1,867 research outputs found

    Geomorphological analysis of Castro de Laboreiro area (PNPG) with LiDAR data

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    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da análise geomorfológica do relevo de Castro de Laboreiro (Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês). A interpretação realizou-se com recurso a dados topográficos de grande precisão vertical e horizontal (dados LiDAR) e fotografia aérea de elevada resolução. Assim, foi possível identificar e diferenciar formas de relevo características da área, tais como: relevos residuais, vales de fratura/falha, cones de dejeção/leques aluviais. Paralelamente, identificaramse possíveis capturas fluviais com os respetivos cotovelos de captura e vales secos, assim como, a definição de pequenas paleobacias endorreicas. Os dados morfológicos acentuam a influência da fracturação/litologia nas formas de relevo desta área. Adicionalmente, demonstram a importância destes dados para o avanço no conhecimento geomorfológico do PNPG

    GIS-Based Assessment of the Chestnut Expansion Potential: A Case-Study on the Marvão Productive Area, Portugal

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    Sweet chestnut is a relevant species in Europe for the production of timber and fruit, alongside environmental effects such as biodiversity of protection against soil erosion. In Portugal, chestnut is cultivated mainly for fruit production, in two areas, in the North and the South of the country, with moderate water deficit and low slope and at altitudes higher than 500 m. The current area (845 ha) of the southern so-called Marvão Protected Designation of Origin, of a fortyfold lower order of magnitude by comparison with the Northern productive area, has a significant expansion potential, given its similarity with contiguous areas in the same region. In this context, the main objective of the present work was the evaluation through geographic information analysis of that expansive potential, by comparison of physiographic profiling of the current production area with contiguous areas. A GIS-based characterization of current and potential chestnut areas in Marvão is presented. The methodology involved (i) digital profiling of the main classes/values of the geographical spatial ecological fingerprint considering topography, soil and microclimate variables in the areas currently occupied with sweet chestnut stands and (ii) the evaluation of the distribution of that environmental fingerprint in the whole Marvão productive area, for extending the cultivation to contiguous areas with a similar ecological fingerprint. An enlarged 9889 ha chestnut area was proposed, allocated for high forest stands aiming at agroforestry fruit production and coppiced stands for timber production and environmental protection, corresponding to 4590 ha and 5299 ha, respectively. Fruit production was proposed to field slopes of 0–4% and 4–8%, and altitudes between 400 m and 500 m. Presumable high-quality sites allocated to temporary dry/irrigated cultivations were also proposed for fruit production, in the same slope classes and altitudes higher than 500 m. Timber production and environmental protection were proposed for slopes within 812% and >12% ranges. This selection took into account the logistical feasibility facilitated in lower slopes for intensive mechanized management operations. This methodology permits a future field evaluation of site indexes, productivity, and correlations between environmental variables and stand biometryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient monitoring under an ambient intelligence setting

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    Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 72In recent years there has been a growing interest in developing Ambient Intelligence based systems in order to create smart environments for user and environmental monitoring. In fact, higher-level monitoring systems with vital information about the user and the environment around him/her represents an improvement of the quality of care provided. In this paper, we propose an architecture that implements a multi-agent user-profile based system for patient monitoring aimed to improve the assistance and health care provided. This system mixes logical based reasoning mechanisms with context-aware technologies. It is also presented a case based on a scenario developed at a major Portuguese healthcare institution

    Coming out experiences and disclosure gap in three age cohorts of portuguese cisgender sexual minority men

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    Introduction Studies emphasize that the time elapsed between self-awareness of one’s sexual orientation and its disclosure to others (disclosure gap) can be an indicator of psychosocial adjustment of sexual minorities. Methods This study examined the coming out experiences and disclosure gap of three generations of sexual minority men: adults, 25–39 years; middle-aged, 40–59 years; and seniors, 60 or more years. A sample of 274 cisgender men was recruited, with ages ranging from 25 to 79 years. Data was collected between 2018 and 2019. Results Although most men had disclosed their sexual orientation to signifcant others, there was a wide variation on the coming out timing and experiences across the three age cohorts. Senior sexual minority men realized and disclosed their sexual orientation later than middle-aged men, while the latter realized and disclosed later than their younger counterparts. The disclosure gap followed a similar trend increasing with age. Regression analyses revealed that high levels of self-stigma explained a larger disclosure gap among the middle-aged, whereas low community connectedness explained a larger disclosure gap among seniors. No signifcant predictors emerged among adults. Conclusions Overall coming out experiences worsened with age, with the older cohort reporting realizing and disclosing their sexual orientation later in life, taking longer to come out after identifying as sexual minorities, and feeling less accepted by others after coming out. Policy Implications This study highlighted some of the social factors that may improve sexual minority’s psychosocial wellbeing and possibly counterbalance the negative efects of stigma, namely, connection to the LGBT community.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cartografia geomorfológica das formas glaciárias da Serra Amarela (PNPG)

