4 research outputs found


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    The presence of dogs in domestic environments has become quite common, but it is necessary to maintain care of the animals, since they can transmit pathogens to humans causing zoonotic diseases and one of the forms of transmission can be by accidental ingestion of parasite eggs present in the hairs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of intestinal parasites in the hair of dogs attended at two veterinary clinics in the city of Teresina, PI. The collected hairs were taken to the Parasitology Laboratory at UFPI for evaluation and underwent a washing process through a technique modified for this purpose. Of 59 dog hair samples, 11 were positive for helminths or protozoa, being found eggs of the family Taeniidae and the genus Ancylostoma, besides to cysts Giardia spp. and oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp., important zoonotic potential parasites. Once parasitized, the dogs can pose a risk of contamination to humans through their faeces or through their hair. It is concluded that the eggs helminths of the Taeniidae family and of the Ancylostoma genus and the protozoa of the Giardia and Cryptosporidium genus can be adhered to the hairs of the perianal region of dogs, and these last parasites are the first reports in the hair in this animals species.A presença de cães em ambientes domiciliares se tornou bastante comum, porém é preciso manter cuidados com relação aos animais, uma vez que eles podem transmitir patógenos ao homem, causando, assim, doenças zoonóticas; e que uma das formas de transmissão pode ser por ingestão acidental de ovos de parasitos presentes nos pelos. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de parasitos intestinais em pelos de cães atendidos em duas clínicas veterinárias do município de Teresina/PI. Os pelos colhidos foram levados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia da UFPI para avaliação e passaram por um processo de lavagem por meio de uma técnica modificada para essa finalidade. De 59 amostras de pelos de cães, 11 foram positivas para helmintos ou protozoários, sendo encontrados ovos da família Taeniidae e do gênero Ancylostoma, além de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp., importantes parasitos de potencial zoonótico. Uma vez parasitados, os cães podem oferecer risco de contaminação para os humanos, tanto por meio das fezes como por meio dos pelos. Conclui-se que ovos de helmintos da família Taeniidae e do gênero Ancylostoma e os protozoários do gênero Giardia e Cryptosporidium podem ficar aderidos nos pelos da região perianal de cães, sendo que as ocorrências destes últimos parasitos são os primeiros relatos nos pelos dessa espécie animal


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    Environmental contamination by parasitic forms can represent a public health problem, as many of these agents can contaminate the human beings. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the existence of parasites of zoonotic potential in two public parks in the city of Teresina (Piauí, Brazil) during the rainy and dry period in the region. For this purpose, sand samples were collected during 2018, firstly in March, representing the rainy period, and then in October, the dry period. A total of 20 samples was collected, 10 from each park. From the samples collected in park 1during the rainy season, two were positive for hookworm and Toxocara spp. Larvae. In this same period, park 2 was without the presence of parasites. During the dry period, one site in park 1 remained positive for hookworm and Toxocara spp. larvae, while these parasitic forms were found in two locations in park 2. In both parks, the presence of dogs and cats was observed in and around these environments. These findings reveal the risk of human contamination by parasites of zoonotic potential in the two public parks at different times of the year, serving as a warning for the population of Teresina.A contaminação ambiental por formas parasitárias pode representar um problema de saúde pública, pois muitos desses agentes podem contaminar os seres humanos. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a existência de parasitos de potencial zoonótico em dois parques públicos do município de Teresina (Piauí, Brasil) durante os períodos chuvoso e seco da região. Para isso, amostras de areia foram coletadas durante o ano de 2018, primeiramente em março, representando o período chuvoso, e depois em outubro, o período seco. Foi coletado um total de 20 amostras, sendo 10 de cada parque. Das amostras coletadas no parque 1durante o período chuvoso, duas foram positivas para larvas de ancilostomídeos e de Toxocara spp. Nesse mesmo período, o parque 2 encontrava-se sem a presença de parasitos. Durante o período seco, um local do parque 1 continuou sendo positivo para larvas de ancilostomídeos e Toxocara spp., enquanto no parque 2 foram encontradas essas formas parasitárias em dois locais. Em ambos os parques, foi observada a presença de cães e gatos dentro e nos arredores dos ambientes. Esses achados revelam o risco de contaminação humana por parasitos de potencial zoonótico nos dois parques públicos em diferentes épocas do ano, servindo de alerta para a população de Teresina

