39 research outputs found

    IT Systems for Aircraft Weight and Balance at Zagreb International Airport

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    U prvom djelu rada navedene su uvodne postavke te su definirani potrebni elementi za proces uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Slijedi opis procesa izrade instrukcije utovara i liste uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Opisan je način prikupljanja relevantne dokumentacije koja je temelj za izradu liste opterećenja i uravnoteženja zrakoplova i izrade instrukcije utovara. Rad se fokusira na opisu računalnih aplikacija za uravnoteženje i opterećenje zrakoplova koje se koriste na Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb na način da se iste prebroje te navede njihov opis i specifičnosti. Na kraju rada iznijet je prijedlog poboljÅ”anja postojećih operativnih aktivnosti u segmentu računalnog uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova.In the first part of the work there are listed introductory settings and defined needed elements for process of weight and balance of the airplane. Ways of making Loading Instruction Report and Load and Trim Sheet of the airplane are descripted. There is described way of collecting relevant documentation which is base for making Loading Instruction Report and load and trim sheet. Work is focused on describing computer applications for weight and balance of the aircraft that are used in Zagreb International Airport, in a way that they are counted and their description and specification are listed. At the end of work there's a stated suggestion of improvements of existing operational activities in segment of computer balance and weight the airplane

    Should we still examine our patients?

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    Mnogi se liječnici danas nekritično oslanjaju na rezultate dijagnostičkih pretraga, Ŕto rezultira daljnjim nepotrebnim pretragama ili zahvatima. Ovaj rad prikazuje zaŔto to nije dobro i kakve su posljedice takve prakse.Many physicians today rely uncritically on the results of diagnostic tests, resulting in further needless examination and interventions. This article shows why this is incorrect and what the consequences of such practices are

    IT Systems for Aircraft Weight and Balance at Zagreb International Airport

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    U prvom djelu rada navedene su uvodne postavke te su definirani potrebni elementi za proces uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Slijedi opis procesa izrade instrukcije utovara i liste uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Opisan je način prikupljanja relevantne dokumentacije koja je temelj za izradu liste opterećenja i uravnoteženja zrakoplova i izrade instrukcije utovara. Rad se fokusira na opisu računalnih aplikacija za uravnoteženje i opterećenje zrakoplova koje se koriste na Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb na način da se iste prebroje te navede njihov opis i specifičnosti. Na kraju rada iznijet je prijedlog poboljÅ”anja postojećih operativnih aktivnosti u segmentu računalnog uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova.In the first part of the work there are listed introductory settings and defined needed elements for process of weight and balance of the airplane. Ways of making Loading Instruction Report and Load and Trim Sheet of the airplane are descripted. There is described way of collecting relevant documentation which is base for making Loading Instruction Report and load and trim sheet. Work is focused on describing computer applications for weight and balance of the aircraft that are used in Zagreb International Airport, in a way that they are counted and their description and specification are listed. At the end of work there's a stated suggestion of improvements of existing operational activities in segment of computer balance and weight the airplane

    IT Systems for Aircraft Weight and Balance at Zagreb International Airport

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    U prvom djelu rada navedene su uvodne postavke te su definirani potrebni elementi za proces uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Slijedi opis procesa izrade instrukcije utovara i liste uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova. Opisan je način prikupljanja relevantne dokumentacije koja je temelj za izradu liste opterećenja i uravnoteženja zrakoplova i izrade instrukcije utovara. Rad se fokusira na opisu računalnih aplikacija za uravnoteženje i opterećenje zrakoplova koje se koriste na Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Zagreb na način da se iste prebroje te navede njihov opis i specifičnosti. Na kraju rada iznijet je prijedlog poboljÅ”anja postojećih operativnih aktivnosti u segmentu računalnog uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova.In the first part of the work there are listed introductory settings and defined needed elements for process of weight and balance of the airplane. Ways of making Loading Instruction Report and Load and Trim Sheet of the airplane are descripted. There is described way of collecting relevant documentation which is base for making Loading Instruction Report and load and trim sheet. Work is focused on describing computer applications for weight and balance of the aircraft that are used in Zagreb International Airport, in a way that they are counted and their description and specification are listed. At the end of work there's a stated suggestion of improvements of existing operational activities in segment of computer balance and weight the airplane

    The magnitude and clinical implications of the interobserver variability of echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction measurement

