2,082 research outputs found

    Energy Equation Approximation in Fluid Mechanics

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    There is some confusion in the literature of fluid mechanics in regard to the correct form of the energy equation for the study of the flow of nearly incompressible fluids. Several forms of the energy equation and their use are therefore discussed in this note

    Axisymmetric supersonic flow in rotating impellers

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    General equations are developed for isentropic, frictionless, axisymmetric flow in rotating impellers with blade thickness taken into account and with blade forces eliminated in favor of the blade-surface function. It is shown that the total energy of the gas relative to the rotating coordinate system is dependent on the stream function only, and that if the flow upstream of the impeller is vortex-free, a velocity potential exists which is a function of only the radial and axial distances in the impeller. The characteristic equations for supersonic flow are developed and used to investigate flows in several configurations in order to ascertain the effect of variations of the boundary conditions on the internal flow and the work input. Conditions varied are prerotation of the gas, blade turning rate, gas velocity at the blade tips, blade thickness, and sweep of the leading edge

    Analysis of Performance of Jet Engine from Characteristics of Components I : Aerodynamic and Matching Characteristics of Turbine Component Determined with Cold Air

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    The performance of the turbine component of an NACA research jet engine was investigated with cold air. The interaction and the matching of the turbine with the NACA eight-stage compressor were computed with the combination considered as a jet engine. The over-all performance of the engine was then determined. The internal aerodynamics were studied to the extent of investigating the performance of the first stator ring and its influence on the turbine performance. For this ring, the stream-filament method for computing velocity distribution permitted efficient sections to be designed, but the design condition of free-vortex flow with uniform axial velocities was not obtained

    Attainable circulation about airfoils in cascade

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    From consideration of available information on boundary-layer behavior, a relation among profile thickness, maximum surface velocity, Reynolds number, velocity diagram, and solidity is established for a cascade of airfoils immersed in a two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow. Several cascades are computed to show the effect of various cascade design parameters on minimum required cascade solidity. Comparisons with experimentally determined blade performance show that the derived blade loadings are equal or higher for moderate flow deceleration and somewhat lower for large deceleration. Blades with completely laminar flow appear practical for impulse or reaction blading