22 research outputs found

    Relative Clauses in Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies : a quantitative study

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    The aim of this degree project has been to examine, analyze and describe which intra-linguistic factors influence how relative clauses are formed in Old English. The key to successfully performing the task of identifying which factors influences the relative causes is to examine how these factors are distributed among the relative clauses in the text. The main focus of this investigation thus was to investigate how the grammatical features of the antecedents of the relative clauses in Old English were distributed. By analyzing a text sample of the work of the Old English writer Ælfric, taken from the Dictionary of Old English Corpus at the University of Toronto, also known as the Toronto Corpus, several features of the antecedent will ideally become evident as influencing factors. The relative clauses that are found to be relevant for this investigation in the Ælfric text sample have been categorized and analyzed in order to identify any grammatical pattern that could indicate which factors influence how relative clauses in Old English are formed. The findings have been analyzed according to quantitative and statistical principles, and the chi-square test has been employed to verify the statistical significance of these findings. By doing this some linguistic factors have been verified as influencing factors

    Investigating British and American English : Dictionary research and corpus investigation

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    The aim of this Magister Degree Project has been to investigate if can corpora be used to investigate patterns of lexical distribution and/or borrowing from one variety to another. Another aim has been to investigate how well classification of lexical items as either “British” or “American” supported by evidence from corpora of English. In order to accomplish these aims sets of lexical items have been examined in two ways: first through dictionary research and “dictionary dating”, and second through the use of such English corpora as the British National Corpus (BNC), the United Kingdom Web Archiving Consortium (ukWaC), and the TIME Corpus of American English. The results of this research suggest that the simplistic labelling of certain items as “American” versus “British” is sometimes misleading, and that corpus investigations on their own, though useful, may not be entirely sufficient in this context

    Relative Clauses in Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies : a quantitative study

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    The aim of this degree project has been to examine, analyze and describe which intra-linguistic factors influence how relative clauses are formed in Old English. The key to successfully performing the task of identifying which factors influences the relative causes is to examine how these factors are distributed among the relative clauses in the text. The main focus of this investigation thus was to investigate how the grammatical features of the antecedents of the relative clauses in Old English were distributed. By analyzing a text sample of the work of the Old English writer Ælfric, taken from the Dictionary of Old English Corpus at the University of Toronto, also known as the Toronto Corpus, several features of the antecedent will ideally become evident as influencing factors. The relative clauses that are found to be relevant for this investigation in the Ælfric text sample have been categorized and analyzed in order to identify any grammatical pattern that could indicate which factors influence how relative clauses in Old English are formed. The findings have been analyzed according to quantitative and statistical principles, and the chi-square test has been employed to verify the statistical significance of these findings. By doing this some linguistic factors have been verified as influencing factors

    What’s love got to do with it? Un análisis crítico feminista del amor en parejas heterosexuales de clase media en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    La presente investigación enfoca la mirada en las prácticas materiales de amor, dominación y poder en tres parejas urbanas, heterosexuales, de clase media, sin hijos, no convivientes y de edades comprendidas entre 27-32 años a partir de un análisis crítico feminista, con punto de partida anclado en la teoría sobre la fuerza de amor desarrollada por la politóloga islandesa Anna G. Jonasdottir (2003). Con la metodología de carácter cualitativo, utilizando la técnica de entrevistas semi-estructuradas individuales, se analiza hasta qué punto los intercambios de amor son equitativos según las reflexiones y relatos de estas parejas, y las implicaciones de estos intercambios para la producción, reproducción y transformación de la dominación masculina. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran la existencia de una explotación de la fuerza de amor de las mujeres por parte de los hombres en relación con el cuidado, la disponibilidad temporal y la comprensión, igual que unos mecanismos que parecen facilitar esta explotación. A su vez, emergieron algunas implicaciones de los intercambios de amor para la producción y reproducción de la dominación masculina.Abstract. The present research focuses on the material practices of love, domination and power in three heterosexual childless middle class couples aged between 27-32 years and not cohabiting in Bogotá, from a critical feminist perspective based on the theoretical starting point anchored in the theory of love power developed by islandic political scientist Anna G. Jonasdottir (2003). With a qualitative research methodology, using the technique of semi-structured individual interviews, it analyzes to what extent the love exchanges in five analytical spheres, are equal based on the reflections and stories of these couples and their implications for the production, reproduction and transformation of male domination. The research shows the existence of an exploitation by the men of women’s love power in relation to the proportion of care, temporary availability and understanding they are receiving. It also shows certain mechanisms that appear to facilitate this exploitation. In turn, some implications of the love exchange for the production and reproduction of male domination emerged.Maestrí

