1,862 research outputs found

    Offre de travail des femmes mariées immigrantes au Canada

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    This paper examines the differences in labour supply between married immigrant women and married native women in Canada. Using data from the 2001 Canadian census, we find that immigrant women have a lower labour force participation rate than native women (70.6 versus 77.8). Among immigrants, those coming from Asia are the less likely to participate in the labour market. This result is important given the fact that Asia is becoming the main source of immigration in Canada. Also, we find that the wage elasticity of the labour supply is twice and a half higher for native women compared to immigrants (0.18 versus 0.072). This difference in labour supply’s responses might indicate that immigrant women have limited choices regarding the labour market participation, perhaps because of cultural constraints regarding the role of woman within the household, or because of the difficulties to find employment. Finally, we find that the wage elasticity of the labour supply is slightly higher for immigrants from Europe compared to immigrants from other regions (0.082 versus 0.058), but remains significantly lower than the wage elasticity for native women. Cette étude analyse l’offre de travail des femmes mariées selon le statut d’immigration au Canada. Nos résultats empiriques obtenus à l’aide des données du recensement canadien de 2001, indiquent que les femmes immigrantes ont un taux d’activité plus faible comparativement aux natives. Les immigrantes provenant d’Asie sont les moins susceptibles de participer au marché du travail alors que, parallèlement, cette région est devenue la source d’immigration la plus importante au Canada. Par ailleurs, nous trouvons que l’élasticité de l’offre de travail par rapport au salaire horaire est deux fois et demie plus élevée pour les natives comparativement aux immigrantes (0,18 contre 0,072). Ce faible degré de réponse des femmes immigrantes aux signaux du marché du travail, pourrait indiquer qu’elles ont moins de choix dans les faits à cause, peut-être, de contraintes culturelles quant à la position de la femme au sein du ménage, ou encore à cause des difficultés d’accès à l’emploi auxquelles font face les immigrantes. Enfin, nous trouvons que les immigrantes européennes ont une élasticité de l’offre de travail par rapport au salaire qui est légèrement supérieure à celle des autres immigrantes (0,082 contre 0,058), mais qui demeure significativement inférieure à celle des natives.

    Adaptation by macrophytes to inorganic carbon down a river with naturally variable concentrations of CO2

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    The productivity and ecological distribution of freshwater plants can be controlled by the availability of inorganic carbon in water despite the existence of different mechanisms to ameliorate this, such as the ability to use bicarbonate. Here we took advantage of a short, natural gradient of CO2 concentration, against a background of very high and relatively constant concentration of bicarbonate, in a spring-fed river, to study the effect of variable concentration of CO2 on the ability of freshwater plants to use bicarbonate. Plants close to the source, where the concentration of CO2 was up to 24-times air equilibrium, were dominated by Berula erecta. pH-drift results and discrimination against 13C were consistent with this and the other species being restricted to CO2 and unable to use the high concentration of bicarbonate. There was some indication from stable 13C data that B. erecta may have had access to atmospheric CO2 at low water levels. In contrast, species downstream, where concentrations of CO2 were only about 5-times air-equilibrium were almost exclusively able to use bicarbonate, based on pH-drift results. Discrimination against 13C was also consistent with bicarbonate being the main source of inorganic carbon for photosynthesis in these species. There was, therefore, a transect downstream from the source of increasing ability to use bicarbonate that closely matched the decreasing concentration of CO2. This was produced largely by altered species composition, but partly by phenotypic changes in individual species

    In flow metal-enhanced fluorescence for biolabelling and biodetection

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    Escherichia colibacteria were determined by in flow cytometry with laser excitation and fluorescence detection applying ultraluminescent core-shell nanoparticles based on Metal Enhanced Fluorescence (MEF). Core-shell nanoparticles consisted of a 40 nm core modified with a silica spacer grafted with Rhodamine B (RhB). The electromagnetic field in the near field of the core surface enhanced the fluorescence of RhB by plasmonic and fluorophore coupling. The hydrophilic silica spacer allowed the non-covalent interaction with the polarE. colisurface and thus ultraluminescent bacteria biolabelling was developed. Clearly, well defined and bright bacteria imaging was recorded by Laser Fluorescence Microscopy based on the non-covalent deposition of the ultraluminescent nano-emitters. Using these nano-labellers, it was possible to detect labelledE. coliby in flow cytometry. Higher values of Side-scattered light (SSC) and Forward-scattered light (FSC), and number of fluorescent event detections, were observed for labelled bacteria compared to those non-labelled. The sensitivity of the methodology was evaluated by varying bacteria concentration and acceptable analytical figures of merit were determined. Applying this methodology we could quantifyE. colifrom a synthetic real sample of fortified water. Similar results were obtained by bacteria counting with Laser Fluorescence Microscopy and with a cell-bacteria counter.Fil: Gontero, Daniela. Clínica de la Familia II. Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos y Bacteriológicos; ArgentinaFil: Veglia, Alicia Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Bracamonte, Angel Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentin

