2 research outputs found

    Гідрокавітаційна активація у технологіях виробництва і спалювання композиційних палив

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    Special methods and means for production and use of new types of liquid composite fuels with addition of industrial wastes of various origins were developed and scientifically substantiated.The studies enabled production of composite fuels with improved physical and chemical qualities. For this purpose, a rotary cavitation device for tryout of hydrocavitational activation of fuel components was worked out. The possibility of introduction of various industrial wastes including ecologically hazardous wastes of various origins into production of composite fuels was proved.Comprehensive studies of producing and burning composite fuels with application of methods for activation of physical and chemical processes were carried out. Liquid composite fuels obtained on the basis of “classical” hydrocarbons with addition of various types of waste meet present-day energy, environmental and consumer requirements.The developed technology of burning composite fuels is helpful for solving the environmental problem of recycling industrial waste and the problem of generation of a cheaper thermal energy. The proposed technological approach is universal and applicable for utilization and neutralization of organic and mineral wastes of various origins using hydrocavitational activation methods at the stages of production and combustion of composite fuels.Theoretical studies of hydrodynamics of flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in channels of a complex shape have enabled design of new types of atomizers and hydrocavitational activatorsПредложена гидрокавитационная технология создания композиционных топлив на основе углеводородов и различных отходов. Показано, что применение данной технологии комплексно решает не только энергетическую задачу получения более дешевой тепловой энергии, но и экологическую проблему снижения вредных выбросов в атмосферу при сжигании. Одновременно решается задача по утилизации и обеззараживанию отходов, добавляемых в качестве компонентов в состав композиционных топливЗапропонована гідрокавітаціона технологія створення композиційних палив на основі вуглеводнів та різних відходів. Показано, що застосування даної технології комплексно вирішує не тільки енергетичну задачу отримання більш дешевої теплової енергії, а й екологічну проблему зниження шкідливих викидів в атмосферу при спалюванні. Одночасно вирішується задача по утилізації і знезараженню відходів, що додаються в якості компонентів до складу композиційних пали

    Hydrocavitational Activation in the Technologies of Production and Combustion of Composite Fuels

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    Special methods and means for production and use of new types of liquid composite fuels with addition of industrial wastes of various origins were developed and scientifically substantiated.The studies enabled production of composite fuels with improved physical and chemical qualities. For this purpose, a rotary cavitation device for tryout of hydrocavitational activation of fuel components was worked out. The possibility of introduction of various industrial wastes including ecologically hazardous wastes of various origins into production of composite fuels was proved.Comprehensive studies of producing and burning composite fuels with application of methods for activation of physical and chemical processes were carried out. Liquid composite fuels obtained on the basis of “classical” hydrocarbons with addition of various types of waste meet present-day energy, environmental and consumer requirements.The developed technology of burning composite fuels is helpful for solving the environmental problem of recycling industrial waste and the problem of generation of a cheaper thermal energy. The proposed technological approach is universal and applicable for utilization and neutralization of organic and mineral wastes of various origins using hydrocavitational activation methods at the stages of production and combustion of composite fuels.Theoretical studies of hydrodynamics of flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in channels of a complex shape have enabled design of new types of atomizers and hydrocavitational activator