168 research outputs found

    Revealing the magnetic proximity effect in EuS/Al bilayers through superconducting tunneling spectroscopy

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    A ferromagnetic insulator attached to a superconductor is known to induce an exchange splitting of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) singularity by a magnitude proportional to the magnetization, and penetrating into the superconductor to a depth comparable with the superconducting coherence length. We study this long-range magnetic proximity effect in EuS/Al bilayers and find that the exchange splitting of the BCS peaks is present already in the unpolarized state of the ferromagnetic insulator (EuS), and is being further enhanced when magnetizing the sample by a magnetic field. The measurement data taken at the lowest temperatures feature a high contrast which has allowed us to relate the line shape of the split BCS conductance peaks to the characteristic magnetic domain structure of the EuS layer in the unpolarized state. These results pave the way to engineering triplet superconducting correlations at domain walls in EuS/Al bilayers. Furthermore, the hard gap and clear splitting observed in our tunneling spectroscopy measurements indicate that EuS/Al bilayers are excellent candidates for substituting strong magnetic fields in experiments studying Majorana bound states.Comment: 9 pages, 4 color figure

    L-Drawings of Directed Graphs

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    We introduce L-drawings, a novel paradigm for representing directed graphs aiming at combining the readability features of orthogonal drawings with the expressive power of matrix representations. In an L-drawing, vertices have exclusive xx- and yy-coordinates and edges consist of two segments, one exiting the source vertically and one entering the destination horizontally. We study the problem of computing L-drawings using minimum ink. We prove its NP-completeness and provide a heuristics based on a polynomial-time algorithm that adds a vertex to a drawing using the minimum additional ink. We performed an experimental analysis of the heuristics which confirms its effectiveness.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Phonon-induced decay of the electron spin in quantum dots

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    We study spin relaxation and decoherence in a GaAs quantum dot due to spin-orbit interaction. We derive an effective Hamiltonian which couples the electron spin to phonons or any other fluctuation of the dot potential. We show that the spin decoherence time T2T_2 is as large as the spin relaxation time T1T_1, under realistic conditions. For the Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit couplings, we find that, in leading order, the effective magnetic field can have only fluctuations transverse to the applied magnetic field. As a result, T2=2T1T_2=2T_1 for arbitrarily large Zeeman splittings, in contrast to the naively expected case T2T1T_2\ll T_1. We show that the spin decay is drastically suppressed for certain magnetic field directions and values of the Rashba coupling constant. Finally, for the spin coupling to acoustic phonons, we show that T2=2T1T_2=2T_1 for all spin-orbit mechanisms in leading order in the electron-phonon interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    All-Electrical Quantum Computation with Mobile Spin Qubits

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    We describe and discuss a solid state proposal for quantum computation with mobile spin qubits in one-dimensional systems, based on recent advances in spintronics. Static electric fields are used to implement a universal set of quantum gates, via the spin-orbit and exchange couplings. Initialization and measurement can be performed either by spin injection from/to ferromagnets, or by using spin filters and mesoscopic spin polarizing beam-splitters. The vulnerability of this proposal to various sources of error is estimated by numerical simulations. We also assess the suitability of various materials currently used in nanotechnology for an actual implementation of our model.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figs, RevTeX

    Nucleon Resonance Structure from CLAS and CLAS12 Experiments

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    The recent results on the photo- and electrocouplings extraction from the reaction of one- and two-pion photo- and electroproduction off protons in the resonances region are presented. The production of two charged pions is of particular importance for evaluation of the photocouplings for the Δ(1620)12 −, Δ(1700)32 −

    On retracts, absolute retracts, and folds in cographs

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    Let G and H be two cographs. We show that the problem to determine whether H is a retract of G is NP-complete. We show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of H. When restricted to the class of threshold graphs or to the class of trivially perfect graphs, the problem becomes tractable in polynomial time. The problem is also soluble when one cograph is given as an induced subgraph of the other. We characterize absolute retracts of cographs.Comment: 15 page

    Bezpieczeństwo i ryzyko podróżowania tanimi liniami lotniczymi

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    Golovach, E. P.; Rubahov, A. I. Safety and risks of traveling with low-cost airlinesDecydując się na podróż samolotem, jednym z najważniejszych czynników jakie potencjalny turysta bieżę pod uwagę jest kwestia bezpieczeństwa. Szczególnego znaczenia ten czynnik nabiera zwłaszcza w dobie nagłaśnianych i szeroko omawianych katastrof lotniczych w różnych częściach świata oraz bankructwie tanich linii lotniczych w ostatnich latach. W referacie zostali omówione czynniki mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i ryzyko podróżowania tanimi liniami lotniczymi. Przedstawione obszary z największą liczbą ofiar wypadków cyvilnych statków powietrznych