167 research outputs found

    Working Effectively With Employees who Have Sustained a Brain Injury

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    This brochure on individuals who have sustained a brain injury and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of a series on human resources practices and workplace accommodations for persons with disabilities edited by Susanne M. BruyĆØre, Ph.D., CRC, SPHR, Director, Program on Employment and Disability, School of Industrial and Labor Relations ā€“ Extension Division, Cornell University. It was updated in June, 2000 by Stephanie Hanson, Ph.D., College of Health Professions, University of Florida. The original as written by Thomas P. Golden, M.S., Program on Employment and Disability, Cornell Universit

    Profiles In Excellence: Case Studies of Exemplary Arts Education Partnerships

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    This monagraph is a supplement to Partners in Excellence, the National Guild's guide to structuring and managing community school of the arts/public school partnerships. It describes three exemplary programs: The Community Partnership in the Arts between Philadelphia's Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial (a visual arts organization) and George Washington Elementary SchoolThe Pathways to Performance Initiative partnership between MacPhail Center for Music and Whittier International Elementary School, both in Minneapolis, and the Wilder Research Foundation in St. PaulThe Partners in Arts Education Program, a multi-disciplinary partnership between Henry Street Settlement in New York and the Lower Manhattan Arts AcademyThe Guild chose to examine these partnerships for two reasons: 1) each exemplifies all the best-practices criteria described in Partners in Excellence and 2) each has a particular feature that makes it exceptional. We hope that the case studies of these three partnerships will inspire leaders in the field to continue to increase access to quality arts education by further developing their organizations' partnerships with America's public schools

    Working Effectively With Employees who Have Sustained a Brain Injury

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    This brochure on individuals who have sustained a brain injury and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of a series on human resources practices and workplace accommodations for persons with disabilities edited by Susanne M. BruyĆØre, Ph.D., CRC, SPHR, Director, Program on Employment and Disability, School of Industrial and Labor Relations ā€“ Extension Division, Cornell University. It was updated in June, 2000 by Stephanie Hanson, Ph.D., College of Health Professions, University of Florida. The original as written by Thomas P. Golden, M.S., Program on Employment and Disability, Cornell University. Cornell University was funded in the early 1990ā€™s by the U.S. Department of Education National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research as a National Materials Development Project on the employment provisions (Title I) of the ADA (Grant #H133D10155). These updates, and the development of new brochures, have been funded by Cornellā€™s Program on Employment and Disability, the Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center, and other supporters

    The regulatory effect of miRNAs is a heritable genetic trait in humans

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    BACKGROUND:microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to regulate the expression of a large number of genes and play key roles in many biological processes. Several previous studies have quantified the inhibitory effect of a miRNA indirectly by considering the expression levels of genes that are predicted to be targeted by the miRNA and this approach has been shown to be robust to the choice of prediction algorithm. Given a gene expression dataset, Cheng et al. defined the regulatory effect score (RE-score) of a miRNA as the difference in the gene expression rank of targets of the miRNA compared to non-targeted genes. RESULTS: Using microarray data from parent-offspring trios from the International HapMap project, we show that the RE-score of most miRNAs is correlated between parents and offspring and, thus, inter-individual variation in RE-score has a genetic component in humans. Indeed, the mean RE-score across miRNAs is correlated between parents and offspring, suggesting genetic differences in the overall efficiency of the miRNA biogenesis pathway between individuals. To explore the genetics of this quantitative trait further, we carried out a genome-wide association study of the mean RE-score separately in two HapMap populations (CEU and YRI). No genome-wide significant associations were discovered; however, a SNP rs17409624, in an intron of DROSHA, was significantly associated with mean RE-score in the CEU population following permutation-based control for multiple testing based on all SNPs mapped to the canonical miRNA biogenesis pathway; of 244 individual miRNA RE-scores assessed in the CEU, 214 were associated (p < 0.05) with rs17409624. The SNP was also nominally significantly associated (p = 0.04) with mean RE-score in the YRI population. Interestingly, the same SNP was associated with 17 (8.5% of all expressed) miRNA expression levels in the CEU. We also show here that the expression of the targets of most miRNAs is more highly correlated with global changes in miRNA regulatory effect than with the expression of the miRNA itself. CONCLUSIONS: We present evidence that miRNA regulatory effect is a heritable trait in humans and that a polymorphism of the DROSHA gene contributes to the observed inter-individual differences

    Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Screening in STD Clinics, Emergency Departments, and Inpatient Units: A Model-Based Analysis

