242 research outputs found

    A Robust Grey Wolf-based Deep Learning for Brain Tumour Detection in MR Images

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    In recent times, the detection of brain tumour is a common fatality in the field of the health community. Generally, the brain tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue where the cells grow up and increase uncontrollably, apparently unregulated by mechanisms that control cells. A number of techniques have been developed so far; however, the time consumption in detecting brain tumor is still a challenge in the field of image processing.  This paper intends to propose a new detection model even accurately. The model includes certain processes like Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Classification. Particularly, two extreme processes like contrast enhancement and skull stripping are processed under initial phase, in the segmentation process, this paper uses Fuzzy Means Clustering (FCM) algorithm. Both Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) as well as Gray-Level Run-Length Matrix (GRLM) features are extracted in feature extraction phase. Moreover, this paper uses Deep Belief Network (DBN) for classification. The DBN is integrated with the optimization approach, and hence this paper introduces the optimized DBN, for which Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) is used here.  The proposed model is termed as GW-DBN model. The proposed model compares its performance over other conventional methods in terms of Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity, Precision, Negative Predictive Value (NPV), F1Score and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), False negative rate (FNR), False positive rate (FPR) and False Discovery Rate (FDR), and proven the superiority of proposed work.

    Effectiveness of breast crawling technique in the early expulsion of placenta and blood loss among women in third stage of labour

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    Effectiveness of breast crawling technique in the early expulsion of placenta and blood loss among women in third stage of labour OBJECTIVES: to assess the ability of newborn to initiate breast feeding through breast crawling technique. to evaluate the effectiveness of breast crawling on early expulsion of placenta and blood loss among women in third stage between control and experimental group. to correlate between breast crawling and early expulsion of placenta and blood loss among the experimental group. to associate between the early expulsion of placenta and blood loss with selected demographic variables in experimental group . OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Effectiveness It refers to evaluate the effectiveness of breast crawling technique in statistical significant difference in expulsion of placenta and total blood loss. Breast crawling technique Every newborn, when placed on her mother‟s abdomen, soon after birth, has the ability to find her mother‟s breast all on her own and to decide when to take the first breast feed. This is called the “breast crawl”. Early expulsion of placenta After complete separation of the placenta, it is forced down into the flabby lower uterine segment and out of vagina before 15 minutes due to contraction and retraction process. Parturient women The women who is in the process of labour. Third stage of labour It begins after expulsion of the fetus and ends with expulsion of the placenta and membrane (after birth). Its average duration is about 15 minutes in both primigravida and multipara. PROJECTED OUTCOME: Breast crawl will enhance the ability of newborn to initiate breast feeding without assistance from the investigator or mother. Physiological management of early suckling will reduce the total duration of third stage of labour and blood loss

    A study to assess the effectiveness of curry leaves in reducing blood sugar among type II diabetes clients in selected rural areas at Medavakkam, Chennai

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    TITLE:A study to assess the effectiveness of curry leaves in reducing blood sugar among type II diabetes clients in selected rural areas at Medavakkam, Chennai India leads the world with largest number of diabetic subjects earning the dubious distinction of being termed the "diabetes capital of the world". Need for the study India is currently experiencing an epidemic of diabetes mellitus. From the available region wise population based studies it is clear that in the last two decades, there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of diabetes among both urban as well as the rural Indians, with southern India having the sharpest increase. With these projected increase in the diabetic population in future, South-East Asian countries will become the most challenged region in the World and will bear the maximum global burden of the diseases in the initial decades of the 21st century. Looking in to the severity of the disease and beneficial effects of the herbal plant in managing diabetes, present study is planned. Objectives: The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Curry leaves powder in reducing the blood sugar level among the Type II Diabetic patients residing at rural areas ofMedavakkam. Methodology: Research approach: quantitative research approach Study Setting: The study was conducted in rural area of Medavakkam, Chennai. Research design: experimental study, pre testpost test only design Sampling technique: simple random sampling technique Sample size : In this study the sample comprises of 60 Type-II Diabetic adults in which 30 clients were in experimental and 30 were selected in the control group. Data collection procedure: The investigator selected 60 samples (30 participants in experimental and 30 in control group)by simple random sampling technique using lottery method.. Pre testof post-prandial blood glucose level was assessed by glucometer for both experimental and control group, same instrument was used for both the group and then for the experimental group 10gm of curry leaves powder was given with food , morning/ daily in person for 14 days post assessment was conducted on the 15th day for both experimental and control group. Data analysis The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics like mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics like chi-square test, independent t-test were used to analyze the clinical variables. p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Discussion: On comparing the pre and post blood glucose level among Type II Diabetic patients in experimental group and control group, the obtained mean difference were 10.44% and 0.76% respectively.The finding implies that there is a significant difference between the pre and post- prandial blood sugar level in experimental group. Thus the hypothesis was proved. Conclusion: The study was concluded with the findings that there is a significant reduction in blood sugar level of clients in experimental group who were given 10gms of curry leaves powder for 14 days along with their food

