2 research outputs found

    Population fluctuation of thrips (Frankliniella cf. gardeniae) in mango crops in Tolima, Colombia.

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    Mango is one of the tropical fruits with the highest production worldwide; in Colombia is a crop with a great export potential. However, insect pests such as thrips, can affect its quality and production. In this research the relationship of the population fluctuation of thrips (Frankliniella cf. gardeniae) with climatic conditions and mango (var. Yulima and Tommy) phenology in Guamo and San Luis (Tolima) was evaluated. Trips were weekly sampled in both inflorescences and young leaves of mango and associated weeds; phenological stages of the crop and climatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) were recorded and the probability of the presence of thrips in mango flowers was determined. A total number of 8.609 thrips individuals, including adults and immatures, were collected. The population fluctuation of Frankliniella cf. gardeniae presented a positive relationship with flowering (R = 0.79 var. Yulima and Tommy) and temperature (R = 0.43 var. Yulima; R = 0.48 var. Tommy). It was recorded the genera of the phytophagous trips Frankliniella and Haplothrips, in the weeds Desmodium tortuosum and Melochia parvifolia. The flowers and fruits up to 8 mm size were the most susceptible to insect attack. Finally, the higher probability of the thrips presence in mango flowers had two main periods, 7-63 days and 161-163 days after flowering. Frankliniella cf. gardeniae behaved as an occasional pest, present when the food source was available and the climatic conditions were adequate

    Fluctuaci贸n poblacional de trips (Frankliniella cf. gardeniae) en cultivos de mango en Tolima, Colombia

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    Mango is one of the tropical fruits with the highest production worldwide; in Colombia is a crop with a great export potential. However, insect pests such as thrips, can affect its quality and production. In this research the relationship of the population fluctuation of thrips (Frankliniella cf. gardeniae) with climatic conditions and mango (var. Yulima and Tommy) phenology in Guamo and San Luis (Tolima) was evaluated. Trips were weekly sampled in both inflorescences and young leaves of mango and associated weeds; phenological stages of the crop and climatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) were recorded and the probability of the presence of thrips in mango flowers was determined. A total number of 8.609 thrips individuals, including adults and immatures, were collected. The population fluctuation of Frankliniella cf. gardeniae presented a positive relationship with flowering (R = 0.79 var. Yulima and Tommy) and temperature (R = 0.43 var. Yulima; R = 0.48 var. Tommy). It was recorded the genera of the phytophagous trips Frankliniella and Haplothrips, in the weeds Desmodium tortuosum and Melochia parvifolia. The flowers and fruits up to 8 mm size were the most susceptible to insect attack. Finally, the higher probability of the thrips presence in mango flowers had two main periods, 7-63 days and 161-163 days after flowering. Frankliniella cf. gardeniae behaved as an occasional pest, present when the food source was available and the climatic conditions were adequate.El mango es una de las frutas tropicales con mayor producci贸n a nivel mundial; en Colombia es un cultivo con gran potencial de exportaci贸n. Sin embargo, insectos plaga como los trips, pueden incidir en su calidad y producci贸n. En esta investigaci贸n se evalu贸 la relaci贸n de la fluctuaci贸n poblacional de trips (Frankliniella cf. gardeniae) con las condiciones clim谩ticas, la fenolog铆a del mango (var. Yulima y Tommy) y los hospederos alternos en el Guamo y San Luis (Tolima). Semanalmente se muestrearon trips en inflorescencias, hojas j贸venes de mango y en arvenses asociadas, se registraron los estados fenol贸gicos del cultivo, las condiciones clim谩ticas (temperatura, humedad relativa y precipitaci贸n) y se determin贸 la probabilidad de presencia de trips en inflorescencias de mango. En total se recolectaron 8.609 individuos de trips entre adultos y ninfas. La fluctuaci贸n poblacional de F. cf. gardeniae present贸 relaci贸n positiva con la floraci贸n (r = 0,79 var. Yulima y Tommy) y la temperatura (r = 0,43 var. Yulima; r = 0,48 var. Tommy). Se registraron los g茅neros fit贸fagos Frankliniella y Haplothrips, en las arvenses Desmodium tortuosum y Melochia parvifolia. Las flores y frutos hasta tama帽o de 8 mm fueron las m谩s susceptibles al ataque del insecto. Finalmente, la mayor probabilidad de presencia de trips en inflorescencias de mango present贸 dos per铆odos marcados, de 7 a 63 y de 161 a 203 d铆as despu茅s de floraci贸n. F.cf. gardeniae en mango se comport贸 como una plaga ocasional, presente cuando la fuente de alimento estuvo disponible y las condiciones clim谩ticas fueron adecuadas