998 research outputs found

    Moduli stabilization with Fayet-Iliopoulos uplift

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    In the recent years, phenomenological models of moduli stabilization were proposed, where the dynamics of the stabilization is essentially supersymmetric, whereas an O'Rafearthaigh supersymmetry breaking sector is responsible for the "uplift" of the cosmological constant to zero. We investigate the case where the uplift is provided by a Fayet-Iliopoulos sector. We find that in this case the modulus contribution to supersymmetry breaking is larger than in the previous models. A first consequence of this class of constructions is for gauginos, which are heavier compared to previous models. In some of our explicit examples, due to a non-standard gauge-mediation type negative contribution to scalars masses, the whole superpartner spectrum can be efficiently compressed at low-energy. This provides an original phenomenology testable at the LHC, in particular sleptons are generically heavier than the squarks.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    On supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in IIB orientifolds

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    Supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in IIB orientifold compactifications based on orbifolds with background fluxes and non-perturbative superpotentials are investigated. Especially, microscopic requirements and difficulties to obtain such vacua are discussed. We show that orbifold models with one and two complex structure moduli and supersymmetric 2-form flux can be successfully stabilized to such vacua. By taking additional gaugino condensation on fixed space-time filling D3-branes into account also models without complex structure can be consistently stabilized to Minkowski vacua.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures; More detailed proof for absence of complex flat directions in susy AdS vacua given; Footnotes and reference adde

    Fault-controlled and stratabound dolostones in the Late Aptian-earliest Albian Benassal Formation (Maestrat Basin, E Spain) : petrology and geochemistry constrains

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    This study was developed under the ExxonMobil FC2 Alliance (Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates). The authors wish to thank ExxonMobil Production Company and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company for providing funding. The views in this article by Sherry L. Stafford are her own and not necessarily those of ExxonMobil. This research was supported by the Sedimentary Geology Research Group of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR251). We would like to thank Andrea Ceriani and Paola Ronchi for their critical and valuable reviews, and Associated Editor Piero Gianolla for the editorial work.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Metastable supergravity vacua with F and D supersymmetry breaking

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    We study the conditions under which a generic supergravity model involving chiral and vector multiplets can admit viable metastable vacua with spontaneously broken supersymmetry and realistic cosmological constant. To do so, we impose that on the vacuum the scalar potential and all its first derivatives vanish, and derive a necessary condition for the matrix of its second derivatives to be positive definite. We study then the constraints set by the combination of the flatness condition needed for the tuning of the cosmological constant and the stability condition that is necessary to avoid unstable modes. We find that the existence of such a viable vacuum implies a condition involving the curvature tensor for the scalar geometry and the charge and mass matrices for the vector fields. Moreover, for given curvature, charges and masses satisfying this constraint, the vector of F and D auxiliary fields defining the Goldstino direction is constrained to lie within a certain domain. The effect of vector multiplets relative to chiral multiplets is maximal when the masses of the vector fields are comparable to the gravitino mass. When the masses are instead much larger or much smaller than the gravitino mass, the effect becomes small and translates into a correction to the effective curvature. We finally apply our results to some simple classes of examples, to illustrate their relevance.Comment: 40 pages; v2 some clarifications added in the introduction; v3 some typos correcte

    Îœd→Ό−Δ++n\nu d \to \mu^- \Delta^{++} n Reaction and Axial Vector N−ΔN-\Delta Coupling

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    The reaction Îœd→Ό−Δ++n\nu d \to \mu^- \Delta^{++} n is studied in the region of low q2q^2 to investigate the effect of deuteron structure and width of the Δ\Delta resonance on the differential cross section. The results are used to extract the axial vector N−ΔN-\Delta coupling C5AC^{A}_5 from the experimental data on this reaction. The possibility to determine this coupling from electroweak interaction experiments with high intensity electron accelerators is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX, 5 figure

    Lifetime of Stringy de Sitter Vacua

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    In this note we perform a synopsis of the life-times from vacuum decay of several de Sitter vacuum constructions in string/M-theory which have a single dS minimum arising from lifting a pre-existing AdS extremum and no other local minima existent after lifting. For these vacua the decay proceeds via a Coleman--De Luccia instanton towards the universal Minkowski minimum at infinite volume. This can be calculated using the thin--wall approximation, provided the cosmological constant of the local dS minimum is tuned sufficiently small. We compare the estimates for the different model classes and find them all stable in the sense of exponentially long life times as long as they have a very small cosmological constant and a scale of supersymmetry breaking > TeV.Comment: 1+16 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, uses JHEP3 class, v2: references added, inclusion of an additional subclass of de Sitter vacu

    Spectral flow and boundary string field theory for angled D-branes

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    D-branes intersecting at an arbitrary fixed angle generically constitute a configuration unstable toward recombination. The reconnection of the branes nucleates at the intersection point and involves a generalization of the process of brane decay of interest to non-perturbative string dynamics as well as cosmology. After reviewing the string spectrum of systems of angled branes, we show that worldsheet twist superfields may be used in the context of Boundary Superstring Field Theory to describe the dynamics. Changing the angle between the branes is seen from the worldsheet as spectral flow with boundary insertions flowing from bosonic to fermionic operators. We calculate the complete tachyon potential and the low energy effective action as a function of angle and find an expression that interpolates between the brane-antibrane and the Dirac-Born-Infeld actions. The potential captures the mechanism of D-brane recombination and provides for interesting new physics for tachyon decay.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures; v2 references added; v3 discussion clarifie

    Four Light Neutrinos in Singular Seesaw Mechanism with Abelian Flavor Symmetry

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    The four light neutrino scenario, which explains the atmosphere, solar and LSND neutrino experiments, is studied in the framework of the seesaw mechanism. By taking both the Dirac and Majorana mass matrix of neutrinos to be singular, the four neutrino mass spectrum consisting of two almost degenerate pairs separated by a mass gap ∌1\sim 1 eV is naturally generated. Moreover the right-handed neutrino Majorana mass can be at ∌1014\sim 10^{14} GeV scale unlike in the usual singular seesaw mechanism. Abelian flavor symmetry is used to produce the required neutrino mass pattern. A specific example of the flavor charge assignment is provided to show that maximal mixings between the ΜΌ−Μτ\nu_\mu-\nu_\tau and Îœe−Μs\nu_e-\nu_s are respectively attributed to the atmosphere and solar neutrino anomalies while small mixing between two pairs to the LSND results. The implication in the other fermion masses is also discussed.Comment: Firnal version to appear in PR

    An Improved Brane Anti-Brane Action from Boundary Superstring Field Theory and Multi-Vortex Solutions

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    We present an improved effective action for the D-brane-anti-D-brane system obtained from boundary superstring field theory. Although the action looks highly non-trivial, it has simple explicit multi-vortex (i.e. codimension-2 multi-BPS D-brane) multi-anti-vortex solutions. The solutions have a curious degeneracy corresponding to different ``magnetic'' fluxes at the core of each vortex. We also generalize the brane anti-brane effective action that is suitable for the study of the inflationary scenario and the production of defects in the early universe. We show that when a brane and anti-brane are distantly separated, although the system is classically stable it can decay via quantum tunneling through the barrier.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, JHEP3.cls; v2: references added, tunneling rate discussion expande

    The Gaugino Code

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    Gauginos might play a crucial role in the search for supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Mass predictions for gauginos are rather robust and often related to the values of the gauge couplings. We analyse the ratios of gaugino masses in the LHC energy range for various schemes of supersymmetry breakdown and mediation. Three distinct mass patterns emerge.Comment: 42 pages, Latex; a discussion of deflected anomaly mediation added, references adde
