67 research outputs found

    Discovering the Far East...’: Images of the Territory in the Works of V. K. Arsenyev

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    The article explores the works of the Far East explorer V.K. Arsenyev (1872–1930) with the purpose of using his works to find the representational potential of the region’s image. Using social constructivism as a methodology, we outline and analyze scientific and artistic types of constructing the Far East image and demonstrate the place each of these types occupies in Arsenyev’s works.     Keywords: regional image, constructivism, construct, visualization, Russian Far East, V.K.Arsenye

    Soviet Anti-religious Film. “Sectarians” by Vladimir Korolevich (1930)

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    The article examines a unique phenomenon of Soviet cinema – the anti-religious film of the 1920s–1930s – a question insufficiently explored in humanitarian historiography so far. Being an organic part of the “cultural revolution”, on the one hand, anti-religious films of this period acted as an effective tool for the propaganda of the Soviet state in the fight against both the official church and manifestations of everyday religiosity. On the other hand, their creation was accompanied by detailed theoretical and methodological recommendations on the forms of interaction of party propagandists with the audience, and on the formats for the presentation of anti-religious attitudes. Based on previously unpublished archival materials, the authors bring to the fore one of the most indicative of such films titled “Sectarians” shoot by Vladimir Korolevich (Sovkino, 1930). The authors consider the film as a document of that time and analyze processes that ran parallel with one another in the Soviet culture and policy. Taking the film “Sectarians” as a case-study, the authors explore cinematic methods of constructing a negative image of sectarian organizations in the USSR and its broadcast to a wide audience in ideological way. The authors came to the conclusion that the Soviet anti-religious cinema, combining the techniques of avant-garde cinematography and scientific atheism, successfully fulfilled its propaganda mission. In this context, the film “Sectarians” is a valuable historical source, that represented the contradictory phenomena of its time and was aimed at the visual reconstruction of “Sovietness” as a new religion. © 2021, Amur State University. All rights reserved.This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) as a part of the project № 21-18-00518, https://rscf.ru/en/project/21-18-00518/

    Molecular dynamics study of cluster structure and properties of rotational waves in solid nanostructures

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    The paper reports a molecular dynamics analysis of rotary properties of a transformational wave generated due to compressive influence. Studies are performed in the time interval prior to the onset of elastic precursor reflection from the free boundary. It is shown that the leading front of a rotary wave coincides with the transformational wave front. The rotary wave velocity for copper is determined, being equal to 1300 m/s. The values of angular moment projections onto the coordinate axes in a plane perpendicular to wave propagation are found to be symmetrical, and their total sum equals zero

    The Effect of Personal Health on the Formation of Human Capital: a Metasystem Approach

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    In article the problem of influence of the personality's health on formation of the human capital is considered. Authors have conducted theoretical researches of the existing knowledge of the human capital and justifications of influence of the personality's health on its formation are given. On the basis of the carried-out analysis it is established that now the personality's health is a significant factor of efficiency of any kind of activity and important quality of the personality, therefore, it can be considered as a factor of formation of the human capital. According to it need of determination of criteria, the indicators of health of the personality influencing formation and development of the human capital was designated

    Molecular dynamics study of cluster structure and properties of rotational waves in solid nanostructures

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    The paper reports a molecular dynamics analysis of rotary properties of a transformational wave generated due to compressive influence. Studies are performed in the time interval prior to the onset of elastic precursor reflection from the free boundary. It is shown that the leading front of a rotary wave coincides with the transformational wave front. The rotary wave velocity for copper is determined, being equal to 1300 m/s. The values of angular moment projections onto the coordinate axes in a plane perpendicular to wave propagation are found to be symmetrical, and their total sum equals zero

    Historical and Cultural Legacy of the Settlements Near the River Chusovaya (the Perspectives of the Problem’s Decision by Means of Graphic Design)

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    В статье сделаны первоначальные выводы о состоянии уральских моногородов и их архитектуры в окрестностях реки Чусовая. На основе анализа имеющихся разработок в области продвижения бренда малых городов в российском контексте предлагается привлечь внимание к восстановлению историко-культурного наследия Урала с помощью средств графического дизайна.This article states the preliminary results regarding the Ural monotowns and their architecture near the river Chusovaya. Based on the analysis of gained data in the context of image promotion of the small towns in Russia, the ways of raising interest towards historical and cultural monuments in Ural by means of Graphic Design considered

    Communication Opportunities Promotional Merchandise in Relationship between the Organization and the Consumer

