16,950 research outputs found

    Lorentz symmetry breaking in the noncommutative Wess-Zumino model: One loop corrections

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    In this paper we deal with the issue of Lorentz symmetry breaking in quantum field theories formulated in a non-commutative space-time. We show that, unlike in some recente analysis of quantum gravity effects, supersymmetry does not protect the theory from the large Lorentz violating effects arising from the loop corrections. We take advantage of the non-commutative Wess-Zumino model to illustrate this point.Comment: 9 pages, revtex4. Corrected references. Version published in PR

    Flora das Culturas Agrícolas da Ilha de Santiago (cabo Verde)

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    Com o objectivo de caracterizar as comunidades vegetais que acompanham as culturas agrícolas de sequeiro e de regadio praticadas em Santiago e, particularmente, no vale da ribeira Seca, efectuaram-se 16 levantamentos titoecológicos ao longo deste curso de água e encostas sobranceiras. A inventaria@0 floristica revelou a presenta de 118 taro pertencenteas 3 3 familias. Analisaram-sea, inda,6 2 levantamentorse alizadose m diversosp ontosd a ilha, tendo sido identificados1 72t axa pertencenteas 42 familiasG. ramineae. Leguminosae e Compositue sao as famílias melhor representadasA. flora inventariadaC comparadac om a referida em trabalhos precedentesr,e alizadosp or outrosa utores,r evelandolao correnciad e, pelo menos,1 82t axa na flora infestante. Os levantamentos da ribeira Seca foram analisadosa travt5sd o programad e análise numérica TWINSPAN, que indicou a presentad e 4 agrupamentosv egetais distintos, cuja interpretacao,a tendendoà s característicase dáticas,c limáticase topográticasd os locais onde ocorrem,s ugeriua disponibilidadeh idrica comoo factorm aisd eterminantde as uac omposicáo. Palavras-chavefl:o ra, adventiciasd asc ulturasT, WINSPAN, ilhasd eC aboV erde, Santiago. In order to identify and to characterizeth e plant communitiesp resenat t the irrigated and dry cropso f ribeira Secav alley, it were established16 s amplep lots. The tloristic inventory has revealedt he presenteo f 118 tara belongingt o 33 families.I n addition,m ore 62 samplep lots,were establishedth roughoutt he island,w hich permittedt he identifkation of 172t ara from 42 families.G ramineae, CompQsitae &ndL eguminosae weret he mostr epresentativeosn es.T his flora is comparedw ith that referred in precedingw orksf rom othersa uthors,r evealingt he occurrence of, at least, 182 tma in the weed flora. The application of the TWINSPAN numerical analysis, to the plots in the ribeira Seca vallcy. has revealed the presente of 4 distinct plant communities, which were related with edaphic,c limatic and topographicf actors.T his analysiss uggestetdh at the water availability wa.s the mainf actor affecting the speciesc ompositionof the communities. Key-words:f lora weedsT, WINSPAN, CapeV erdei slandsS, antiago

    Noncommutative Field Theory: Nonrelativistic Fermionic Field Coupled to the Chern-Simons Field in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We study a noncommutative nonrelativistic fermionic field theory in 2+1 dimensions coupled to the Chern-Simons field. We perform a perturbative analysis of model and show that up to one loop the ultraviolet divergences are canceled and the infrared divergences are eliminated by the noncommutative Pauli term.Comment: Some references adde

    The Noncommutative Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma Model

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    We show that the noncommutativity of space-time destroys the renormalizability of the 1/N expansion of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model. A similar statement holds for the noncommutative nonlinear sigma model. However, we show that, up to the subleading order in 1/N expansion, the noncommutative supersymmetric O(N) nonlinear sigma model becomes renormalizable in D=3. We also show that dynamical mass generation is restored and there is no catastrophic UV/IR mixing. Unlike the commutative case, we find that the Lagrange multiplier fields, which enforce the supersymmetric constraints, are also renormalized. For D=2 the divergence of the four point function of the basic scalar field, which in D=3 is absent, cannot be eliminated by means of a counterterm having the structure of a Moyal product.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, revtex, minor modifications in the text, references adde

    Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy

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    Highly alkaline industrial residues (e.g., steel slag, bauxite processing residue (red mud) and ash from coal combustion) have been identified as stocks of potentially valuable metals. Technological change has created demand for metals, such as vanadium and certain rare earth elements, in electronics associated with renewable energy generation and storage. Current raw material and circular economy policy initiatives in the EU and industrial ecology research all promote resource recovery from residues, with research so far primarily from an environmental science perspective. This paper begins to address the deficit of research into the governance of resource recovery from a novel situation where re-use involves extraction of a component from a bulk residue that itself represents a risk to the environment. Taking a political industrial ecology approach, we briefly present emerging techniques for recovery and consider their regulatory implications in the light of potential environmental impacts. The paper draws on EU and UK regulatory framework for these residues along with semi-structured interviews with industry and regulatory bodies. A complex picture emerges of entwined ownerships and responsibilities for residues, with past practice and policy having a lasting impact on current possibilities for resource recovery

