9 research outputs found

    Barriers in health care to breast cancer: perception of women

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    Identifying the barriers in the access to health care to breast cancer perceived by women undergoing chemotherapy.Method: An exploratory descriptive study. The sample consisted of 58 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and registered in the public oncology ambulatory of Aracaju-Sergipe. Data collection was carried out between October 2011 and March 2012 by semistructured interviews, and data were processed using the SPSS, version 17.Results: Among the interviewed women, 37 (63.8%) reported at least a barrier in the trajectory of care for breast cancer. The organizational and health services barriers were the most reported in the periods of investigation and treatment of breast cancer.Conclusion: In face of these findings, the barriers should be considered in public health policies and programs for the control of breast cancer in Sergipe

    Barriers in health care to breast cancer: perception of women

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    Identifying the barriers in the access to health care to breast cancer perceived by women undergoing chemotherapy.Method: An exploratory descriptive study. The sample consisted of 58 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and registered in the public oncology ambulatory of Aracaju-Sergipe. Data collection was carried out between October 2011 and March 2012 by semistructured interviews, and data were processed using the SPSS, version 17. Results: Among the interviewed women, 37 (63.8%) reported at least a barrier in the trajectory of care for breast cancer. The organizational and health services barriers were the most reported in the periods of investigation and treatment of breast cancer.Conclusion: In face of these findings, the barriers should be considered in public health policies and programs for the control of breast cancer in Sergipe.
Identificar las barreras en el acceso a la atención en salud percibidos por mujeres con cáncer de mama en tratamiento quimioterapéutico.Método: Estudio descriptivo- exploratorio, cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 58 mujeres con cáncer de mama en quimioterapia inscritas en el servicio ambulatorio público de oncología de Aracaju-Sergipe. La recolección de datos fue realizada entre octubre de 2011 a marzo de 2012, por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Los datos fueron procesados en el software SPSS, versión 17.Resultados: Entre las entrevistadas, 37 mu­jeres (63,8%) relataron haber enfrentado por lo menos una barrera en la trayectoria de cuidado del cáncer de mama. Las barreras organizacionales o de los servicios de salud fueron las más citadas en los periodos de investigación y tratamiento del cáncer de mama.Conclusión: Las barreras deben ser consideradas en las políticas públicas de salud y de los programas de control del cáncer de mama en Sergipe.
Identifying the barriers in the access to health care to breast cancer perceived by women undergoing chemotherapy.Method: An exploratory descriptive study. The sample consisted of 58 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and registered in the public oncology ambulatory of Aracaju-Sergipe. Data collection was carried out between October 2011 and March 2012 by semistructured interviews, and data were processed using the SPSS, version 17.Results: Among the interviewed women, 37 (63.8%) reported at least a barrier in the trajectory of care for breast cancer. The organizational and health services barriers were the most reported in the periods of investigation and treatment of breast cancer.Conclusion: In face of these findings, the barriers should be considered in public health policies and programs for the control of breast cancer in Sergipe.

    Trajectory of women with breast cancer: from the signs and symptoms to the treatment

