25 research outputs found

    Usability and Usefulness of Circularity Indicators for Manufacturing Performance Management

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    Advances in industrial digitalization present many opportunities for process and product data exploitation in manufacturing, unlocking new systemic measures of performance beyond a single machine, process, facility area and even beyond the factory gates. However, existing data models and manufacturing systems\u27 performance measures are still focused on productivity, quality and delivery time, which could potentially lead to an accelerated linear economy. To shift to more circular industrial systems, we need to identify and assess circularity opportunities in ways that align the goals of sustainable and industrial development. In this study, micro-level circular indicators were reviewed, selected, analysed and tested in a manufacturing company to evaluate their usability and usefulness to guide process improvements. The aim is to enable circular and eco-efficient solutions towards sustainable production systems. Usability and usefulness of the indicators are essential to their integration into established environmental and operations management systems. The main contribution of this study is in the identification of key features making circularity indicators usable and useful from a manufacturer\u27s perspective. The conclusion also suggests directions for further research on tools and methods to support circular manufacturing


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    Objetivou-se avaliar alguns componentes qu\uedmicos de um Latossolo e a rela\ue7\ue3o com o desenvolvimento vegetativo do paric\ue1 [ Schizolobium amazonicum ] (Huber ex Ducke)] em diferentes sistemas de cultivo em \ue1reas de reflorestamento no munic\uedpio de Tail\ue2ndia, nordeste paraense. Foram avaliados os sistemas PP [paric\ue1 x puer\ue1ria ( Pueraria phaseoloides )], PA [paric\ue1 x ac\ue1cia ( Acacia mangium )] e P (paric\ue1 monocultivo) conduzidos em 5 anos pela empresa G.M. Sufredini Industrial Ltda. e coletadas amostras de solos na profundidade de 0-20 cm para an\ue1lise de pH, C e N totais, H+Al, P dispon\uedvel, Ca, Mg, K e Al troc\ue1veis e calculados os valores de C/N, SB, T, V e m. O desenvolvimento vegetativo do paric\ue1 foi avaliado pela sobreviv\ueancia, mortalidade e no n\ufamero de plantas defeituosas al\ue9m do DAP. Os resultados mostraram que houve o aumento no teor de nitrog\ueanio do solo no tratamento PP; a baixa fertilidade do solo no tratamento PA, mas onde o paric\ue1 obteve a maior m\ue9dia em di\ue2metro (DAP = 16,64 cm) e a maior taxa de sobreviv\ueancia no tratamento P (90,63%). Conclui-se que a rela\ue7\ue3o solo-planta nos sistemas paric\ue1 e puer\ue1ria e paric\ue1 em monocultivo contribuiu para o estabelecimento dos indiv\uedduos de paric\ue1.This study aimed to evaluate some chemical components of an Oxisol and the relationship with the vegetative development of paric\ue1 [ Schizolobium amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke)] in different cropping systems in reforestation areas in the municipality of Tailandia, northeast paraense. Evaluated the PP [paric\ue1 x pueraria ( Pueraria phaseoloides )], PA [paric\ue1 x acacia ( Acacia mangium )] and P (monoculture paric\ue1) systems conducted in 5 years by the company G.M. Sufredini Industrial LTDA and collected soil samples at a depth of 0-20 cm for analysis of pH, total C and N, H + Al, available P, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Al and calculated values of C/N, SB, T, V and m. The vegetative development of paric\ue1 was assessed by survival, mortality and the number of defective plants beyond the DBH. The results showed that the increase in nitrogen content of the soil in PP treatment, the low soil fertility in PA treatment, but where paric\ue1 achieved the highest average in diameter (DBH = 16.64 cm) and greater survival rate in P treatment (90.63%). It was concluded that the soil-plant relationship in paric\ue1 and pueraria systems and monoculture paric\ue1 contributed to the establishment of individuals paric\ue1


