion in postgraduate studies

    Modelo dinámico de crecimiento en altura para monte alcornocal (Quercus suber L.) españoles y tunecinos

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    Seven simple and advanced dynamic polymorphic functions were considered to develop a dominant height growth model for Spanish and Tunisian cork oak forests. Data from 115 stem analyses performed in two regions in each country were used to fit the equations. Parameter estimates were obtained using the Dummy variable method. Both numerical, graphical and biological consistency were used to compare alternative models. The dynamic equation finally selected was derived from the Hossfeld model by considering the shape parameter to be related to site productivity. An analysis of the dominant height growth patterns between the two countries indicated that the same dominant height growth model was valid for both countries. This dominant height growth model allows estimation of dominant height with a level of reliability of at least 83% from an age of 15 years for a prediction interval of less than 40 years.Para desarrollar un modelo de crecimiento en altura dominante para monte alcornocal en España y Túnez se han probado siete funciones polimórficas simples y dinámicas. Para ello se han utilizado datos procedentes de 115 análisis de troncos realizados en dos regiones distintas de cada país. Para estimar los parámetros se utilizó el método de las variables ficticias. Los modelos fueron comparados de forma numérica y gráfica. La ecuación dinámica finalmente seleccionada fue derivada a partir de la ecuación de crecimiento de Hossfeld considerando el parámetro de forma como relacionado con la productividad de la estación. El análisis del patrón que sigue el crecimiento en altura dominante en ambos países indica que el mismo modelo de crecimiento en altura dominante es valido para ambos países. Este modelo de crecimiento en altura dominante nos permite estimar la altura dominante con una fiabilidad de más de un 83% a partir de los 15 años para un periodo de predicción menor de 40 años

    Analysing the links between cooperative principles,entrepreneurial orientation and performance

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    Cooperatives are enterprises characterised bycertain principles, such as cooperation, democratic de-cision-making, and training that define their entrepre-neurial behaviours. Several of these cooperative princi-ples appear to exert a positive influence on the perfor-mance of these firms and on the three dimensions thatdefine the entrepreneurial orientation of companies:proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking. Thisstudy builds a theoretical model that relates cooperativeprinciples, entrepreneurial orientation, and performancefrom the perspective of corporate governance and hu-man resource management practices, in order to studythe links that may exist between these elements. Usingdata from a survey on 155 worker cooperatives in theBasque Country (Spain) and applying the partial leastsquares technique, we find that cooperative principlespositively affect the performance of cooperatives, bothdirectly and via entrepreneurial orientation.Premio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de Turismo y Finanza