24,331 research outputs found

    Comment on "Quantum Phase Slips and Transport in Ultrathin Superconducting Wires"

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    In a recent Letter (Phys. Rev. Lett.78, 1552 (1997) ), Zaikin, Golubev, van Otterlo, and Zimanyi criticized the phenomenological time-dependent Ginzburg-Laudau model which I used to study the quantum phase-slippage rate for superconducting wires. They claimed that they developed a "microscopic" model, made qualitative improvement on my overestimate of the tunnelling barrier due to electromagnetic field. In this comment, I want to point out that, i), ZGVZ's result on EM barrier is expected in my paper; ii), their work is also phenomenological; iii), their renormalization scheme is fundamentally flawed; iv), they underestimated the barrier for ultrathin wires; v), their comparison with experiments is incorrect.Comment: Substantial changes made. Zaikin et al's main result was expected from my work. They underestimated tunneling barrier for ultrathin wires by one order of magnitude in the exponen

    К вопросу о подготовке инженерных кадров специальности "Промышленное и гражданское строительство" (ПГС)

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    Zverev V. F., Golubev N. M. On the issue of training engineering personnel of the specialty "Industry and Civil Engineering" (ACS

    On universal oracle inequalities related to high-dimensional linear models

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    This paper deals with recovering an unknown vector θ\theta from the noisy data Y=Aθ+σξY=A\theta+\sigma\xi, where AA is a known (m×n)(m\times n)-matrix and ξ\xi is a white Gaussian noise. It is assumed that nn is large and AA may be severely ill-posed. Therefore, in order to estimate θ\theta, a spectral regularization method is used, and our goal is to choose its regularization parameter with the help of the data YY. For spectral regularization methods related to the so-called ordered smoothers [see Kneip Ann. Statist. 22 (1994) 835--866], we propose new penalties in the principle of empirical risk minimization. The heuristical idea behind these penalties is related to balancing excess risks. Based on this approach, we derive a sharp oracle inequality controlling the mean square risks of data-driven spectral regularization methods.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOS803 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Risk hull method and regularization by projections of ill-posed inverse problems

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    We study a standard method of regularization by projections of the linear inverse problem Y=Af+ϵY=Af+\epsilon, where ϵ\epsilon is a white Gaussian noise, and AA is a known compact operator with singular values converging to zero with polynomial decay. The unknown function ff is recovered by a projection method using the singular value decomposition of AA. The bandwidth choice of this projection regularization is governed by a data-driven procedure which is based on the principle of risk hull minimization. We provide nonasymptotic upper bounds for the mean square risk of this method and we show, in particular, that in numerical simulations this approach may substantially improve the classical method of unbiased risk estimation.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000542 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Empirical risk minimization as parameter choice rule for general linear regularization methods.

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    We consider the statistical inverse problem to recover f from noisy measurements Y = Tf + sigma xi where xi is Gaussian white noise and T a compact operator between Hilbert spaces. Considering general reconstruction methods of the form (f) over cap (alpha) = q(alpha) (T*T)T*Y with an ordered filter q(alpha), we investigate the choice of the regularization parameter alpha by minimizing an unbiased estiate of the predictive risk E[parallel to T f - T (f) over cap (alpha)parallel to(2)]. The corresponding parameter alpha(pred) and its usage are well-known in the literature, but oracle inequalities and optimality results in this general setting are unknown. We prove a (generalized) oracle inequality, which relates the direct risk E[parallel to f - (f) over cap (alpha pred)parallel to(2)] with the oracle prediction risk inf(alpha>0) E[parallel to T f - T (f) over cap (alpha)parallel to(2)]. From this oracle inequality we are then able to conclude that the investigated parameter choice rule is of optimal order in the minimax sense. Finally we also present numerical simulations, which support the order optimality of the method and the quality of the parameter choice in finite sample situations

    Electron coherence at low temperatures: The role of magnetic impurities

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    We review recent experimental progress on the saturation problem in metallic quantum wires. In particular, we address the influence of magnetic impurities on the electron phase coherence time. We also present new measurements of the phase coherence time in ultra-clean gold and silver wires and analyse the saturation of \tauphi in these samples, cognizant of the role of magnetic scattering. For the cleanest samples, Kondo temperatures below 1 mK and extremely-small magnetic-impurity concentration levels of less than 0.08 ppm have to be assumed to attribute the observed saturation to the presence of magnetic impurities.Comment: review article, 14 pages, 11 figures. Physica E (in press

    Penalized maximum likelihood and semiparametric second-order efficiency

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    We consider the problem of estimation of a shift parameter of an unknown symmetric function in Gaussian white noise. We introduce a notion of semiparametric second-order efficiency and propose estimators that are semiparametrically efficient and second-order efficient in our model. These estimators are of a penalized maximum likelihood type with an appropriately chosen penalty. We argue that second-order efficiency is crucial in semiparametric problems since only the second-order terms in asymptotic expansion for the risk account for the behavior of the ``nonparametric component'' of a semiparametric procedure, and they are not dramatically smaller than the first-order terms.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000895 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Weak localization in a system with a barrier: Dephasing and weak Coulomb blockade

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    We non-perturbatively analyze the effect of electron-electron interactions on weak localization (WL) in relatively short metallic conductors with a tunnel barrier. We demonstrate that the main effect of interactions is electron dephasing which persists down to T=0 and yields suppression of WL correction to conductance below its non-interacting value. Our results may account for recent observations of low temperature saturation of the electron decoherence time in quantum dots.Comment: published version, 10 page