    Production of crystallized fruit from watermelon rind

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo el aprovechamiento de las cascaras de sandía en la elaboración de productos cristalizados. Para esto fue eliminada la cutícula verde externa de la cascara, cortadas en forma de cubo de aproximadamente 7 mm de lado, escaldado con agua en su temperatura de ebullición utilizando 0, 5 ó 10 minutos y dejados inmersos en una solución de cloruro de sodio. Posteriormente fueron sometidas a concentraciones crecientes de soluciones de sacarosa (30 a 72 °Brix) y deshidratadas en un secador a diferentes temperaturas (40, 60 y 80 °C). Los diferentes tratamientos fueron evaluados por un panel sensorial. El diseño experimental empleado fue el de bloques completos aleatorios y los resultados del análisis sensorial fueron evaluados por la prueba de comparación de medias de Tukey. Fue constatado que el tratamiento con mayor aceptabilidad, por parte del panel sensorial, fue la que había sido sometida a un escaldado de 5 minutos y deshidratado a 60 °C, cuyos valores de intensidad para la apariencia, sabor y gomosidad estuvieron entre 6 y 7.The aim of this work was to produce crystallized fruit from watermelon rind. The following procedure was developed: the outer peel was removed; the material was sliced into 7 mm cubes, blanched for, 0, 5 and 10 minutes, and then treated with 10% sodium chloride solution. This product was treated with solutions of sucrose (30 to 72 °Brix), and dried in a hot air dryer at different temperatures (40, 60 and 80 °C). Products were then analyzed by a sensory panel. The experimental design used was randomized blocks and the results were analyzed by the Tukey's test. The best acceptance of the sensory panel was for the product obtained by 5 minutes blanching followed by drying at 60 °C, whose intensity values for appearance, flavor and gummosis were between 6 and 7

    Insights on the functions and ecophysiological relevance of the diverse carbonic anhydrases in microalgae

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    Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) exist in all kingdoms of life. They are metalloenzymes, often containing zinc, that catalyze the interconversion of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide—a ubiquitous reaction involved in a variety of cellular processes. So far, eight classes of apparently evolutionary unrelated CAs that are present in a large diversity of living organisms have been described. In this review, we focus on the diversity of CAs and their roles in photosynthetic microalgae. We describe their essential role in carbon dioxide-concentrating mechanisms and photosynthesis, their regulation, as well as their less studied roles in non-photosynthetic processes. We also discuss the presence in some microalgae, especially diatoms, of cambialistic CAs (i.e., CAs that can replace Zn by Co, Cd, or Fe) and, more recently, a CA that uses Mn as a metal cofactor, with potential ecological relevance in aquatic environments where trace metal concentrations are low. There has been a recent explosion of knowledge about this well-known enzyme with exciting future opportunities to answer outstanding questions using a range of different approaches

    Off to a good start? Inequalities and policy options for facilitating school-to-work transition among youth

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    In Latin America, approximately one in four people of working age are young, at 15–24 years old, the age at which most make the transition from school to the labour market. This young population group is a valuable resource for the region with potential to increase economic growth. This document presents indicators that reveal the barriers to access to decent work that exclude young people, mainly those from lower-income households and women. Policy options are put forward to reduce these gaps and facilitate the transition to the labour market with a comprehensive approach that enhances demand, supports supply and facilitates interaction between them. In a context of multiple crises and enormous needs, innovative and high-impact options should be prioritized, with a comprehensive vision that takes into account the voice of young people. Great individual and collective commitment are needed to create tools that will enable youth to face the challenges of the far-reaching demographic, technological, economic and environmental transformations of the future.Introduction .-- I. A challenging context .-- II. The school-to-work transition .-- III. Young people outside both the education system and the labour market .-- IV. Labour market indicators .-- V. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth labour market integration .-- VI. The voice of youth: expectations meet reality .-- VII. Policy options .-- VIII. Concluding remarks
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