15 research outputs found

    Вплив програми фізичної підготовки висококваліфікованих хокеїсток (нападників) на показники змагальної діяльності

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    Purpose: to define the efficiency of the program of physical training of highly skilled sportswomen on indicators of the competitive activity in field hockey that was offered in the first pre-season of an annual macrocycle. Material and Methods: influence of the offered program was decided with the help of testing of motive qualities and technical elements of female hockey players. Results: correlation between indicators of the competitive activity of players of attack and the level of physical preparation was found out. Conclusions: positive influence of introduction of the program on physical preparation for highly skilled female hockey players, namely – forwards, on indicators of their competitive activity is revealed.Цель: определить эффективность влияния программы физической подготовки высококвалифицированных спортсменок в хоккее на траве, которая была предложена в первом подготовительном периоде годичного макроцикла на показатели соревновательной деятельности. Материал и методы: влияние предложенной программы определялся с помощью тестирования двигательных качеств и технических элементов хоккеисток. Результаты: выяснено корреляцию между показателями соревновательной деятельности игроков атаки и уровнем физической подготовленности. Выводы: выявлено положительное влияние внедрения программы по физической подготовке для высококвалифицированных хоккеисток, а именно – нападающих, на показатели их соревновательной деятельностиМета: визначити ефективність програми фізичної підготовки висококваліфікованих спортсменок у хокеї на траві, яка була запропонована у першому підготовчому періоді річного мікроциклу. Матеріал і методи: вплив запропонованої програми визначався за допомогою тестування рухових якостей та технічних елементів хокеїсток. Результати: з’ясовано кореляцію між показниками змагальної діяльності гравців атаки та рівнем їх фізичної підготовленості. Висновки: виявлено позитивний вплив упровадження програми з фізичної підготовки для висококваліфікованих хокеїсток, а саме – нападників, на показники їхньої змагальної діяльності


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    Вибір редакційною колегією видання такого формату, безумовно, не є випадковим. В сучасних умовах глобалізації культурно-освітнього простору, коли термінологічна експансія в жорсткій та часто безапеляційній формі кидає виклик усталеним формам знань, значно підвищується затребуваність науково-довідкової літератури енциклопедичного характеру. Саме така література здатна об’єднати максимальну кількість інформації в певній галузі знань для того, щоб читач мав можливість в одному виданні знайти відповідь практично на будь-яке питання з проблеми, що викликала його інтерес

    Innovative financial management strategy in the context of amalgamation of territorial communities

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    The aim of the article was to form an effective strategy of financial management in the context of amalgamated territorial communities, and to identify possible directions of socio-economic development, threats and opportunities under the conditions of globalization and instability of external and internal environments. This strategy is a specific action plan for the territorial community on the allocation of financial resources and indicators that shape it. The aim provided for the following methods: SWOT analysis, frame construction based on the reframing theory, expert evaluations. The study presents a strategy that is implemented over a period of 5 years, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the selected territorial community, using the reframing theory and performance calculation. It is determined that the factor of human potential assessment is one of the most important in the internal environment. Prospects for further research are to analyze the current strategy in terms of financial factors appropriate for and inherent in individual amalgamated territorial community (ATC), as well as to determine the temporal, territorial, and mental aspects

    Topics of a cross-cutting interdisciplinary course project

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    Prospects for the development of operation of middle-range cargo aircraft with turboprop engines based on the needs of the European air transportation market. Analytical research of directions and trends in the use of non-destructive testing of the technical condition of the aircraft and its components on the basis of innovative technologies. Concepts of application of ecologically safe methods and means with use of innovative technologies at routine repair of the aircraft and its components in the conditions of real operation. Concepts of application of ecologically safe methods and means with use of innovative technologies at aircraft and its components overhaul. Innovative technology in the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and its components to ensure environmental safety requirements.Technological support of aviation tribomechanical systems reliability on the basis of modern innovative surface hardening technologies. The use of alternative resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies in the maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines in real operation. Prospects for directions of creation of high-temperature materials technologies development for tribodes of turbofan engine and power plant hot part