    Occurrence of Intestinal Parasites in Alouatta caraya of the Zoobotanical Park of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

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    Background: The animals of the genus Alouatta are popularly known as Bugios, barbados, roncadores and guaribas, being the neotropical primates better studied in the world. They originate in South America, with records in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. Because of their migrations, many are found debilitated and taken to captivity until their rehabilitation and most cannot be reinserted in nature. They tend to live in extensive areas, having a low resistance against parasitic infections because of low exposure and when kept in captivity, the risks of these infections increase. Some diagnostic techniques can aid in the detection of parasites of zoo animals and can identify the parasitic fauna of these animals. The objective of this work was to investigate and report the presence of intestinal parasites in a female Bugio-preta (Alouatta caraya) captive of the Zoobotanical Park of the municipality of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.Case: The animal presented a constipation signs before clinical signs of apathy, anorexia, diarrhea and weight loss, suggestive signs of parasitosis, Sterile papers were placed on the floor of the animal enclosure and collected fresh stools shortly after defecation, the feces were removed using gloves, stored in a capped containers, identified and taken to the Laboratory of Parasitology of the Department of Parasitology and Microbiology of the Federal University of Piauí, for further evaluation. The fecal samples were submitted to the techniques of spontaneous sedimentation (HPJ), centrifugation-flotation (Faust) and flotation method in hyper saturated sucrose solution (Willis-Mollay), obtaining slides that were analyzed under an optical microscope in the 10x and 40x objective, confirming the presence of ascarids and hookworms.Discussion: The results showed the presence of eggs of Ascaris sp. and Ancylostoma sp. in all of the analyzed techniques, thus maintaining an alert, since they are considered helminths of zoonotic character. The general state of the animal may have influenced considerably the result of mixed infection by helminths, since it had episodes of diarrhea and was skinny at the time of diagnosis. Diarrheal feces and slimming favor the encounter of mixed infection, since the parasites in large quantity can cause to their hosts a decrease in the absorption of nutrients and an intestinal peristalsis increase. Other works with primates also revealed the presence of parasites in animals, including protozoans. The collection moment and evaluation of the fecal samples of the Bugio coincided with the rainy period in the region. This fact can favor the increase of eggs and larvae of parasites in the environment and, consequently, can contaminate the animals. Regarding to sanitary management of zoos, areas full of plants and trees make it difficult to hygienize the enclosures and in these places is common the presence of other animals that can serve as carriers of pathogens. The available diagnostic great relevance to assess the degree of animal infection, the possibility of transmission and the sanitary conditions of the environment. It was concluded that the female Bugio of the Teresina Zoobotanical Park was parasitized by ascarids and hookworms and the techniques of parasitological exams performed represented great relevance for the early diagnosis and an appropriate treatment, being able to be used for the control of diseases parasites, mainly zoonoses


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    The present study aimed to evaluate the frequency of deworming in horses treated at the HVU Large Animals Clinic. It was observed that the administered product, the frequency of administration and the date of the last vermifugation. We can see that many of the owners were not sure which product they used in the deworming of the animal, the frequency of administration was diverse according to the season, the date of the last deworming was very different in the results, factors that can contribute to a resistance to the anthelmintic used.O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência de vermifugação em equinos atendidos na Clínica de Grandes Animais do HVU. Observou-se o produto administrado, a frequência de administração e a data da última vermifugação. Podemos observar que muitos dos proprietários não tinham certeza de qual produto usavam na desparasitação do animal, a frequência de administração variava de acordo com a estação do ano, a data da última desparasitação era muito diferente nos resultados, fatores que podem contribuir a uma resistência ao anti-helmíntico utilizado