8,919 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves in α−\alpha-attractors

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    We study inflation in the α−\alpha-attractor model under a non-slow-roll dynamics with an ansatz proposed by Gong \& Sasaki \cite{Gong:2015ypa} of assuming N=N(ϕ)N=N\left(\phi\right). Under this approach, we construct a class of local shapes of inflaton potential that are different from the T-models. We find this type of inflationary scenario predicts an attractor at ns∼0.967n_{s}\sim0.967 and r∼0.00055r\sim0.00055. In our approach, the non-slow-roll inflaton dynamics are related to the α−\alpha-parameter which is the curvature of K\"ahler geometry in the SUGRA embedding of this model.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of "The Fourtheenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity", University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, July 12-18, 2015, based on a talk delivered at the ST4 parallel sessio

    Representasi Konsep Patet dalam Tradisi Garap Gamelan Bali

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    Patet merupakan salah satu persoalan penting karena memiliki keberagaman dalam tradisi garap pada setiap gamelan Bali.. Sayangnya, keberagaman tersebut tidak terpublikasi dan terumuskan secara komprehensif menjadi sebuah teori yang dapat menjelaskan patet gamelan Bali. Salah satu garap patet yang unik, yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah implementasi patet dalam Gamelan Gong Suling. Gamelan ini merupakan salah satu gamelan yang tidak eksis di masyarakat, namun sesungguhnya memiliki fleksibelitas dalam konsep penggarapan terutama persoalan patet yang berbeda dengan gamelan Bali lainnya. Oleh sebab itu, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi patet dalam Gamelan Gong Suling. Metode penelitian didasarkan pada metode analisis deskriptif melalui teori garap. Ada dua aspek analisis utama tentang garap Gamelan Gong Suling: (1) pengelompokan tungguhan (instrumen), dan (2) konsepsi musik. Sedangkan untuk instrumennya, Gamelan Gong Suling terdiri dari seruling Bali, kendang, cengceng ricik, kajar, klenang, dan gong pulu. Mengenai fungsi alat musiknya, seruling Bali memainkan melodi (bantang gending, bon gending, payasan gending), kendang memainkan payasan gending, cengceng ricik memainkan pengramen, dan gong pulu memainkan pesu mulih. Konsep musik Gamelan Gong Suling menyangkut: materi garap, prabot garap atau piranti garap, dan penentu garap. Mengenai materi garap, Gamelan Gong Suling memiliki nada dasar yang disebut Bantang Gending; mengenai Piranti Garap, Gamelan Gong Suling memiliki lima tetekep: tetekep deng, dang, dong, dung dan ding; Adapun tentang Penentu Garap, terdapat empat ragam garap dalam Gamelan Gong Suling: garap tabuh petegak, garap prosesi, garap kreasi, dan garap dolanan.ABSTRACTThe Representation of Patet Concept in the Working Tradition of the Balinese Gamelan. Patet is an actual problem because it has diversity in the working tradition of the Balinese gamelan. Unfortunately, this diversity is not published and formulated comprehensively into a theory that can explain the patet of the Balinese gamelan. One of the unique patet works raised in this study is the representation of patet in Gamelan Gong Suling. This gamelan is one of the gamelans that does not exist in society. It has flexibility in the concept of gamelan works, especially the problem of patet, which is different from other Balinese gamelan. Therefore, the formulation of the situation in this study is implementing the patet in Gamelan Gong Suling. The research methodology is based on the descriptive analysis method through garap theory. There are two main analysis aspects concerning the work of Gamelan Gong Suling: (1) the tungguhan (instrumens) grouping, and (2) the musical conception. As for the instrumentation, Gamelan Gong Suling is composed of Balinese flutes, kendang, cengceng ricik, kajar, klenang, and gong pulu. Regarding the function of the instruments, Balinese flutes play the melody (bantang gending, bon gending, payasan gending), kendang plays the payasan gending, cengceng ricik plays the pengramen, and gong pulu plays the pesu mulih. The musical concept of Gamelan Gong Suling concerns: garap material, prabot garap or piranti garap, and penentu garap. Regarding the works, Gamelan Gong Suling has a fundamental melody called Bantang Gending; for what concerns to Piranti Garap, Gamelan Gong Suling has five tetekep: tetekep deng, dang, dong, dung, and ding; as for what regards as Penentu Garap, there are four garap styles in Gamelan Gong Suling: garap tabuh petegak, garap prosesi, garap kreasi, and garap dolanan.Keywords: form; patet; garap; gamela

    Loop-closure events during protein folding: Rationalizing the shape of Phi-value distributions

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    In the past years, the folding kinetics of many small single-domain proteins has been characterized by mutational Phi-value analysis. In this article, a simple, essentially parameter-free model is introduced which derives folding routes from native structures by minimizing the entropic loop-closure cost during folding. The model predicts characteristic folding sequences of structural elements such as helices and beta-strand pairings. Based on few simple rules, the kinetic impact of these structural elements is estimated from the routes and compared to average experimental Phi-values for the helices and strands of 15 small, well-characterized proteins. The comparison leads on average to a correlation coefficient of 0.62 for all proteins with polarized Phi-value distributions, and 0.74 if distributions with negative average Phi-values are excluded. The diffuse Phi-value distributions of the remaining proteins are reproduced correctly. The model shows that Phi-value distributions, averaged over secondary structural elements, can often be traced back to entropic loop-closure events, but also indicates energetic preferences in the case of a few proteins governed by parallel folding processes.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; to appear in "Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics

    BPS Saturated Amplitudes and Non-perturbative String Theory

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    The study of the special F^4 and R^4 in the effective action for the Spin(32)/Z_2 and type II strings sheds some light on D-brane calculus and on instanton contribution counting. The D-instanton case is discussed separately.Comment: latex 4 pages, crckapb style used. Cargese 1997 Gong show.v2 English corrected. v3 correction correcte
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