34,058 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for contour mapping using synthetic aperture radar

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    By using two SAR antennas spaced a known distance, B, and oriented at substantially the same look angle to illuminate the same target area, pixel data from the two antennas may be compared in phase to determine a difference delta phi from which a slant angle theta is determined for each pixel point from an equation Delta phi = (2 pi B/lambda)sin(theta - alpha), where lambda is the radar wavelength and alpha is the roll angle of the aircraft. The height, h, of each pixel point from the aircraft is determined from the equation h = R cos theta, and from the known altitude, a, of the aircraft above sea level, the altitude (elevation), a', of each point is determined from the difference a - h. This elevation data may be displayed with the SAR image by, for example, quantizing the elevation at increments of 100 feet starting at sea level, and color coding pixels of the same quantized elevation. The distance, d, of each pixel from the ground track of the aircraft used for the display may be determined more accurately from the equation d = R sin theta

    Improved noise-adding radiometer for microwave receivers

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    Use of input switch and noise reference standard is avoided by using noise-adding technique. Excess noise from solid state noise-diode is coupled into receiver through directional coupler and square-wave modulated at low rate. High sensitivity receivers for radioastronomy applications are utilized with greater confidence in stability of radiometer

    Evaluation of magnetic helicity in homogeneous turbulence

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    A technique for the measurement of magnetic helicity from values of the two point magnetic field correlation matrix under the assumption of spatial homogeneity is presented. Knowledge of a single scalar function of space, derivable from the correlation matrix, suffices to determine the magnetic helicity. The technique is illustrated by reporting the first measurement of the magnetic helicity of the solar wind

    Single-channel digital command-detection system

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    System, fabricated of highly-reliable digital logic elements, operates on binary pulse-code-modulated signals and derives internal synchronization from data signal. All-digital implementation of detector develops synchronization from data signal by computer cross-correlation of command modulation signal with its expected forms in sequence and adjusts detector phases in accordance with correlation peaks

    The turbulent generation of outward traveling Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind

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    From an analysis of the incompressible MHD equations, it is concluded that the frequent observation of outward propagating Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind can arise from early stages of in situ turbulent evolution, and need not reflect coronal processes

    Large amplitude MHD waves upstream of the Jovian bow shock

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    Observations of large amplitude magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) waves upstream of Jupiter's bow shock are analyzed. The waves are found to be right circularly polarized in the solar wind frame which suggests that they are propagating in the fast magnetosonic mode. A complete spectral and minimum variance eigenvalue analysis of the data was performed. The power spectrum of the magnetic fluctuations contains several peaks. The fluctuations at 2.3 mHz have a direction of minimum variance along the direction of the average magnetic field. The direction of minimum variance of these fluctuations lies at approximately 40 deg. to the magnetic field and is parallel to the radial direction. We argue that these fluctuations are waves excited by protons reflected off the Jovian bow shock. The inferred speed of the reflected protons is about two times the solar wind speed in the plasma rest frame. A linear instability analysis is presented which suggests an explanation for many of the observed features of the observations

    Finite Order BFFT Method

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    We have proposed a method in the context of BFFT approach that leads to truncation of the infinite series regarded to constraints in the extended phase space, as well as other physical quantities (such as Hamiltonian). This has been done for cases where the matrix of Poisson brackets among the constraints is symplectic or constant. The method is applied to Proca model, single self dual chiral bosons and chiral Schwinger models as examples.Comment: 14 pages, no figure to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Atom holography

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    We study the conditions under which atomic condensates can be used as a recording media and then suggest a reading scheme which allows to reconstruct an object with atomic reading beam. We show that good recording can be achieved for flat condensate profiles and for negative detunings between atomic Bohr frequency and optical field frequency. The resolution of recording dramatically depends on the relation between the healing length of the condensate and the spatial frequency contents of the optical fields involved.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Late

    Composite Flexible Blanket Insulation

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    Composite flexible multilayer insulation systems (MLI) were evaluated for thermal performance and compared with the currently used fibrous silica (baseline) insulation system. The systems described are multilayer insulations consisting of alternating layers of metal foil and scrim ceramic cloth or vacuum metallized polymeric films quilted together using ceramic thread. A silicon carbide thread for use in the quilting and the method of making it are also described. These systems are useful in providing lightweight insulation for a variety of uses, particularly on the surface of aerospace vehicles subject to very high temperatures during flight