    Fredsduvan En studie om kvinnors politiska deltagande i fredsbyggandet av Rwanda

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    1994 drabbades Rwanda av ett folkmord vars omfattning betecknas som ett av de mest brutala i vår moderna tid. Drygt tio år senare innehar rwandiska kvinnor den högsta parlamentariska representationen i världen och har därmed gått om Sverige. I denna studie är det just kvinnors politiska deltagande som undersöks. Det analysverktyg som används i studien består av: Post-konfliktteori, Transversal politics, Critical Mass, Essentialism, Gender Mainstreaming och kvinnors empowerment. Med hjälp av dessa förklaras relevansen av, och bakgrunden till, fyra faktorer som har möjliggjort och bidragit till kvinnors politiska deltagande i Rwandas freds- och återuppbyggnad efter kriget. Dessa faktorer är civilsamhället, demografin, kvinnosynen och internationella aktörer. Slutsatsen som dras av studien är att fallet Rwanda i kontexten av ett samhälle i upplösning, kombinerat med demografiska förändringar, ett engagerat civilsamhälle, internationella aktörers inverkan och en syn på kvinnor som fredliga, har underlättat och möjliggjort för ett ökat politiskt kvinnodeltagande. Därtill gäller det att dessa möjligheter tillvaratas

    Neue Staehle mit hoher statischer, dynamischer und Dauerfestigkeit fuer den Automobilbau Abschlussbericht

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    In an international joint research project new and further developed sheet steels for automotive industry were investigated. Automotive industry aims at reducing fuel consumption by making cars lighter and building them from thinner sheets of steels with higher than normal strength. After examining mechanical properties of various laboratory melts the following four in a continuous annealing line manufactured steel grades were selected with respect to test its fatigue properties under constant and random amplitude loading: (a) DP400, dual phase steel (ferrite with martensite islands) medium strength (b) DP500, dual phase steel (ferrite with martensite islands) higher strength (c) niobium microalloyed steel (d) phosphorous silicon steel, (rephosphourised steel) (e) conventional deep drawing steel FeP04 for reference purposes and to quantify the achieved progress. The main intention of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) was to study the basic fatigue properties and its interpretation by analysing the microstructure of thin foils with transmission electron microscope. (orig./MM)Die Bemuehungen der Fahrzeugindustrie zur Energieeinsparung durch Leichtbau setzen voraus, dass Werkstoffe verfuegbar sind, die bei reduzierter Blechstaerke aehnliche Festigkeitswerte wie konventionelle Feinbleche aufweisen. Nach einem Selektionsprozess kristallisierten sich die folgenden vier neuen Werkstoffe, die in Contigluehanlagen erzeugt wurden, als im Hinblick auf ihre Betriebsfestigkeitseigenschaften untersuchungswuerdig heraus: (a) DP400, Dualphasenstahl (Ferrit mit Martensit) mittlerer Festigkeit (b) DP500, Dualphasenstahl (Ferrit mit Martensit) hoeherer Festigkeit (c) Nb-mikrolegierter Stahl (d) P-Si-Stahl, rephosphorisierter Stahl (e) konventioneller Tiefziehstahl FeP04 als Referenzwerkstoff zur Bewertung des erreichten Fortschritts. Die Aufgabe der BAM bestand darin, die grundlegenden Schwingfestigkeitseigenschaften zu ermitteln und das jeweilige Festigkeitsverhalten anhand von mikrostrukturellen, zum ueberwiegenden Teil an Durchstrahlungsproben mit dem TEM bestimmten Merkmalen zu deuten. Dazu wurde die Schwingfestigkeit an glatten und gekerbten Flachproben sowie an bauteilaehnlichen, gefuegten Probanden experimentell ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen mit dem Ziel der Aufnahme von Woehler- bzw. Lebensdauerlinien wurden mit den 1,2 bis 1,5 mm dicken Werkstoffen durchgefuehrt. (orig./MM)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman