1,318 research outputs found

    Book Review: \u3ci\u3eAnthony deMello: The Happy Wanderer.\u3c/i\u3e

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    Book review of, Anthony deMello: The Happy Wanderer. by Bill deMello

    Book Review: \u3cem\u3eThe Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India\u3c/em\u3e

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    A review of The Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India by Robert A. Yelle

    The Value of Choice: An Exploratory Case Study on the Intrinsic Motivation of Dance Students Within the Creative Process

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    This exploratory case study was designed to analyze the impact choice making has on the intrinsic motivation of middle school dance students including self determination theory’s basic needs of competence, relatedness, and autonomy. Data were collected using multiple sources including observation rubrics and semi-structured pre- and post- group interviews. Two groups of students ages 11-14 created dances for performance. One group participated in a collaborative approach to the creative process and had the opportunity to make choices. The other group participated in a teacher-led creative process and did not have the opportunity to make choices. A thematic content analysis of pre- and post- study interviews revealed three distinct themes that were unique to choice-group students: individuality, community, and new ways of thinking. This differed from non-choice group students who revealed themes of feeling important and improved ability. Graphs derived from ratings scales on observational rubrics revealed that students who had the opportunity to make choices had higher ratings of autonomy and relatedness over the duration of the study. The findings from this study suggest that implementing student choice in the classroom may have a positive effect on intrinsic motivation and the basic needs of competence, relatedness, and autonomy

    Teach Next Year

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    Teach Next Year, a nationally acclaimed teacher residency program. TNY is an alternative, experiential urban school-based route to earning a master’s degree in education (M.Ed.) and Massachusetts initial teacher licensure through the UMass Boston in approximately 12 months. The program is designed to build on the interests and expertise of its students, faculty and the students in Boston Public Schools. Because it is an intensive site-based educational experience, it provides the support of professors, practitioners and colleagues while it supplies the challenge of study, practice and exploration

    Teach Next Year – Curriculum & Instruction Department

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    The NOYCE Phase II project aimed “to increase the number of highly qualified STEM graduates entering the teaching profession, to prepare those teachers to be able to teach a wide range of urban students, and to build a continuum of teacher development for those teachers in their early teaching careers.” A report contained commendations and recommendations for the UMASS Boston TNY Program, based on analysis of data collected from the 2013 EOY survey that addressed the five NOYCE Phase II goals, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Competency Standards for teachers

    Inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic viruses in Phaseolus vulgaris

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    In populations from crosses of resistant and susceptible plants of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivar Black Turtle Soup, resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BICMV) and to cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus (CAbMV) was conferred independently by single dominant factors that appear to be closely linked. The symbol Bcm was assigned to the gene for BICMV resistance and Cam to that for CAbMV. Linkage was determined by separately inoculating plants of the testeross with both viruses on different leaves. Since BICMV and CAbMV Incite identical symptoms, but do not cross protect against each other, their presence in each susceptible plant was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This detection method was highly specific because the two viruses are distantly related serologically. The normally resistant plants responded with a lethal systemic hypersensitive reaction when approach-grafted to BICMV or CAbMV-infected plants, or when mechanically in oculated and held constantiy at 35°

    Inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Vigna unguiculata

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    Abstract: Crosses between the resistant cowpea line TVU 2480 obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (llTA), Ibadan, Nigeria and the susceptible domestic cultivar Early Ramshorn were used to determine the inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (B1CMV). Evaluation of F1, F2, and reciprocal backcross populations by symptomatology and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) clearly indicated that a single recessive gene controls the high level of resistance. The symbol bcm (blackeye cowpea mosaic) is assigned to this factor. llTA cowpea lines TVU 2740, TVU 3273, TVU 2657, and TVU 2845 seem to possess this same gen

    Development of virus resistant transgenic papayas expressing the coat protein gene from a Brazilian isolate of Papaya ringspot virus.

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    Translatable and nontranslatable versions of the coat protein (cp) gene of a Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) isolate collected in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were engineered for expression in Sunrise and Sunset Solo varieties of papaya (Carica papaya). The biolistic system was used to transform secondary somatic embryo cultures derived from immature zygotic embryos. Fifty-four transgenic lines, 26 translatable and 28 nontranslatable gene versions, were regenerated, with a transformation efficiency of 2.7%. Inoculation of cloned RO plants with PRSV BR, PRSV HA or PRSV TH, Brazilian, Hawaiian and Thai isolates, respectively, revealed !ines with mono-, double-, and triple-resistance. After molecular analysis and a pre!iminary agronomic evaluation, 13 RI and R2 populations were incorporated into the papaya-breeding program at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, in Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil. Additional keywords: Carica papaya, potyvirus, resistance, breeding, virus. Desenvolvimento de mamoeiros transgênicos resistentes a vírus expressando o gene da capa protéica de um isolado brasileiro de Papaya ringspot vírus Versões traduzíveis e não traduzíveis do gene da capa protéica (cp) de um isolado de Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) coletado no Estado da Bahia, Brasil, foram produzidas para expressão nas variedades Sunrise e Sunset Solo de mamoeiro (Carica papaya). O sistema de biobalística foi utilizado para transformar embriões somáticos secundários derivados de embriões zigóticos imaturos. Cinqüenta e quatro linhas transgênicas, sendo 26 contendo versões traduzíveis e 28 contendo versões não traduzíveis do gene cp foram regeneradas, o que resultou em 2,7% de eficiência de transformação, quando considerado o número de linhas transgênicas obtidas por embrião zigótico imaturo excisado. Desafios de plantas RO com PRSV BR, PRSV HA ou PRSV TH, respectivamente isolado brasileiro, havaiano e tailandês, revelaram linhas com resistência a um, dois e três isolados de PRSV. Após análises moleculares e avaliação agronômica preliminar, 13 populações RI e R2 de mamoeiros transgênicos foram incorporadas ao programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, em Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. Palavras-chave adicionais: Carica papaya, potyvirus, resistência, melhoramento, PRSV

    A comparative study of reactivity and selectivity of chiral diamines and structurally analogous amino alcohol ligands in enantioselective alkylations with diethylzinc

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    A series of chiral delta-diamines and structurally analogous delta-amino alcohols derived from natural tartaric acid were synthesized and a comparative study of their activity and selectivity in the enantioselective alkylation of aromatic aldehydes was carried out. Our results show that in general the delta-diamines were found to be better chiral inducers than the corresponding delta-amino alcohols. The highest selectivity was observed when benzaldehyde was alkylated in the presence of the benzylic diamine, giving (R)-1-phenylpropanol with an ee of 42%. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd