26 research outputs found
The role of viruses, inflammation and myocardial macrophages in the development of idiopathic arrhythmia
We studied viral antigens, inflammation, and macrophages in the endomyocardial biopsies of patients with idiopathic arrhythmias. Immunohistological study was performed to identify the antigens of cardiotropic viruses and the types of lymphocytes and macrophages. We observed the presence of viral antigens in the myocardium of patients with and without histological criteria of myocarditis. Heart failure and ventricular arrhythmias were associated with small focal infiltration of the myocardium with macrophages. The presence of viral antigens in the myocardium was associated with fewer number of myocardial M2 macrophages. Severity of myocardial interstitial fibrosis correlated with small-focal infiltration of M2 macrophages
Macrophage activation and polarization in post-infarction cardiac remodeling
Adverse cardiac remodeling leads to impaired ventricular function and heart failure, remaining a major cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. It have been shown that, even if all the recommended therapies for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction are performed, one third of patients undergoes progressive cardiac remodeling that represents morphological basis for following heart failure. The need to extend our knowledge about factors leading to different clinical scenarios of myocardial infarction and following complications has resulted in a research of immuno-inflammatory pathways and molecular activities as the basis for post-infarction remodeling. Recently, macrophages (cells of the innate immune system) have become a subject of scientific interest under both normal and pathological conditions. Macrophages, besides their role in host protection and tissue homeostasis, play an important role in pathophysiological processes induced by myocardial infarction. In this article we summarize data about the function of monocytes and macrophages plasticity in myocardial infarction and outline potential role of these cells as effective targets to control processes of inflammation, cardiac remodeling and healing following acute coronary event
Business plan for the establishment of on-line marketing courses
Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je zpracování podnikatelského plánu na založení online školy marketingových kurzů. Daná práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část obsahuje vymezení základních pojmů týkajících se podnikání, podnikatelského plánu a internetového marketingu, které slouží jako podklad pro zpracování praktické části práce. Praktická část se zaměřuje na samotné zpracování podnikatelského plánu a skládá se z představení podniku a jeho popisu, popisu organizační struktury, definování cílové skupiny, analýzy tržního potenciálu, vymezení konkurenčního prostředí, strategické analýzy, marketingového a finančního plánu. Výsledkem práce je kompletní podnikatelský plán, který je využitelným podkladem při rozhodování o zahájení podnikatelské činnosti.The main goal of this diploma thesis is to create a business plan for the establishment of an online marketing school. This thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts related to entrepreneurship, business plan and Internet marketing, which serve as a background for the practical part. The practical part focuses on the business plan itself and consists of presentation of the company and its description, description of the organizational structure, definition of the target group, analysis of the market potential, definition of the competitive environment, strategic analysis, marketing and financial plan. The result of this diploma thesis is a complete business plan that is a useful basis for taking a decision for starting business activities
Currently, as part of import substitution, it is important to effectively use the reserves of animal protein, for example, horse meat, which has dietary properties due to a balanced amino acid and fatty acid composition and high efficiency in the treatment of anemia, hypotrophy and other pathologies. However, ready-made products of meat of adult horses are tough and not succulent; in order to adjust the functional and technological properties of boiled horse meat products, the use of multicomponent brines is promising. A promising ingredient for use in the composition of the stuffing brine is a powdered arabinogalactan, a highly branched polysaccharide, isolated from soft wood. The purpose of the work was to study the possibility of using arabinogalactan in the brine in the technology of whole-muscle boiled horse meat products. The experimental part was carried out in the laboratory of the department "Technology of meat and canned products" of the East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management. The samples of chilled horse meat were tested. These samples were stuffed with a control and experimental brines with a different dose of arabinogalactan with subsequent massaging in a tumbler. In the samples studied, physico-chemical and structural-mechanical characteristics were determined. As a result of the studies, kappa- and iota-carrageenans were selected as ingredients of the stuffing brine with a concentration of 0.8 and 0.2% and the animal protein "Promiat-90" with a concentration of 0.75% of the brine weight basis. The amount of injected arabinogalactan (10%), which provides the necessary density and viscosity of the brine, is experimentally justified. Massaging of salted horse semi-finished products is accompanied by an improvement in their hydrophilic properties, which reach the highest values in 10 hours. The finished experimental product is characterized by better quality and yield (by 6%). Thus, the use of 10% arabinogalactan in a multicomponent brine for horse boiled products makes it possible to improve their functional-technological and taste characteristics
Macrophages of the “Heart-Kidney” Axis: Their Dynamics and Correlations with Clinical Data and Outcomes in Patients with Myocardial Infarction
Changes in the macrophage infiltration of kidneys in rodents under ischemic conditions may affect cardiac macrophages and lead to development of adaptive cardiac remodeling. The aim of our study was to translate experimental findings into clinically relevant applications and assess the features of macrophage infiltration of the kidney and its correlations with changes in macrophage infiltration of the myocardium and with clinical data in patients who experienced a fatal myocardial infarction (MI). We examined fragments of both organs taken from patients (n = 30) who suffered from fatal MI. Macrophage infiltration was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Macrophage infiltration of the kidneys in patients with fatal MI is heterogeneous. The early period of MI was shown to be characterized by the prevalence of CD163+ and CD68+ cells, and in the long-term period by only CD163+ cells. However, only the level of CD206+ cells in the kidneys showed the dynamics representing the late MI period. Its decrease accompanied increase in the numbers of cardiac CD68+, CD163+, CD206+, and stabilin-1+ cells in the infarct area. Kidney CD206+ cells had more correlations with cardiac macrophages than other cells, and the presence of these cells also correlated with impairment of renal function and early death