    Topics of a cross-cutting interdisciplinary course project

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    Prospects for the development of operation of middle-range cargo aircraft with turboprop engines based on the needs of the European air transportation market. Analytical research of directions and trends in the use of non-destructive testing of the technical condition of the aircraft and its components on the basis of innovative technologies. Concepts of application of ecologically safe methods and means with use of innovative technologies at routine repair of the aircraft and its components in the conditions of real operation. Concepts of application of ecologically safe methods and means with use of innovative technologies at aircraft and its components overhaul. Innovative technology in the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and its components to ensure environmental safety requirements.Technological support of aviation tribomechanical systems reliability on the basis of modern innovative surface hardening technologies. The use of alternative resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies in the maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines in real operation. Prospects for directions of creation of high-temperature materials technologies development for tribodes of turbofan engine and power plant hot part

    Social justice as a subjective analysis category. Numerical estimations

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    Labor potential as a factor of ensuring competitive advantages of business entities in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to justify the use of a matrix approach to the interpretation of the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the development of labor potential. As evaluation indicators, we propose the level of management of labor potential, which is determined using the grapho-analytical method “potential square” and the level of management of the competitiveness of the business entity, which is determined using the graphic method “polygon of competitiveness”. To identify these indicators, we used a developed three-point aggregated scale, which made it possible to quantitatively divide the formed quadrants according to threshold values: the zone of high efficiency in the use of labor potential (quadrant 9(MLLPQPHigh; MLCBECBHigh)), average (quadrants 3 (MLLPQPHigh; MLCBEC-BLow), 5 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBAverage), 6 (MLLPQPHigh; MLCBECBAverage), 7 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBHigh), 8 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBHigh)), and low (quadrants 1 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBLow), 2 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBLow), 4 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBAverage)). The value of the research lies in the fact that the proposed matrix approach to the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the development of labor potential makes it possible to take measures to improve its management. It is emphasized that in today’s conditions and the limitation of financial resources, the vector of management should be aimed at preserving the labor potential, using its opportunities and experience

    Emergency Management Caused by Oil Spill in the Territorial Sea of Ukraine

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    The article is of interest to emergency management specialists working in the system of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other bodies of state power, institutions and organizations dealing with petroleum products. Also, the results of the research will be useful for the representatives of the oil and refining industry, as structures that are directly involved in the creation of emergencies caused by oil spills. It has been shown that spilling oil at sea is a particular emergency. It has been established that water transport emergency management eliminates the effects of oil spills on time. Based on the analysis of the structural and logical model of emergency management caused by oil spill in the sea and the peculiarities of emergency management on a water vehicle, the levels of emergency management caused by oil spill in the sea, where the first (lower) link is a warship or single vessel (water vehicle). The results of the proposed studies are the starting point for solving the scientific problem of developing a control algorithm for localization of the consequences of oil spill in the territorial sea of Ukraine

    Comparative biomechanical characteristics of one-arm hang in climbing for beginners and qualified athletes

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    The aim of the study was to identify the basic kinematic characteristics of the one-arm hang in climbing for beginners and qualified climbers. Material and methods: Technique of the one-arm hang in climbing among 20 leading climbers of the World and Ukraine and 20 beginner male amateur climbers was analyzed. A qualified athlete participated in the demonstration of various models of the one-arm hang performance. By means of Kinovea software 0.8.15, the kinematic characteristics of two models of the technique were analyzed (model 1 for beginner athletes, model 2 for qualified athletes). Results: The presence of significant differences ( p < 0.001) between beginners and qualified athletes in the magnitude of the angles between the shoulder and clavicle, between the spine and the vertical axis in the phase of fixation of the one-arm hang was revealed. The dynamics of the angle between the shoulder and clavicle from the moment of capture of the climbing hold to the phase of fixation of the hang was shown. A theoretical justification for the correct climbing technique regarding to the laws of mechanics and the laws of force interaction in kinematic chain was provided. Conclusions: Beginner athletes carry out the one-arm hang mainly due to the ligamentous apparatus of the joints of the shoulder girdle with minimal inclusion of muscles, which is dangerous by trauma to the ligaments of the shoulder joint. Skilled athletes perform the one-arm hang with trunk and leg muscles included, which reduces the strain from the ligamentous apparatus and lowers the possibility of injury to the ligaments of the shoulder joint