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    Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae) \ue9 um inseto nativo da Am\ue9rica do Norte que foi introduzido na Europa, pela It\ue1lia, em 1964. Desde ent\ue3o tem se expandido por toda a Europa, desconhecendo-se a data de chegada e a sua \ue1rea de distribui\ue7\ue3o em Portugal. Esta importante praga invasora alimenta-se na face inferior das folhas de pl\ue1tano, uma das mais importantes \ue1rvores ornamentais nos espa\ue7os verdes urbanos em Portugal, causando senesc\ueancia prematura e eventualmente morte, em casos de infesta\ue7\uf5es severas consecutivas. A modela\ue7\ue3o de nicho est\ue1 se tornando uma ferramenta cada vez mais importante na gest\ue3o de invas\uf5es biol\uf3gicas, tanto antes como depois da introdu\ue7\ue3o do organismo invasor. Neste estudo, o software MaxEnt (m\ue1xima entropia) foi usado na modela\ue7\ue3o da distribui\ue7\ue3o invasiva potencial de Corythucha ciliata em Portugal, a partir de um conjunto de vari\ue1veis ambientais e de dados de presen\ue7a do inseto, obtidos a partir da observa\ue7\ue3o de folhas de pl\ue1tanos amostrados por todo o pa\ueds. De acordo com o melhor modelo gerado pelo MaxEnt, as \ue1reas de maior adequabilidade potencial \ue0 invas\ue3o de Corythucha ciliata encontram-se no norte de Portugal apresentando o sul e as regi\uf5es de maior altitude do norte e centro adequabilidade reduzida ou nula. Observa\ue7\uf5es laboratoriais da biologia de Corythucha ciliata aliadas aos registos de aus\ueancia em v\ue1rias localidades do sul de Portugal e ocorr\ueancia predominante na metade norte de Espanha suportam o modelo desenvolvido. Por\ue9m, a valida\ue7\ue3o do modelo requer futuras prospec\ue7\uf5es nas \ue1reas de reduzida adequabilidade e onde a praga se encontrava virtualmente ausente no momento em que foi realizada a amostragem. Os modelos de adequabilidade podem ser usados como ferramenta auxiliar na tomada de decis\ue3o no que concerne \ue0 gest\ue3o dos espa\ue7os verdes.Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae) is an insect native to North America which has been introduced into Europe, through Italy, in 1964. Since then it has expanded across Europe being its date of arrival and distributional range in Portugal unknown. This important invasive pest feeds on the underside of the leaves of sycamore trees, one of the most widespread ornamental tree in urban areas of Portugal, causing their premature senescence and eventually death, in case of consecutive severe infestations. Habitat modeling is becoming an increasingly important tool for managing biological invasions, either prior or after the introduction of the invasive organism. In this study the software MaxEnt (maximum entropy) was used to model the distribution of Corythucha ciliata in its Portuguese invasive range, from a set of environmental variables and georeferenced occurrence data obtained from observation of Platanus spp. leaves sampled all over the country. According to the best model developed, the areas of greater suitability to invasion of Corythucha ciliata are located in the northern portion of the country whereas the more southern and mountainous areas are of low or virtually null suitability. Laboratory observations of Corythucha ciliata biology allied to records of pest absence across several localities of southern Portugal and predominant occurrence in the northern half of Spain support the model developed. However, model validation requires future prospection in the areas of predicted reduced suitability and where the pest was virtually absent at the moment of sampling. Suitability models can be a useful tool for decision making in management of green spaces

    Eu3+ coordination in an organic/inorganic hybrid matrix with methyl end-capped short polyether chains

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    Fourier Transform mid-infrared (FT-IR), Fourier Transform Raman (FT-Raman) and photoluminescence spectroscopies and Two-Dimensional (2D) Correlation Spectroscopic Analysis were employed to examine the anionic and cationic local environments in mono-urethanesils doped with europium triflate (Eu(CF 3-SO3)3). The hybrid host framework of these materials is composed of a siliceous backbone bonded through urethane linkages to CH3-terminated polymer chains containing about 7 OCH 2CH2 units. Samples with ∞ ≥ n (composition) ≥5 (where n = OCH2CH2/Eu3+) were studied. In terms of ionic association, the level of complexity of these xerogels is very high. In all the compounds the triflate ions exist "free", weakly coordinated and forming cross-link separated ion pairs. At 20 ≥ n ≥ 5, in addition to all these species contact ion pairs occur. In agreement with these conclusions, photoluminescence establishes the presence of three distinct cation local sites (Eu3+/O=C(urethane cross-links), Eu3+/O-C- C(polyether chains) and weakly coordinated Eu3+/CF3SO 3- ionic pairs)

    Nesting and use of pollen resources by Tetrapedia diversipes Klug (Apidae) in Atlantic Forest areas (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in different stages of regeneration

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    Nesting and use of pollen resources by Tetrapedia diversipes Klug (Apidae) in Atlantic Forest areas (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in different stages of regeneration. The nesting in trap-nests and use of pollen sources in larval food by Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 (Apidae) was compared between regenerating areas of Atlantic Forest. The study was conducted between April 2008 and October 2009 at União Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. T. diversipes nested in 66 trap-nests and showed a peak of nesting during the months of highest rainfall. The most frequent pollen type in brood cells during the wet season was Dalechampia sp. 1. During the dry season, the type Ludwigia sp. was the most frequent, followed by Dalechampia sp. 2. The high frequency of Dalechampia and Ludwigia species in the larval food, observed in both habitats and in the two seasons could be considered relevant for T. diversipes, suggesting highly selective diet based primarily on two plant species unrelated, but similar in size of pollen grains