68 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Resistance Markers of Class 1 and Class 2 Integron-bearing Escherichia coli from Irrigation Water and Sediments

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    Municipal and agricultural pollution affects the Rio Grande, a river that separates the United States from Mexico. Three hundred and twenty-two Escherichia coli isolates were examined for multiple antibiotic resistance phenotypes and the prevalence of class 1 and class 2 integron sequences. Thirty-two (10%) of the isolates were resistant to multiple antibiotics. Four (13%) of these isolates contained class 1–specific integron sequences; one isolate contained class 2 integron–specific sequences. Sequencing showed that the class 1 integron–bearing strain contained two distinct gene cassettes, sat-1 and aadA. Although three of the four class 1 integron–bearing strains harbored the aadA sequence, none of the strains was phenotypically resistant to streptomycin. These results suggest that integron-bearing E. coli strains can be present in contaminated irrigation canals and that these isolates may not express these resistance markers

    A consensus protocol for the recovery of mercury methylation genes from metagenomes

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    Mercury (Hg) methylation genes (hgcAB) mediate the formation of the toxic methylmercury and have been identified from diverse environments, including freshwater and marine ecosystems, Arctic permafrost, forest and paddy soils, coal-ash amended sediments, chlor-alkali plants discharges and geothermal springs. Here we present the first attempt at a standardized protocol for the detection, identification and quantification of hgc genes from metagenomes. Our Hg-cycling microorganisms in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Hg-MATE) database, a catalogue of hgc genes, provides the most accurate information to date on the taxonomic identity and functional/metabolic attributes of microorganisms responsible for Hg methylation in the environment. Furthermore, we introduce "marky-coco", a ready-to-use bioinformatic pipeline based on de novo single-metagenome assembly, for easy and accurate characterization of hgc genes from environmental samples. We compared the recovery of hgc genes from environmental metagenomes using the marky-coco pipeline with an approach based on coassembly of multiple metagenomes. Our data show similar efficiency in both approaches for most environments except those with high diversity (i.e., paddy soils) for which a coassembly approach was preferred. Finally, we discuss the definition of true hgc genes and methods to normalize hgc gene counts from metagenomes

    Are alkane hydroxylase genes (alkB) relevant to assess petroleum bioremediation processes in chronically polluted coastal sediments?

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    The diversity of alkB-related alkane hydroxylase sequences and the relationship between alkB gene expres- sion and the hydrocarbon contamination level have been investigated in the chronically polluted Etang-de-Berre sediments. For this purpose, these sediments were main- tained in microcosms and submitted to a controlled oil input miming an oil spill. New degenerated PCR primers targeting alkB-related alkane hydroxylase sequences were designed to explore the diversity and the expression of these genes using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting and gene library analyses. Induction of alkB genes was detected immediately after oil addition and their expression detected only during 2 days, although the n-alkane degradation was observed throughout the 14 days of incubation. The alkB gene expression within triplicate microcosms was heterogeneous probably due to the low level of alkB transcripts. Moreover, the alkB gene expression of dominant OTUs has been observed in unoiled microcosms indicating that the expression of this gene cannot be directly related to the oil contamination. Although the dominant alkB genes and transcripts detected were closely related to the alkB of Marinobacter aquaeolei isolated from an oil- producing well, and to alkB genes related to the obligate alkanotroph Alcanivorax borkumen- sis, no clear relationship between the oil contamination and the expression of the alkB genes could be established. This finding suggests that in such coastal environments, alkB gene expression is not a function relevant enough to monitor bacterial response to oil contamination

    Antimicrobial resistance of mesophilic Aeromonas spp. isolated from two European rivers

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    Transcriptomic evidence for versatile metabolic activities of mercury cycling microorganisms in brackish microbial mats

