42 research outputs found

    New insights from old cosmic rays: A novel analysis of archival KASCADE data

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    Cosmic ray data collected by the KASCADE air shower experiment are competitive in terms of quality and statistics with those of modern observatories. We present a novel mass composition analysis based on archival data acquired from 1998 to 2013 provided by the KASCADE Cosmic ray Data Center (KCDC). The analysis is based on modern machine learning techniques trained on simulation data provided by KCDC. We present spectra for individual groups of primary nuclei, the results of a search for anisotropies in the event arrival directions taking mass composition into account, and search for gamma-ray candidates in the PeV energy domain.Comment: Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021), 12-23 July 2021, Berlin, Germany - Onlin

    Clinical diagnostic approach in the treatment of chronic periodontitis in mandibular molars: Clinical cases

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    Background. Inflammatory process in periapical tissues causes tooth extraction in more than 50% of cases. The development of chronic apical periodontitis can be triggered by an intracanal infection in undetected/missed root canal of the mandibular molars. The morphology of mandibular molars is distinguished by additional canals in the mesial root in some cases. Different studies reveal the middle mesial canal in 4.5% to 26% of cases with quite high incidence in youth. The dental therapy has been searching for effective approaches to diagnosis and treatment of chronic periodontitis, enabling the focus of chronic inflammation to be eliminated and the tooth to be saved. Case descriptions. The paper presents clinical cases of patients with destructive changes in bone tissues in the periapical region of the mesial root in mandibular molars. The developing of this pathology is associated with missed anatomy in the mesial root during primary endodontic treatment. The patients underwent clinical examination consisting of basic methods (interview, examination) and additional techniques (intraoral radiography). An additional middle mesial canal in the root of the mandibular molar was identified taking into account the complex morphology of the root system of the tooth and verified by its careful analysis and radiography. The final clinical diagnosis, chronic apical periodontitis (K04.5), was made following the obtained diagnostic results and the ICD-10 classification. Diagnostic examination and endodontic retreatment were performed using a dental operating microscope. Conclusion. An operating dental microscope provides visualization of microscopic anatomotopographical details, promoting the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of chronic apical periodontitis in mandibular molars. Using dental microscope facilitates systematization of the data obtained during the examination, making a final clinical diagnosis, and development of a reasonable personalized treatment plan focused on detecting an additional middle canal in the mesio-buccal canal of the mandibular molar. Due to the suggested approach, the long-term outcomes of endodontic treatment can be an objective assessed in dynamics, thereby improving the quality of treatment for chronic apical periodontitis in patients

    Tunka-Rex Virtual Observatory

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    Tunka-Rex (Tunka Radio Extension) was a detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays measuring radio emission for air showers in the frequency band of 30-80 MHz, operating in 2010s. It provided an experimental proof that sparse radio arrays can be a cost-effective technique to measure the depth of shower maximum with resolutions competitive to optical detectors. After the decommissioning of Tunka-Rex, as last phase of its lifecycle and following the FAIR (Findability — Accessibility — Interoperability — Reuse) principles, we publish the data and software under free licenses in the frame of the TRVO (Tunka-Rex Virtual Observatory), which is hosted at KIT under the partnership with the KCDC and GRADLCI projects. We present the main features of TRVO, its interface and give an overview of projects, which benefit from its open software and data

    Reconstruction of sub-threshold events of cosmic-ray radio detectors using an autoencoder

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    Radio detection of air showers produced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays is a cost-effective technique for the next generation of sparse arrays. The performance of this technique strongly depends on the environmental background, which has different constituents, namely anthropogenic radio frequency interferences, synchrotron galactic radiation and others. These components have recognizable features, which can help for background suppression. A powerful method for handling this is the application of convolution neural networks with a specific architecture called autoencoder. By suppressing unwanted signatures, the autoencoder keeps the signal-like ones. We have successfully developed and trained an autoencoder, which is now applied to the data from Tunka-Rex. We show the procedures of the training and optimization of the network including benchmarks of different architectures. Using the autoencoder, we improved the standard analysis of Tunka-Rex in order to lower the threshold of the detection. This enables the reconstructing of sub-threshold events with energies lower than 0.1 EeV with satisfactory angular and energy resolutions

    Три види вартості та ситуація примусового продажу під час оцінки для забезпечення застави

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    In the article on the basis of the conducted analysis of International valuation standards, The standards evaluation RICKS and national standards of assessment are formulated requirements to the assessment for the purposes of secured lending.На основании проведенного анализа Международных стандартов оценки, Стандартов оценки РИКС и национальных стандартов оценки сформулированы требования к оценке для целей кредитования под обеспечение.На підставі виконаного аналізу Міжнародних стандартів оцінки, Стандартів РІКС та національних стандартів оцінки сформульовано вимоги до оцінки для цілей кредитування під забезпечення