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    Identifying and treating persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection early in their disease stage is considered an effective means of reducing the impact of the disease. We compared the cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in three settings, sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics serving men who have sex with men, hospital emergency departments (EDs), settings where patients are likely to be diagnosed early, and inpatient diagnosis based on clinical manifestations.We developed the Progression and Transmission of HIV/AIDS model, a health state transition model that tracks index patients and their infected partners from HIV infection to death. We used program characteristics for each setting to compare the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year gained from early versus late diagnosis and treatment. We ran the model for 10,000 index patients for each setting, examining alternative scenarios, excluding and including transmission to partners, and assuming HAART was initiated at a CD4 count of either 350 or 500 cells/ĀµL. Screening in STD clinics and EDs was cost-effective compared with diagnosing inpatients, even when including only the benefits to the index patients. Screening patients in STD clinics, who have less-advanced disease, was cost-effective compared with ED screening when treatment with HAART was initiated at a CD4 count of 500 cells/ĀµL. When the benefits of reduced transmission to partners from early diagnosis were included, screening in settings with less-advanced disease stages was cost-saving compared with screening later in the course of infection. The study was limited by a small number of observations on CD4 count at diagnosis and by including transmission only to first generation partners of the index patients.HIV prevention efforts can be advanced by screening in settings where patients present with less-advanced stages of HIV infection and by initiating treatment with HAART earlier in the course of infection


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    We examined the demographic response of the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) to the removal of Raccoons in an urban maritime state park in southern Florida. The rapid growth of iguanas to sexual maturity in an underexploited, if not vacant, niche contributed to the rapid recruitment of a large and growing population during the four and one half years since removal of its limiting predator. We proffer here that at sites where Green Iguanas and high density Raccoons are syntopic, future Raccoon removal programs should be concurrent with an equally concerted effort to remove resident Green Iguanas. In this fashion, by replacing one limiting predator with another, a population explosion can be prevented and an advantage can be maintained in the local control of this exotic species

    "The Book of Negroesā€™ illustrated edition: circulating African-Canadian history through the Middlebrow"

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    This article examines the 2009 deluxe illustrated edition of Lawrence Hillā€™s Commonwealth Writersā€™ Prizeā€“ and Canada Readsā€“winning novel The Book of Negroes, originally published in 2007. It relates the story of Aminata, a West African girl kidnapped and sold into slavery, and her experiences on an indigo plantation in the American south, followed by further displacements to Charleston, Nova Scotia, Sierra Leone, and London. In New York, as the Revolutionary War comes to a close, Aminata becomes the scribe for the Book of Negroes, documenting the Black Loyalists, as well as the slaves and indentured servants of white Loyalists, granted passage by the British to Canada. Hill has commented that the Book of Negroes is an important document about which Canadians are largely ignorant. This desire to circulate knowledge about African-Canadian history through the novel is particularly manifest in the illustrated edition of 2009, where a photograph of the Book of Negroes features prominently, along with countless other images and captions which supplement and interrupt Hillā€™s narrative. This article considers the significance and implications of this ā€œkeepsakeā€ or ā€œsouvenirā€ edition, particularly its circulation of knowledge about African-Canadian history through visual pleasure

    Red Aesthetics, Intermediality and the Use of Posters in Chinese Cinema after 1949

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    Abstract: This article focuses on the aesthetic and affective techniques of saturation through which posters legitimated the Party-State in Maoā€™s China by closing the gap between everyday experience and political ideology. Propaganda posters were designed to put into practice the principle of unity, as conceptua- lised by Mao Zedong. The argument posits that while the ā€œposterā€ is normally a printed edition of a painting or design intended for mass distribution in this way, the term may fairly be deployed to capture other cultural objects that function as ā€œpostersā€, in that they provide public, political information that expresses or con- structs a political self in aesthetic form. This approach requires a metonymic understanding of a visual field in which cultural objects are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. The essay draws on recent in-depth interviews with poster artists of the 1960s and 1970s

    Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance for Clinical Education

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    This article presents an update of the collaborative statement on clerkship directors (CDs), first published in 2003, from the national undergraduate medical education organizations that comprise the Alliance for Clinical Education (ACE). The clerkship director remains an essential leader in the education of medical students on core clinical rotations, and the role of the CD has and continues to evolve. The selection of a CD should be an explicit contract between the CD, their department, and the medical school, with each party fulfilling their obligations to ensure the success of the students, the clerkship and of the CD. Educational innovations and accreditation requirements have evolved in the last two decades and therefore this article updates the 2003 standards for what is expected of a CD and provides guidelines for the resources and support to be provided. In their roles as CDs, medical student educators engage in several critical activities: administration, education/teaching, coaching, advising, and mentoring, faculty development, compliance with accreditation standards, and scholarly activity. This article describes (a) the work products that are the primary responsibility of the CD; (b) the qualifications for the CD; (c) the support structure, resources, and personnel that are necessary for the CD to accomplish their responsibilities; (d) incentives and career development for the CD; and (e) the dedicated time that should be provided for the clerkship and the CD to succeed. Given all that should rightfully be expected of a CD, a minimum of 50% of a full-time equivalent is recognized as appropriate. The complexity and needs of the clerkship now require that at least one full-time clerkship administrator (CA) be a part of the CDā€™s team. To better reflect the current circumstances, ACE has updated its recommendations for institutions and departments to have clear standards for what is expected of the director of a clinical clerkship and have correspondingly clear guidelines as to what should be expected for CDs in the support they are provided. This work has been endorsed by each of the eight ACE member organizations
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