    Second Generation of 'Miranda Procedure' for CP Violation in Dalitz Studies of B (\& D \& \tau) Decays

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    The `Miranda Procedure' proposed for analyzing Dalitz plots for CP asymmetries in charged B and D decays in a model-independent manner is extended and refined. The complexity of CKM CP phenomenology through order λ6\lambda^6 is needed in searches for New Dynamics (ND). Detailed analyses of three-body final states other great advantages: (i) They give us more powerful tools for deciding whether an observed CP asymmetry rep- resents the manifestation of ND and its features. (ii) Many advantages can already be obtained by the `Miranda Procedure' without construction of a detailed Dalitz plot de- scription. (iii) One studies CP asymmetries independent of production asymmetries. We illustrate the power of a second generation Miranda Procedure with examples with time integrated rates for Bd/BˉdB_d/\bar B_d decays to final states KSπ+π−K_S\pi+\pi- as trial runs with comments on B±→K±π+π−/K±K+K−B^{\pm} \to K^{\pm}\pi^+\pi^-/K^{\pm}K^+K^-.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Ilha de santiago (Cabo Verde) - Notas Florísticas e Fitogeográficas

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    Dez taya (Achyranthes aspera var.pubescens, Andropogon/astigiatus, Anthephora cristata, Cenchrus bgorus, Chamaecrista mimosoides, Commelina d~@sa subsp. d$iia, Forsskaolea viridis, Tephrosia linearis, Tolpis/arinulosa e Stylosanthes humilis) sãom encionadopse lap rimeirav ez paraS antiagoE. stacitacáo constitui também,p ara4 deles,a suap rimeirar eferencia para o arquipélagod e CaboV erde. A ~orrkcia de espéciese ndémicasc,u ja presentan estai lha não era verificada desdeh á longa data, é ylientada. Pelo valor dasc omunidadevse getaisq uen eleso correm, sãor eferidosa lgunslo caisp articti+nente importantes.biJorus, Chamaecrista mimosoides, Commelina dl@ia subsp. d@úsa, Forsskaolea viridis, Tephrosia finearis, To~pisfürinulosa and Stylosanthes humilis) are quoted for the first time to Santiago, being ‘four of them unknown in the Cape Verde archipelago. It is remarked the observation of endemic species which :presente, although known in this island, where not seen for a long time. In reasori of its interesting plant communities,it is referred somei mportants ites

    Structural properties of crumpled cream layers

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    The cream layer is a complex heterogeneous material of biological origin which forms spontaneously at the air-milk interface. Here, it is studied the crumpling of a single cream layer packing under its own weight at room temperature in three-dimensional space. The structure obtained in these circumstances has low volume fraction and anomalous fractal dimensions. Direct means and noninvasive NMR imaging technique are used to investigate the internal and external structure of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy

    Molecular gas and a new young stellar cluster in the far outer Galaxy

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    We investigate the star-formation ocurring in the region towards IRAS07527-3446 in the molecular cloud [MAB97]250.63-3.63, in the far outer Galaxy. We report the discovery of a new young stellar cluster, and describe its properties and those of its parent molecular cloud. Near-infrared JHKS images were obtained with VLT/ISAAC, and millimetre line CO spectra were obtained with the SEST telescope. VLA archive date were also used. The cloud and cluster are located at a distance of 10.3 kpc and a Galactocentric distance of 15.4 kpc, in the far outer Galaxy. Morphologically, IRAS 07527-3446 appears as a young embedded cluster of a few hundred stars seen towards the position of the IRAS source, extending for about 2-4 pc and exhibiting sub-clustering. The cluster contains low and intermediate-mass young reddened stars, a large fraction having cleared the inner regions of their circumstellar discs responsible for (H-Ks) colour excess. The observations are compatible with a < 5 Myr cluster with variable spatial extinction of between Av = 5 and Av = 11. Decomposition of CO emission in clumps, reveals a clump clearly associated with the cluster position, of mass 3.3 x 10^3 M(solar). Estimates of the slopes of the Ks-band luminosity function and of the star-formation efficiency yield values similar to those seen in nearby star-formation sites. These findings reinforce previous results that the distant outer Galaxy continues to be active in the production of new and rich stellar clusters, with the physical conditions required for the formation of rich clusters continuing to be met in the very distant environment of the outer Galactic disc.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure
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