8 research outputs found

    'TB is a disease which hides in the body': Qualitative data on conceptualisations of tuberculosis recurrence among patients in Zambia and South Africa.

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    The WHO estimates 58 million people experienced one or more TB disease episodes between 2000 and 2018. These 'former TB patients' are at greater risk of future TB infection and death than TB naïve people. Additionally, former TB patients experience social, psychological, and physiological difficulties after microbiological cure. Drawing on semi-structured interviews collected with 28 people from communities in Zambia (n = 8) and South Africa (n = 2) between October 2018 and March 2019, we describe their perceptions of having two or more TB episodes. Utilising a discursive analytic approach, we interrogated how participants conceptualise their risk of disease recurrence. Despite being surprised by subsequent TB episodes, participants utilised their bodily experiences of TB signs and symptoms alongside their experiential knowledge of health systems processes to procure timely diagnosis and care. Yet, many participants were unable to resume social and economic participation. Experiences of multiple TB episodes and correlating social, economic, and physiological vulnerabilities, challenged participants biomedical understanding of TBs curability. Through notions of dirt and 'staining', participants conceptualise TB as a sinister, malicious presence they are bound to encounter time and again. Health providers should discuss the risk of TB recurrence with patients and promote prevention, early detection, and diagnosis of TB disease

    Molecular malaria surveillance using a novel protocol for extraction and analysis of nucleic acids retained on used rapid diagnostic tests

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    The use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) as a source for nucleic acids that can be analyzed via nucleic acid amplification techniques has several advantages, including minimal amounts of blood, sample collection, simplified storage and shipping conditions at room temperature. We have systematically developed and extensively evaluated a procedure to extract total nucleic acids from used malaria RDTs. The co-extraction of DNA and RNA molecules from small volumes of dried blood retained on the RDTs allows detection and quantification of P. falciparum parasites from asymptomatic patients with parasite densities as low as 1 Pf/µL blood using reverse transcription quantitative PCR. Based on the extraction protocol we have developed the ENAR (Extraction of Nucleic Acids from RDTs) approach; a complete workflow for large-scale molecular malaria surveillance. Using RDTs collected during a malaria indicator survey we demonstrated that ENAR provides a powerful tool to analyze nucleic acids from thousands of RDTs in a standardized and high-throughput manner. We found several, known and new, non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the propeller region of the kelch 13 gene among isolates circulating on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

    Piloting electronic informed consenting in a pneumococcal human infection study in Blantyre, Malawi

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    Background Electronic consent can potentially improve accuracy, workflow, and overall patient experience in clinical research but has not been used in Malawi, owing to uncertainty about data security and technical support. Objectives We explored the feasibility of using electronic consent (e-consent) in an ongoing human infection study in Blantyre Malawi. We dual-consented participants by both electronic and paper methods to assess the feasibility of electronic consent, and then compared benefits and challenges of the two methods. Methods The approved paper consent forms were digitized using Open Data Kit (ODK). Following participant information giving by the research staff, healthy literate adult participants with no audio-visual impairments completed a self-administered e-consent and provided an electronic signature. Signed e-consent forms were uploaded to a secure study server. While the participants were in clinic, the signed electronic consent form was printed as a copy for the participant. The feasibility, advantages and disadvantages including data safety consideration for e-consenting were evaluated by exploring issues surrounding use of e-consenting versus paper-based consenting. Consent forms were analysed by research staff for errors such as overwriting and legibility. Results We piloted 109 participants to e-consenting. It was found to be user friendly, had 0% (n 0/109) errors compared to 43.1% (n 47/109) in paper based methods along with enhanced data safety. The challenges included difficult digitization of ethics stamped documents, volunteer unfamiliarity with tablet user interface and its requirement for a working internet and printer. Conclusion E-consenting was feasible but required additional resource investment. Benefits included error minimization and data security

    Developing comprehensive woman hand-held case notes to improve quality of antenatal care in low-income settings: participatory approach with maternal health stakeholders in Malawi.

