22 research outputs found

    Análise de desempenho dos players concorrentes no setor de cosméticos de venda direta no Brasil: Uma abordagem multicritério / Performance analysis of competitive players in the direct selling cosmetics sector in Brazil: a multicriterial approach

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise dos líderes no setor de cosméticos através da comparação de performance entre dois grandes players, a qual se baseou no estabelecimento de critérios e subcritérios relativos aos aspectos rentáveis, de liquidez e sustentáveis. Utilizou-se o Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) na análise de desempenho. A principal contribuição do artigo compreende a sustentabilidade como critério de comparação em um setor onde supostamente a preocupação com os impactos ambientais e sociais é prioritária. Outro ponto de extrema relevância foi a análise do desempenho sustentável dos principais players em um contexto de retração econômica

    Gender Wage Gaps in Brazilian Companies Listed in the Ibovespa Index: A Critical Analysis

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    This article aims to perform a critical analysis of wage gaps according to gender from information provided by sustainability reports that were disseminated by Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index. To conduct this analysis, bibliographic research was performed, followed by a deductive content analysis of sustainability reports from Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index, considering item 405-2 of the Global Reporting Initiative standard. From this analysis, it was possible to show that only some companies disseminate detailed information related to the gender wage ratio. Many companies do not present this data or present it superficially. The findings of this research present important insights that may be used to motivate debates on the topic

    Sustainable Practices in Logistics Systems: An Overview of Companies in Brazil

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    The main purpose of this article is to present an overview of the applications of sustainable practices in logistic operations performed by Brazilian companies. To reach this objective, the following steps were carried out: (1) a review of the literature on logistics systems and sustainability in logistics activities; (2) the collection of sustainability reports published by companies that perform logistics operations, which are recognized in Brazil; (3) a content analysis of the reports collected and (4) a discussion of the results, cross-checked with the literature and the extrapolation of conclusions. It was possible to identify 22 sustainable practices, and these practices were grouped into five macro areas. The authors of this paper believe that the findings presented here can be useful for professionals and researchers in the implementation of sustainability practices in logistics systems

    Resilience in the supply chain management : understanding critical aspects and how digital technologies can contribute to Brazilian companies in the COVID-19 context

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    Purpose: The present study aims to identify the most critical elements of resilience in the management of supply chains of Brazilian companies and, in the sequence, debate possible digital technologies mentioned by literature to enhance them. Design/methodology/approach: To identify the most critical elements, the information provided by qualified academics was used. Data analysis was performed through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, hierarchical cluster analysis and Fuzzy TOPSIS approach. Findings: Comparatively, the results pointed out three elements of resilience as the most critical in managing supply chains. They are the decision-making (understood as the definitions from the layout of the chain’s operations network to the choice of warehouse locations, distribution centres and manufacturing facilities), human resources (understood as management for human resources development and knowledge management through training) and security (understood as issues related to information technology for data security). For each of them, bibliographic research was performed to identify technologies that enhance these elements of supply chain management resilience. Originality/value: The results presented here can significantly contribute to the expansion of debates associated with resilience in managing supply chains of Brazilian companies and directing researchers in the area.PeerReviewe

    Analysis of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem in the perception of business incubator professionals

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    This paper aims to analyse the maturity of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem based on the opinions and insights from business incubator professionals. To this end, a survey was performed with 74 professionals who published at least one paper related to this topic in Brazil. The maturity analysis was based on a theoretical model with variables to be measured for the incubators in six major constructs: support, government, finance, human capital, culture and market. Data was analysed through structural equation modelling, which allowed for a statistic validation of the model. With this validation, it was possible to analyse the maturity notes assigned to each variable and conclude that the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem has an intermediate level of maturity, with some possible improvements. The originality of this study lies both in the assessment carried out and in the use of this particular statistical technique for this purpose