    Sampled Reference Frame Algorithm Based on Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter

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    In This paper the Sampled Reference Frame Algorithm for Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter is presented. This simple method is less computation method than Sector Identification. This SVPWM can drive any Multilevel Inverter with good DC utilization, less switching stress. This is used for high voltage and high power applications. By using Sampled Reference Frame Algorithm, there is no use of look up tables, sector selection, no need of reference voltage and angle information, 3φ to 2φ transformation. The inverter's structure of these inverters is developed by using MATLAB SIMULINK software

    An alternative sputum processing method using chitin for the isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    An alternative bio-friendly sputum processing method is the need of the hour to augment the rate of detection of TB cases and to improve the sensitivity of rapid growth based diagnostic methods. Chitin, mucolytic in nature and present ubiquitously in animal kingdom, was found to have decontaminating activity when used for processing sputum specimens. The aim of the present study is to develop an alternative bio friendly sputum processing method using chitin. Smear microscopy was done on direct sputum samples and on the deposits obtained after processing with modified Petroff’s method as well as Chitin method. Two direct smears were made from each of the sputum samples and stained by Ziehl Neelsen and Auramine phenol (AP) method. The samples were divided in to two aliquots and processed by chitin and modified Petroff’s method. Smears were made from each of the deposits and stained by both methods. The deposits were inoculated on to two Lowenstein Jensen slopes. AP method showed a sensitivity of 95% in direct smear. Samples processed by chitin and the deposit smears stained by AP method showed a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 89% compared to that of modified Petroff’s method. The sensitivity of chitin culture is 87% and the specificity is 85%. Chitin–H2So4 solution took less time compared to 4% NaOH to homogenize the mucopurulent sputum specimens. Chitin–H2So4 can be used as an alternative method of sputum processing for the detection of M. tuberculosis

    Fetal Brain Transplantation in Kainic Acid Lesioned Caudate Nucleus of Adult Rats

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    This study confirmed that bilateral kainie acid (KA) injection at the caudate produces aphagia and adipsia in rats. The reduction in food and water intake was fatal after a higher dosage of the drug. To test the effect of transplantation on. the mortality, rate, KA was first injected in the left caudate, in one set of rats. After a gap of three days, fetal striatal tissue was unilaterally transplanted at this lesioned site, along with a second injection of KA in the right caudate. Successful transplantation, as ascertained morphologically, did not significantly alter the mortality rate. The morphometric study revealed that the neurons of the transplant were larger in size, and their numerical density lower than those of the caudate of normal rats. Only very few neurons of the transplant developed functional connectivity with the host, as demonstrated by electrophysiological studies

    Note on the unusual landings of Amblygaster sirm off Vizhinjam coast

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    Unusual landings of the clupeid Amblygaster sirm(spotted sardinella), was noticed during the October– December 2016 along the Vizhinjam coast. Locallyknown as Keerichala, regular landings of A. sirmwas observed in all the major landing centres alongthe Thiruvananthapuram coast like Mampally,Anjengo, Perumathura, Thazhampally, Marianad,Valiyathura, Poonthura etc

    Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy UP (BCC)-Filters of UP (BCC)-Algebras

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    The concepts of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy UP (BCC)-subalgebras, UP (BCC)-ideals, and UP (BCC)-filters of UP (BCC)-algebras are presented, some of their features are explained, and their extensions are demonstrated using the theory of hesitant fuzzy sets as a foundation. The necessary conditions for those intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy sets are provided and include their relation to their complement. The concept of prime and weakly prime of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy sets was also introduced and studied. We also talk about the connections between intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy UP (BCC)-subalgebras (UP (BCC)-ideals, UP (BCC)-filters) and their level subsets. The homomorphic pre-images of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy UP (BCC)-filters in UP (BCC)-algebras are also studied and some related properties are investigated