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    BackgroundIn the quest for quality antenatal care (ANC) and positive pregnancy experience, the value of comprehensive woman hand-held case notes cannot be emphasised enough. However, the woman's health passport book in Malawi presents gaps which hinder provision of quality care, especially during pregnancy. We aimed to develop a compressive updated woman hand-held case notes tool (health passport book) which reflects WHO 2016 ANC guidelines in Malawi.MethodsFrom July 2022 to August 2022, we applied a co-creative participatory approach in 3 workshops with key stakeholders to compare the current ANC tool contents to the WHO 2016 ANC guidelines, decide on key elements to be changed to improve adherence and change in practice, and redesign the woman's health passport tool to reflect the changes. Within-group discussions led to whole-group discussions and consensus, guided by a modified nominal group technique. Facilitators guided the discussions while ensuring autonomy of the group members in their deliberations. Discussions were recorded and transcribed. Data was analysed through thematic analysis, and reduction and summaries in affinity diagrams. The developed tool was endorsed for implementation within Malawi's healthcare system by the national safe motherhood technical working group (TWG) in July 2023.ResultsFive themes were identified in the analysis. These were (i) critical components in the current tool missed, (ii) reimagining the current ANC tool, (iii) opportunity for ultrasound scanning conduct and documentation, (iv) anticipated barriers related to implementation of the newly developed tool and (v) cultivating successful implementation. Participants further recommended strengthening of already existing policies and investments in health, strengthening public private partnerships, and continued capacity building of healthcare providers to ensure that their skill sets are up to date.ConclusionAchieving goals of quality ANC and universality of healthcare are possible if tools in practice reflect the guidelines set out. Our efforts reflect a pioneering attempt in Malawi to improve women's hand-held case notes, which we know help in enhancing quality of care and improve overall women's satisfaction with their healthcare system

    Molecular monitoring of the diversity of human pathogenic malaria species in blood donations on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

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    Abstract Background Malaria can be transmitted by blood transfusion from human to human and it is responsible for the majority of transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, it had been estimated that almost a quarter of blood donations contain malaria parasites. Since rapid diagnostic tests and thick blood smear microscopy lack sensitivity for low density parasitaemia, particularly in asymptomatic adults, the most reliable method to assess the problem of transfusion-transmitted malaria are nucleic acid-based molecular approaches such as quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of sub-microscopic malaria parasite infection among blood donors in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. Methods Between July and August 2017, a total of 200 individual blood samples from blood donors at the Malabo Blood Bank were collected and screened by rapid diagnostic tests and thick blood smear microscopy. Retrospectively, the same samples were analysed for the presence of undetected, low-density malaria parasites using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Results In comparison to 6.5% (13/200) by rapid diagnostic test and 2.0% (4/200) by microscopy, the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum positive blood donations analysed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction was significantly higher (26%, 52/200). Densities of P. falciparum positive blood donations were ranging from 0.06 to 3707.0 parasites/µL with 79.6% below 100 parasites/µL and therefore not detectable by non-molecular malaria diagnostic tests. qPCR based species identification revealed that P. falciparum was the dominating species responsible for 88.1% (52/59) of positive blood donations, followed by Plasmodium malariae (15.3%, 9/59) and Plasmodium ovale (3.4%, 2/59). Conclusions This study confirms that in malaria endemic settings, sub-patent malaria infections among blood donors are prevalent. In blood collected from healthy donors living in Malabo, P. falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale parasites were identified. Currently widely used malaria diagnostic tools have missed more than 75% of P. falciparum containing blood donations, demonstrating the value of quantitative polymerase chain reaction to reliably detect low density P. falciparum infections. Since the availability of molecular diagnostic methods in malaria endemic countries is still limited, the blood recipients living in malaria endemic countries should be treated following WHO recommendations

    Safety and differential antibody and T-cell responses to Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite vaccine by age in Tanzanian adults, adolescents, children, and infants

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    In 2016, there were more cases and deaths caused by malaria globally than in 2015. An effective vaccine would be an ideal additional tool for reducing malaria's impact. Sanaria; ®; PfSPZ Vaccine, composed of radiation-attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved; Plasmodium falciparum; (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ) has been well tolerated and safe in malaria-naïve and experienced adults in the United States and Mali and protective against controlled human malaria infection with Pf in the United States and field transmission of Pf in Mali, but had not been assessed in younger age groups. We, therefore, evaluated PfSPZ Vaccine in 93 Tanzanians aged 45 years to 6 months in a randomized, double-blind, normal saline placebo-controlled trial. There were no significant differences in adverse events between vaccinees and controls or between dosage regimens. Because all age groups received three doses of 9.0 × 10; 5; PfSPZ of PfSPZ Vaccine, immune responses were compared at this dosage. Median antibody responses against Pf circumsporozoite protein and PfSPZ were highest in infants and lowest in adults. T-cell responses were highest in 6-10-year olds after one dose and 1-5-year olds after three doses; infants had no significant positive T-cell responses. The safety data were used to support initiation of trials in > 300 infants in Kenya and Equatorial Guinea. Because PfSPZ Vaccine-induced protection is thought to be mediated by T cells, the T-cell data suggest PfSPZ Vaccine may be more protective in children than in adults, whereas infants may not be immunologically mature enough to respond to the PfSPZ Vaccine immunization regimen assessed

    A Hundred Key Questions for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

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    Marcia Vera Espinoza - ORCID: 0000-0001-6238-7683 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6238-7683Item not available in this repository.This project was financially supported by SIID, the University of Sheffield’s Research and Innovation Services (R&IS), and the Innovation, Impact and Knowledge Exchange (IIKE) programme.https://www.unrisd.org/en/library/publications/a-hundred-key-questions-for-the-post-2015-development-agendapubpu