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    O atraso no diagnóstico e na implementação do tratamento, principalmente, entre as mulheres com câncer de mama sintomático é considerado uma importante causa da mortalidade feminina por essa doença. A falta de acesso aos serviços de saúde e às medidas de detecção precoce tem contribuído de forma significativa para a alta incidência do diagnóstico do câncer de mama em estadios avançados. Este estudo observacional de corte transversal teve como objetivo geral: analisar a trajetória de mulheres com câncer de mama na busca de atenção à saúde, desde a detecção de sinais e sintomas até o tratamento e objetivou, especificamente, identificar o sinal ou sintoma determinante na procura de assistência em saúde, os intervalos de tempo na condução dos casos de câncer de mama, as barreiras e as facilidades no acesso a serviços de saúde e verificar a associação entre atraso superior a três meses e aspectos sociodemográficos e estadio clínico. A amostra foi composta por 100 mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama, com idade superior a 18 anos, residentes em Sergipe, quando detectada a alteração na mama, e que iniciaram quimioterapia neoadjuvante ou adjuvante em ambulatório público de oncologia clínica, localizado em Aracaju-SE, entre 1º/08/2011 e 31/12/2012. Para a coleta dos dados, realizada no período de 1º de outubro de 2011 a 31 de dezembro de 2012, utilizaram-se o roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e o formulário de coleta de dados em prontuário. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e paramétrica, utilizando-se o método de reamostragem de bootstrap. Constatou-se que a idade mínima foi de 23 anos e a máxima foi de 77 anos, sem predomínio da neoplasia em uma determinada faixa de idade, a maioria das mulheres residia fora da capital sergipana, e afirmaram viver com companheiro. A cor parda prevaleceu entre as entrevistadas, 36,0% possuíam grau de escolaridade baixa e 70,0% pertenciam às classes C, D e E. Quanto ao câncer de mama, predominou o carcinoma ductal invasivo em estadios clínicos avançados, sendo detectado pela palpação acidental do nódulo. A neoplasia foi inicialmente tratada cirurgicamente, em sua maioria, por meio da mastectomia. A primeira consulta foi, em sua maioria (51%), realizada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e pelos exames de imagem que foram custeados em 65%. A atenção ao câncer de mama teve tempo mínimo de 0,33 mês e máximo de 64,5 meses, com média aproximada a dez meses. Entre as entrevistadas, 34% adiaram cuidados ao câncer de mama, 66% relataram dificuldades e 98%, facilidades no acesso à atenção em saúde à neoplasia. Concluiu-se que existe atraso total superior a três meses na atenção ao câncer de mama para a maioria das mulheres investigadas, porém sem associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e estadio clínico. As sergipanas, em sua trajetória de atenção em saúde ao câncer de mama, encontram barreiras em todas as etapas, com destaque para a falta de informação sobre a patologia e o predomínio da lista de espera para agendamento de consultas, exames e tratamentosThe delay in the diagnosis and implementation of treatment, mainly among women with symptomatic breast cancer, is considered an important cause of female mortality due to this disease. The lack of accessibility to health services and early detection measures has significantly contributed to the high incidence of breast cancer diagnoses in advanced stages. The general aim of this observational and cross-sectional study was to: analyze the trajectory of women with breast cancer in the search for health care, since the detection of signs and symptoms until the treatment. The specific aim was to identify the determinant sign or symptom in the search for health care, the time intervals in the conduction of breast cancer cases, the barriers and facilities in health service access; as well as to verify the association between delays of more than three months and sociodemographic aspects and clinical staging. The sample consisted of 100 women diagnosed with breast cancer, over 18 years of age, living in Sergipe when the breast alteration was detected, and who started neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy at a public clinical oncology outpatient clinic in Aracaju-SE between August 1st 2011 and December 31st 2012. To collect the data, between October 1st 2011 and December 31st 2012, a semistructured interview script was used, as well as a form to collect data form the patient histories. The data were analyzed through descriptive and parametric statistics, using the bootstrap resampling method. It was verified that the minimal age was 23 years and the maximum 77 years, without any predominance of this cancer in a given age range. Most women lived outside the state capital and affirmed living with a partner. Most interviewees were mulatto, 36.0% had a low education level and 70.0% belonged to the classes C, D and E. As to the breast cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma in advanced clinical stages was predominant, detected through accidental node palpation. Initially, the tumor was treated surgically, mostly through mastectomy. In most cases (51%), the first consultation happened in the Unified Health System (SUS), which covered the imaging exams in 65%. The minimal duration of the cancer care was 0.33 months and the maximum 64.5 months, with an average of approximately 10 months. Among the interviewees, 34% postponed the breast cancer care, 66% reported difficulties and 98% facilities in the access to health cancer for the cancer. In conclusion, the total delay in breast cancer care for most of the women investigated corresponds to more than three months, but this is not associated with sociodemographic variables and clinical staging. On their health care trajectory for breast cancer, the women from Sergipe are confronted with barriers in all phases, particularly the lack of information about the disease and the predominance of waiting lists to schedule consultations, exams and treatment