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    Methylmercury, biomagnifying through food chains, is highly toxic for aquatic life. Its production and degradation are largely driven by microbial transformations; however, diversity and metabolic activity of mercury transformers, resulting in methylmercury concentrations in environments, remain poorly understood. Microbial mats are thick biofilms where oxic and anoxic metabolisms cooccur, providing opportunities to investigate the complexity of the microbial mercury transformations over contrasted redox conditions. Here, we conducted a genome-resolved metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis to identify putative activity of mercury reducers, methylators and demethylators in microbial mats strongly contaminated by mercury. Our transcriptomic results revealed the major role of rare microorganisms in mercury cycling. Mercury methylators, mainly related to Desulfobacterota, expressed a large panel of metabolic activities in sulfur, iron, nitrogen, and halogen compound transformations, extending known activities of mercury methylators under suboxic to anoxic conditions. Methylmercury detoxification processes were dissociated in the microbial mats with methylmercury cleavage being carried out by sulfide-oxidizing Thiotrichaceae and Rhodobacteraceae populations, whereas mercury reducers included members of the Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria, and different populations of Rhodobacteraceae. However most of the mercury reduction was potentially carried out anaerobically by sulfur- and iron-reducing Desulfuromonadaceae, revising our understanding of mercury transformers ecophysiology

    Effect of macrofaunal bioturbation on bacterial distribution in marine sandy sediments, with special reference to sulphur-oxidising bacteria

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    We have studied the impact of the bioturbating macrofauna, in particular the lugworm Arenicola marina and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule, on abundances and distribution patterns of total bacteria and of bacteria of selected functional groups in sandy intertidal sediments. The selected groups comprised the colourless sulphur-oxidising bacteria and the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, which are expected to occupy small zones at the oxygen–sulphide interface in stable (non-bioturbated) sediments. The presence of a wooden wreck buried in the sediment at 10 cm depth within a large area of intertidal sand flat colonised by lugworms provided a unique opportunity to confront field observations with laboratory simulations. The site with the wooden wreck, which was used as control site, was devoid of both A. marina and C. edule, while the composition of the rest of the zoobenthic community was rather similar to that of the surrounding area. In the field, the density of total bacteria was approximately one order of magnitude higher in the control site than in the natural (bioturbated) site. This can be explained by the higher contents of silt and clay particles (higher surface-area/volume ratio) and higher total organic-carbon contents found at the control site. It appears that the presence of macrofauna affects sedimentation processes, which indirectly influence bacterial dynamics. Samples from the control site have been incubated in the laboratory with A. marina and C. edule added (bioturbated core), while an unamended core served as a control. The laboratory experiments contrasted with the field observations, because it was found that total bacteria were actually higher in the deeper layers of the bioturbated core. Moreover, the populations were more homogeneous (less stratified) and colourless sulphur bacteria were on average less numerous in the bioturbated core. In general, laboratory incubations resulted in a decrease of total bacteria with a concomitant increase of colourless and phototrophic sulphur-oxidising bacteria and thus in modifications of the bacterial community structure. Hence, our results demonstrate that care must be taken in extrapolating results from laboratory experiments (e.g. mesocosm research) to field situations

    Three-year survey of sulfate-reducing bacteria community structure in Carnoules acid mine drainage (France), highly contaminated by arsenic

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    A 3-year survey on sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) was conducted in the waters of the arsenic-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) located at Carnoules (France) to determine the influence of environmental parameters on their community structure. The source (S5 station) exhibited most extreme conditions with pH lowering to similar to 1.2; iron, sulfate, and arsenic concentrations reaching 6843, 29593, and 638mgL1, respectively. The conditions were less extreme at the downstream stations S1 (pH similar to 3.7; iron, sulfate, and arsenic concentrations of 1114, 4207, and 167mgL1, respectively) and COWG (pH similar to 3.4; iron, sulfate, and arsenic concentrations of 854, 3134, and 110mgL1, respectively). SRB community structures were characterized by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and library analyses based on dsrAB genes. The predominant dsrAB sequences detected were most similar to the family Desulfobulbaceae. Additionally, certain phylotypes could be related to spatio-temporal fluctuations of pH, iron, and arsenic species. For example, Desulfohalobiaceae-related sequences were detected at the most acidic sample (pH 1.4) with high iron and arsenic concentrations (6379 and 524mgL1, respectively). New dsrAB sequences, with no isolated representatives, were found exclusively in COWG. This study gives new insights on SRB community dynamics in AMD systems