80 research outputs found

    Unutarnja oksidacija Cu-Se legura

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    The purpose of our investigation was to perform the thermodynamic calculation of all possible reactions in the Cu-Se-O system and to explain the oxidation mechanism in various conditions. For such study, a model of copper with one single inclusion and alloy with 1.65 wt. % Se were made. Depending on time, the oxidation has been taking place at two different temperatures and two oxygen partial pressures. The oxidized samples have been investigated by DTA, optical and electron microscopy (SEM).Namjena istraživanja je izraditi termodinamički proračun svih mogućih reakcija u sustavu Cu-Se-O i obrazložiti mehanizme oksidacije u različitim uvjetima. Za takovo izučavanje izrađen je model bakra sa samo jednim uključkom i legura sa 1,65 mas. % Se. U ovisnosti od vremena, oksidacija se odvijala kod različitih temperatura i kod dviju različitih djelomičnih tlakova kisika. Oksidirani uzorci su bili ispitivani metodom DTA, optičkom i elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM)

    “I am More Than my Addiction”: Perceptions of Stigma and Access to Care in Acute Opioid Crisis

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    The goal of this research is to analyze the stigmatization of opioid addiction within the framework of emergency care from an ethnographic perspective. Interviews with those who have been swept up in the current opioid epidemic indicate that stigma, or a shame or dishonor, and socioeconomic insecurity emerge often as common themes in their emergency care experiences. In many cases, socioeconomic insecurity most intensely translates into a lack of access to healthcare and emergency rooms across the country often function as primary care for uninsured populations. The central field site selected for this study was the emergency department of an urban trauma-level research hospital in an attempt to document the process of care for those in opioid crisis and the challenges healthcare providers face in facilitating this care. The aim of this research is to discover how stigma affects care in emergency room settings during an acute opioid crisis. This is a moment when patients may be most open to the idea of detoxification and sobriety. In this study, I argue that addiction can be shifted from being viewed as a disgraceful state to a medical condition, by uncovering what experiences overdose victims have while under emergency care, how patients experience stigma related to their opioid crisis, and what challenges healthcare providers describe while facilitating care during crisis. Findings suggest that stigma permeates the interactions drug-addicted patients have with healthcare professionals and that it may have a negative impact on their decision to seek further treatment. Application of results in the form of a community resource guide made available to patients and hospital staff indicate the potential for reducing stigma of intravenous/opioid-related addiction as healthcare providers are more able to discern gaps in care for addicted patients and facilitate greater follow-up care and access to resources. This thesis illustrates the potential for qualitative analysis of acute care to uncover vital next steps in reducing the stigma surrounding opioid addiction. Reducing stigma in the provision of care could foster more integrative approaches to treatment, help inform new protocols for caregivers, uncover resources to aid healthcare providers, and potentially provide a more substantial level of care and access to resources for the patient in crisis—one that may facilitate recovery in lieu of relapse

    Optimization approaches to dispensary observation of patients with polymorbid pathology on the metabolic syndrome background

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    Development of new approaches to the implementation of dispensary observation (DO) of patients with polymorbid pathology against the background of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and the evaluation of their efficiency were considere

    Models of shifts and correlation links of hematological and immunological parameters of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis

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    The goal of this study is to examine and to evaluate hematological and immunological parameters of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis based on the models of shifts and correlations. At that, the assessment of carried-out modeling and correlations allows to identify the leading parameters of diagnostics and intrasystemic blood parameters and cell-mediated immunit

    Additional visits as a factor determining the psychoemotional status of a dentist and a patient requiring endodontic treatment

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    The possibility of achieving effective communication that optimizes interpersonal relations between the doctor and the patient along with the formation of manual skills is one of the most important aspects of dental education. The paper presents the results of the survey of 58 second-year resident physicians and 64 dentists with more than 5 years of work experienc

    The study of destruction of the compositions restoring the dentition integrity under uniaxial tension

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    Using vital teeth as supports for non-removable prostheses has a known beneficial effect on the rehabilitation of patients suffering from partial adentia. In this case, dentinal tubules remain exposed after their preparation, which leads to tooth hypersensitivity. At the same time, the effects of chemical and physical agents, as well as bacteria and their metabolic products may promote the development of pulpitis of teeth being a part of orthopedic structur

    Photophoresis of topical steroids in the treatment of severe forms of lichen ruber planus of oral mucosa

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    The objective of the study is to search for new methods of treatment for lichen ruber planus with high efficacy, few complications and side effects, as well as providing a long-term therapeutic effect. The authors used the method of photophoresis (red LED radiation + topical steroid) in the combination treatment of 40 patients with severe forms of lichen ruber planu

    X-ray verification of the possibility of the mandible articular head restoration: A clinical case

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    Improvement of the methods of diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is of prime importance in increasing the efficacy of orthopedic treatment. The aim of the study was to prove the possibility of TMJ structures restoration in the normalization of the lower jaw position during orthopedic treatment. The study confirmed the need to normalize the interalveolar height, to form multiple contacts for the antagonizing lateral teeth that allow to eliminate both joint heads distal displacement and bilaminar zone compression and, consequently, to reduce degenerative changes in TMJ joint

    Cytomorphometric indicators of the gingiva epitheliocytes of patients with ischemic heart disease on the background of taking acetylsalicylic acid

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    The aim is to study the cytological and morphometric characteristics of gingiva epitheliocytes in patients with IHD who are constantly taking ASA drugs. To determine the dental status, 92 patients aged 40-60 years who are on outpatient treatment of IHD were examined. An in-depth scientific study was conducted and the results of cytomorphometric indicators of the gingiva epitheliocytes of patients with ischemic heart disease, constantly taking acetylsalicylic acid drugs, were presente