28 research outputs found

    Basis for time crystal phenomena in ultra-cold atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror

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    We consider classical dynamics of a one-dimensional system of N particles bouncing on an oscillating mirror in the presence of gravitational field. The particles behave like hard balls and they are resonantly driven by the mirror. We identify the manifolds the particles move on and derive the effective secular Hamiltonian for resonant motion of the particles. Proper choice of time periodic oscillations of the mirror allows for engineering of the effective behaviour of the particles. In particular, the system can behave like an N-dimensional fictitious particle moving in an N-dimensional crystalline structure. Our classical analysis constitutes a basis for quantum research of novel time crystal phenomena in ultra-cold atoms bouncing on an oscillating atom mirror

    Dark solitons revealed in Lieb-Liniger eigenstates

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    We study how dark solitons, i.e. solutions of one-dimensional single-particle nonlinear time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation, emerge from eigenstates of a linear many-body model of contact interacting bosons moving on a ring, the Lieb-Liniger model. This long-standing problem was addressed by various groups, which presented different, seemingly unrelated, procedures to reveal the solitonic waves directly from the many-body model. Here, we propose a unification of these results using a simple Ansatz for the many-body eigenstate of the Lieb-Liniger model, which gives us access to systems of hundreds of atoms. In this approach, mean-field solitons emerge in a single-particle density through repeated measurements of particle positions in the Ansatz state. The post-measurement state turns out to be a wave packet of yrast states of the reduced system.Comment: 8 pages of the main text + 7 pages of appendice

    Measuring Orthodontic Treatment Satisfaction: Questionnaire Development and Preliminary Validation

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    The aims of this study were to develop a reliable self-report measure of consumer satisfaction with orthodontic treatment, and to preliminarily assess its validity

    Glacier variations in the trans alai massif and the lake karakul catchment (Northeastern Pamir) measured from space

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    Glacier area and length changes were measured in the central Trans Alai of the northeastern Pamir, including the entire catchment of Lake Karakul. Annual shrinkage determined from Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery accounted for -0.8 ± 0.4% a-1, corresponding to -8.8 ± 4.8% from 1455 ± 51 km2 in 2000 to 1327 ± 48 km2 in 2011. Several glaciers could be mapped back to 1973 based on a KH-9 Hexagon reconnaissance image. Measured glacier extents of 550 ± 10 km2 in 1973, 540 ± 9 km2 in 2000, and 521 ± 9 km2 in 2011 indicate accelerated shrinkage for the last decade in the Trans Alai. Glaciers retreated on average by -4.3 ± 0.5 m a-1 before 2000 and subsequently advanced by +6.1 ± 1.0 m a-1 until 2011. Geodetic mass balances of four selected glaciers were determined from a Digital Elevation Model extracted from a 2010 ALOS-PRISM tri-stereo image and the February 2000 SRTM-3 elevation dataset (1999). Its difference image reveals highly variable glacier elevation changes. While three glaciers showed probably a minor loss (-0.16 ± 0.68 m w.e. a-1 to -0.06 ± 0.68 m w.e. a-1), a more pronounced mass loss was observed for Uisuu Glacier (-0.50 ± 0.68 m w.e. a-1). This study reveals significant glacier variations and numerous indications of surges in the Trans Alai, a well-known phenomenon in the Pamir.</p

    Glacier variations in the Trans Alai Massif and the Lake Karakul catchment (Northeastern Pamir) measured from space

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    Glacier area and length changes were measured in the central Trans Alai of the northeastern Pamir, including the entire catchment of Lake Karakul. Annual shrinkage determined from Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery accounted for −0.8 ± 0.4 % a⁻¹ , corresponding to −8.8 ± 4.8 % from 1455 ± 51 km² in 2000 to 1327 ± 48 km² in 2011. Several glaciers could be mapped back to 1973 based on a KH-9 Hexagon reconnaissance image. Measured glacier extents of 550 ± 10 km² in 1973, 540 ± 9 km² in 2000, and 521 ± 9 km² in 2011 indicate accelerated shrinkage for the last decade in the Trans Alai. Glaciers retreated on average by −4.3 ± 0.5 m a⁻¹ before 2000 and subsequently advanced by +6.1 ± 1.0 m a⁻¹ until 2011. Geodetic mass balances of four selected glaciers were determined from a Digital Elevation Model extracted from a 2010 ALOS-PRISM tri-stereo image and the February 2000 SRTM-3 elevation dataset (1999). Its difference image reveals highly variable glacier elevation changes. While three glaciers showed probably a minor loss (−0.16 ± 0.68 m w.e. a⁻¹ to −0.06 ± 0.68 m w.e. a⁻¹), a more pronounced mass loss was observed for Ujsuu Glacier (−0.50 ± 0.68 m w.e. a⁻¹). This study reveals significant glacier variations and numerous indications of surges in the Trans Alai, a well-known phenomenon in the Pamir

    Zona Pellucida Protein 2 (ZP2) Is Expressed in Colon Cancer and Promotes Cell Proliferation

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    Our study shows ZP2 to be a new biomarker for diagnosis, best used in combination with other low abundant genes in colon cancer. Furthermore, ZP2 promotes cell proliferation via the ERK1/2-cyclinD1-signaling pathway. We demonstrate that ZP2 mRNA is expressed in a low-abundant manner with high specificity in subsets of cancer cell lines representing different cancer subtypes and also in a significant proportion of primary colon cancers. The potential benefit of ZP2 as a biomarker is discussed. In the second part of our study, the function of ZP2 in cancerogenesis has been analyzed. Since ZP2 shows an enhanced transcript level in colon cancer cells, siRNA experiments have been performed to verify the potential role of ZP2 in cell proliferation. Based on these data, ZP2 might serve as a new target molecule for cancer diagnosis and treatment in respective cancer types such as colon cancer

    Zona Pellucida Protein 2 (ZP2) Is Expressed in Colon Cancer and Promotes Cell Proliferation

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    Our study shows ZP2 to be a new biomarker for diagnosis, best used in combination with other low abundant genes in colon cancer. Furthermore, ZP2 promotes cell proliferation via the ERK1/2-cyclinD1-signaling pathway. We demonstrate that ZP2 mRNA is expressed in a low-abundant manner with high specificity in subsets of cancer cell lines representing different cancer subtypes and also in a significant proportion of primary colon cancers. The potential benefit of ZP2 as a biomarker is discussed. In the second part of our study, the function of ZP2 in cancerogenesis has been analyzed. Since ZP2 shows an enhanced transcript level in colon cancer cells, siRNA experiments have been performed to verify the potential role of ZP2 in cell proliferation. Based on these data, ZP2 might serve as a new target molecule for cancer diagnosis and treatment in respective cancer types such as colon cancer