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    Geomorphological evidence for the Pleistocene glaciation of Serra Amarela (Peneda-Gerês National Park) was provided by Coudé-Gaussen in 1981. However, the limits of the glaciated area are imprecise for glacial reconstruction. This mountain is characterized by its W-E asymmetric topography and by the dominance of granitic lithology over restricted metamorphic outcrops. The steep western slopes are dominated by fluvial and relict periglacial landforms, but the steep eastern slopes show evidence of former glacial erosion and deposits, particularly in the Ramisquedo glacial cirque. Fluvioglacial and slope deposits are frequently observed on the valley floors and mountainsides. This work presents a new geomorphological map of the Serra Amarela, accomplished through the analysis and interpretation of high-resolution LiDAR data, complemented by laboratory analysis and fieldwork validations of the deposits. This new map and data will allow the definition of the Glacial Maximum Extent (GME), ice thickness and Equilibrium-Line Altitude for the Serra Amarela glaciation

    BLEVEs - modelação e avaliação das consequências da explosão de um camião-cisterna de propano em Vila Nova de Cerveira

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    Os perigos e riscos com que nos defrontamos no dia-a-dia estão "invisíveis" no nosso território (Queirós, 2009). O transporte rodoviário de matérias perigosas é exemplo disso, por constituir um perigo associado a grande mobilidade. No presente trabalho foi realizada a modelação de um BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion), tendo por base o cenário de um acidente com um camião-cisterna de 23m3 de propano (8678,66kg de massa) na Estrada Nacional 13, em Vila Nova de Cerveira, onde já ocorrem frequentemente acidentes de viação (41º56'30.50''N 8º44''28.70'' O).Existem dois tipos de BLEVE, os "Cold BLEVE" e os "Hot BLEVE" (TNO, 2006). O "Hot BLEVE", objeto de estudo do presente trabalho, ocorre quando um incêndio afeta a cisterna de transporte de propano, sendo que, segundo Casal et al. (2001), esta causa representa o principal fator da ocorrência de BLEVE's (26%).A modelação da fuga de propano, desde a propagação da nuvem tóxica (níveis de exposição AEGL (ANPC, 2011), dos limites de inflamabilidade (LEL - Lower Explosive Limit %), do JET FIRE (kW/m2) até à ocorrência do BLEVE (kW/m2), foi realizada no software ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres), desenvolvido conjuntamente pela National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) e pela Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dos EUA.Foram modelados dois outputs distintos da área afetada pela radiação térmica da explosão, tendo em conta as diferentes consequências para a população potencialmente exposta. O primeiro, tendo por base os valores pré-definidos pelo ALOHA (10, 5 e 2 kW/m2), e o segundo, com valores relativos às consequências de exposição para a população definidas em 2005 por Cameron & Raman (35, 26 e 12.6 kW/m2).O resultado da modelação no ALOHA foi exportado para um SIG (ArcMap), onde posteriormente se realiza o cruzamento de dados da explosão com os dados da população presente (INE, 2011) e das estruturas (edificado, rodovias, etc.). Ainda no ArcMap é realizada a cartografia relativa à onda de sobrepressão (kPa) e ao seu efeito destrutivo resultante da explosão, tendo como base os estudos de Schmitt (2009).Para se realizar uma estimativa da população potencialmente afetada pela explosão foi utilizado o método de ponderação espacial "Areal Weighting" (Chakraborty & Amostrong, 1996; Margai, 2001).Este modelo pressupõe que a população se distribui de forma uniforme por unidade espacial, sendo o cálculo realizado com base na informação da população presente à escala da subsecção (INE, 2011). Assim, para as subsecções completamente contidas na área da explosão, foi realizado um somatório da população presente. Para as subsecções parcialmente contidas na área de sinistro, apenas uma fração da população presente é considerada, tendo como elemento de ponderação a proporção de área da subsecção contida na área da explosão.Os resultados obtidos apontam que, por exemplo, 257 indivíduos poderiam sofrer queimaduras de 2.º grau (exposição de 60 segundos), ou ainda que 26 poderiam perder a vida por exposição instantânea à radiação térmica libertada na explosão. A onda de sobrepressão causaria danos estruturais graves em 27 edifícios, e pequenos danos estruturais em 667.Desta forma, é realizada a integração de dois sistemas de modelação (ALOHA e ArcMap), permitindo determinar os impactos/danos na população e estruturas, contribuindo para a identificação de elementos expostos classificados como vitais, estratégicos ou sensíveis (Julião et al., 2009), nas proximidades da EN13 em Vila Nova de Cerveira.(...