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    The ejection fraction (EF) is the most commonly used echocardiographic measure of the systolic left ventricular (LV) function. Echocardiography has however several limitations in measuring LV volumes and EF since the formulas for quantifications are based on geometrical assumptions, the EF parameters (end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes) are preload dependent and adequate projections are not always possible to obtain. Previous studies have also shown correlation between different echocardiographic techniques of obtaining EF and even correlation between echocardiography and other methods (MRI, SPECT, CT) but the data on interobserver and intraobserver variability remains scarce.1 In this study we examined the interobserver limits of agreement and the therapeutic implications of the uncertainty obtained by the result. We examined 22 sequential patients referred to our echocardiography laboratory for LV function assessment. All echocardiography studies were performed by two independent cardiologists blinded to the measurements of the other observer. 2D methods including the biplane Simpson method and ā€œeyeballingā€ were conducted, while automatic and semiautomatic 2D and 3D methods were not allowed. Bland-Altman analysis was performed to determine the systematic bias and limits of agreement (LOA) of EF between different observers (Figure 1). Next the LOA were used to obtain new ā€œconfidence intervalsā€ on a previously gathered set of echocardiograms of 171 heart failure patients. We recorded the number of patients that now had different treatment recommendations according to the current ESC guidelines on heart failure and device therapy i.e. the ā€œnewā€ EF was 40%. McNemarā€™s test was used to determine the statistical significance of the difference with a two-tailed P=0.05 taken as a threshold. The bias was calculated to be -2.3 with LOA (7.8 to -12.5) which is in agreement with similar studies. The number of patients that received ā€œnewā€ treatment recommendations was 99 for the lower LOA and 65 for upper LOA, P<0.001 for both groups. We therefore conclude that the interobserver variability of the EF measurement can lead to significantly different treatment strategies in patients with heart failure. Echocardiographic methods introducing less variability (like automatic 3D techniques) should be preferred in determining the EF

    Estrogen receptor 1 gene (TA)n polymorphism is associated with lone atrial fibrillation in men

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    Aim To determine the association between the number of thymine-adenine (TA)n dinucleotide repeats in the promoter region of the gene coding for the estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) and the prevalence of lone atrial fibrillation (AF) in men. Methods We conducted a case-control study involving 89 men with lone AF and 166 healthy male controls. The ESR1 genotype was established by polymerase chain reaction and capillary electrophoresis. To assess the association of ESR1 genotype with AF, logistic regression models were built with AF as outcome. Results Men with lone AF had significantly greater number of (TA)n repeats of single alleles than controls (mean Ā± standard deviation, 19.2 Ā± 4.2 vs 18 Ā± 4.3, P = 0.010). After adjustment for other factors, a unit-increase in (TA)n repeat number was associated with a significantly greater likelihood of AF (odds ratio 1.069; 95% confidence interval 1.024-1.116, P = 0.002). Conclusions Our results indicate that a greater number of (TA)n repeats in the promoter region of ESR1 is associated with a significantly increased likelihood of lone atrial fibrillation in men

    Staying Focused on Cardiovascular Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Tijekom pandemije COVID-a 19 smanjio se broja pregleda te dijagnostičkih i terapijskih zahvata u bolesnika s kardiovaskularnim bolestima. U nekoliko zemalja zabilježen je porast mortaliteta u iste skupine bolesnika, kako od COVID-a 19, tako i od samih kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Važno je nastaviti liječiti takve bolesnike i spriječiti nedostupnost zdravstvene zaÅ”tite zbog subjektivnih ili objektivnih razloga. U tome nam može pomoći i telemedicina, no velik dio odgovornosti ostaje na samim bolesnicima da samokontrolom i redovitim uzimanjem terapije spriječe pogorÅ”anje bolesti. Mi im možemo pomoći olakÅ”avanjem te zadaće (telefonski kontakt, fiksne kombinacije lijekova). Također je važno zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu prilagoditi pandemiji kako bi ta zaÅ”tita bila učinkovita i sigurna i za bolesnike i za pružatelje zaÅ”tite.During the COVID-19 pandemic, there fewer examinations and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were performed in patients with cardiovascular diseases. In several countries, an increase in mortality has been reported in this group of patients, both from COVID-19 and from cardiovascular diseases. It is important to continue to treat these patients and to prevent the unavailability of health care for subjective or objective reasons. Telemedicine can also help us in this, but much of the responsibility remains with the patients themselves to prevent the disease from getting worse through self-monitoring and regular therapy. We can help them by facilitating this task (telephone contacts, fixed drug combinations). It is also important to adapt healthcare to the pandemic in order to make it effective and safe for both patients and caregivers