Profile of a patient with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in actual clinical practice
Aim. To describe profile of a modern portrait with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (non-STEMI) through a comprehensive analysis of the Emergency Cardiology Unit (ECU) practice, which discharge a function of a regional vascular centre.Material and methods. To describe the non-STEMI trends of the last decade, we analysed the annual reports on ECU work. The main analysis included patients with a documented non-STEMI treated in 2019 (n=221). We used information from the department database. A Microsoft Excel software was used to create the database. The base has been filled in by the ECU head in real time since 2009. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica 10,0 software package. The methods of descriptive statistics and Yates-corrected chi-square test were used.Results. The following clinical and demographic trends of the last decade were revealed: an increase in the number of patients with non-STEMI, proportion of male patients, mean age of patients, proportion of patients with MI with non-obstructive coronary artery disease; no decrease in in-hospital mortality, despite the introduction of modern guidelines, pharmacological and invasive treatment of non-STEMI. In 2019, the proportion of male patients and patients 75 years and older was 62,4% and 32%, respectively. The mean age of patients was 64,6±13,0 years. Clopidogrel was the predominant P2Y12 receptor blockers (56,1%). A total of 176 patients (79,6%) underwent the invasive procedures. Endovascular myocardial revascularization was performed in 97 patients (43,9%), while in the group over 75 years old — in 16 (7%) patients. The leading causes for absence of myocardial revascularization were chronic kidney disease (4,6%), severe coronary artery disease (6,3%), “borderline” (50-60%) coronary artery stenosis. The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 9,0%, while in the group of patients over 75 years old — 19,7%. Mortality rates did not differ in patients with and without myocardial revascularization (p=0,2). However, the incidence of pulmonary oedema was higher in the conservative treatment group (p=0,04).Conclusion. Treatment of patients 75 years and older remains the main barrier in management of patients with non-STEMI. We observe the treatment-risk paradox, which consists in choosing a less aggressive treatment strategy in the group of the most high-risk patients. Other relevant aspects in the management of non-STEMI patients are the selection of a method for myocardial revascularization in multivessel coronary artery disease, assessment of the hemodynamic significance of coronary artery stenosis, and patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease
M2 cardiac macrophages in wound healing following myocardial infarction: translation to clinic
Funding Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant №16-04-01268
M2 cardiac macrophages in wound healing following myocardial infarction: translation to clinic
Funding Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant №16-04-01268
Cardiac macrophages in wound healing following myocardial infarction: from experiment to clinic
Introduction: Macrophages are key innate immune cells that play a significant role in transition from inflammatory to regenerative phase during wound healing following myocardial infarction (MI). Despite the progress of experimental studies devoted to the innate immune response following MI, there is no significant advancement in clinical studies. Purpose: The purpose of the research was to translate experimental knowledge regarding macrophage subsets and their biomarkers in post infarction left ventricular remodeling and myocardial regeneration into results observed in clinical settings. We suggested protocol based on usage of macrophage biomarkers to study cellular basis of cardiac remodeling and healing in patients with MI. Methods: The study included 41 patients with fatal MI type 1. All patients were divided into 4 groups depending on the timeline of MI histopathology. In addition to routine histopathological analysis macrophages infiltration was assessed by immunohistochemistry. We used CD68 as a marker for the cells of the macrophage lineage, while CD163 and stabilin-1 were considered as M2-like macrophage biomarkers. Nine patients who died from non-cardiovascular causes comprised the control group. Results: The figure (Figure 1) demonstrates results of immunohistochemical analysis. In the control group the number of CD68+ and CD163+ macrophages was lower than in the infarct, peri-infarct and non-infarct areas during all phases of MI (p < 0.001). Simultaneously the quantity of stabilin-1+ cells in the control group was higher in all the areas during inflammatory phase of MI (p=0.01). We noticed that numbers of CD68+, CD163+ and stabilin-1+ macrophages depended on MI phase. The number of CD68+ cells correlated with the day of MI: strong positive correlation was found in the infarct area (R=0.67, p=0.001) and moderate positive correlation was noticed in the peri-infarct area (R=0.55, p < 0.001). There was similar relationship for CD163+ (infarct area: R=0.61, p=0.001; peri-infarct area: R=0.66, p < 0.001) and stabilin-1+ cells (infarct area: R=0.6, p < 0.001; peri-infarct area: R=0.42, p=0.007). Conclusions: Our study translated experimental knowledge regarding macrophage subpopulations in post-infarction myocardial regeneration into clinical. We observed cardiac macrophage response following MI reminded a murine model. Our data indicate following: (1) dichotomous M1-M2 model is not sufficient to completely describe functions of macrophage subsets; (2) characterization of macrophage phenotypes by multiple biomarkers is promising; (3) stabilin-1 could be used as macrophage biomarker in cardiac wound healing in patients with MI. Our study supported diagnostic prospects for implementation of macrophage phenotyping in clinic. Identifying effective biomarkers of different macrophage subsets in patients with MI might become the basis of the method to predict adverse cardiac remodeling and the first step to develop myocardial regeneration target therapy