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    Предметом данного исследования является торговая марка организации, а значит сувенирная продукция, напоминающая о фирме и ее товарах. Актуальность исследуемой темы связана с осознанием значимости сувенирной продукции в процессе выстраивания коммуникации компании с потребителем.The subject of research is tradename of organization and promotional merchandise which remembers about company and her articles. Relevance of research topic aligned with significancy of promotional merchandise in process of forming communications between the organization and the consumer

    “Russian Sakhalin” of Pyotr Polevoy: Visual and Anthropological Images

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    Поступила в редакцию: 25.05.2020. Принята к печати: 20.04.2021.Submitted: 25.05.2020. Accepted: 20.04.2021.Статья посвящена актуальной, но практически неисследованной в отечественной науке теме — визуальной антропологии как средству научного познания, конструирования и репрезентации образа территории. Определяющую роль в формировании образов фронтирных регионов страны в имперский и советский период играли профессиональные исследователи и путешественники. Предлагаемая работа открывает малоизвестную страницу в истории изучения Сахалина — творчество Петра Игнатьевича Полевого (1873–1938), одного из первопроходцев научного освоения острова. Основанная на архивных данных, многие из которых публикуются впервые, статья фокусируется на анализе визуально-антропологического наследия ученого, структурированного по основным направлениям его работ — антропология, геология и краеведение. Отражение в трудах исследователя посткаторжного периода в истории Сахалина, связанного с трансформацией колонизационной политики, дает особые сюжеты в плане изучения и позиционирования образа острова — форпоста страны в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе. Путем сопоставления печатных и фотографических материалов выделяются и анализируются ключевые образы Сахалина в работах П. И. Полевого — «остров нефти», «остров инородцев» и «остров колонистов». Связанные между собой сквозной темой колонизации, они наглядно иллюстрируют положения исследователя о бесперспективности Сахалина как сельскохозяйственной колонии и рациональности его промышленного освоения. В теоретическом плане данная работа на конкретном примере развивает понятия из области визуальной антропологии («визуальная репрезентация региона», «этнографическая фотография») и культурной географии («образ региона», «культурный ландшафт»). Делается вывод о том, что наследие П. И. Полевого, включающее материалы междисциплинарного научного изучения Сахалина, в том числе его фотографические репрезентации, представляет собой информативный исторический источник для изучения динамичного образа дальневосточного фронтира в антропологии и смежных гуманитарных науках.This paper considers a relevant but practically unexplored topic, i.e. visual anthropology as a tool of scientific cognition as well as constructing and representing the image of a territory. Professional researchers and travellers contributed considerably to the formation of images of the frontier regions of Russia in the imperial and Soviet periods. This work opens a little-known page in the history of the study of Sakhalin — the work of Pyotr Ignatievich Polevoy (1873–1938), one of the pioneers in the scientific development of the island. Based on archival data, many of which are published for the first time, the article focuses on the analysis of the scientist’s visual and anthropological legacy and follows the main directions of his work — anthropology, geology, and local history. The reflection of the post-penal period in the history of Sakhalin related to the transformation of the colonisation policy, gives special ideas in terms of studying and representing the island’s image in the Asia-Pacific. The authors compare text and photographic materials and specify the key images of Sakhalin in the works of Polevoy, an “island of oil”, “island of foreigners” and “island of colonists”. Interconnected by the cross-cutting theme of colonisation, these images clearly illustrate the researcher’s position on the futility of Sakhalin as an agricultural colony and the rationality of its industrial development. The paper also develops concepts from visual anthropology (“visual representation of a region”, “ethnographic photography”) and cultural geography (“image of a region”, “cultural landscape”). The authors come to the conclusion that the legacy of Pyotr Polevoy (his scientific works and photographic representations) can be considered an informative historical source for studying the dynamic image of the Far Eastern frontier in anthropology and related humanities.Статья подготовлена за счет гранта РНФ № 19-18-00116 «Визуализация этничности: российские проекции науки, музея, кино» (рук. А. В. Головнёв).This article was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) as a part of project 19-18-00116 “Visualisation of Ethnicity: Russian Projections of Science, Museum, and Cinema” (supervised by A. V. Golovnev)

    Brucellosis Epidemiological Situation and Its Morbidity in the Russian Federation in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Presented is the analysis of brucellosis morbidity, both in humans and animals, in the Russian Federation in 2007-2011. Evaluated is epizootic and epidemic situation on the disease. Epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation remains unfavorable and has a tendency to deterioration. Moreover, it is expected that the incidence of brucellosis in humans will rise in 2012