15 research outputs found

    Effects of mixing on evolution of hydrocarbon ratios in the troposphere

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    Nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentration ratios provide useful indicators of tropospheric oxidation and transport processes. However, the influences of both photochemical and mixing processes are inextricably linked in the evolution of these ratios. We present a model for investigating these influences by combining the transport treatment of the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART with an ultrasimple (i.e., constant OH concentration) chemical treatment. Required model input includes NMHC emission ratios, but not ad hoc assumed background NMHC concentrations. The model results give NMHC relationships that can be directly compared, in a statistical manner, with measurements. The measured concentration ratios of the longest-lived alkanes show strong deviations from purely kinetic behavior, which the model nicely reproduces. In contrast, some measured aromatic ratio relationships show even stronger deviations that are not well reproduced by the model for reasons that are not understood. The model-measurement comparisons indicate that the interaction of mixing and photochemical processing prevent a simple interpretation of "photochemical age," but that the average age of any particular NMHC can be well defined and can be approximated by a properly chosen and interpreted NMHC ratio. In summary, the relationships of NMHC concentration ratios not only yield useful measures of photochemical processing in the troposphere, but also provide useful test of the treatment of mixing and chemical processing in chemical transport models. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union

    Determination of urban volatile organic compound emission ratios and comparison with an emissions database

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    During the NEAQS-ITCT2k4 campaign in New England, anthropogenic VOCs and CO were measured downwind from New York City and Boston. The emission ratios of VOCs relative to CO and acetylene were calculated using a method in which the ratio of a VOC with acetylene is plotted versus the photochemical age. The intercept at the photochemical age of zero gives the emission ratio. The so determined emission ratios were compared to other measurement sets, including data from the same location in 2002, canister samples collected inside New York City and Boston, aircraft measurements from Los Angeles in 2002, and the average urban composition of 39 U.S. cities. All the measurements generally agree within a factor of two. The measured emission ratios also agree for most compounds within a factor of two with vehicle exhaust data indicating that a major source of VOCs in urban areas is automobiles. A comparison with an anthropogenic emission database shows less agreement. Especially large discrepancies were found for the C2-C4 alkanes and most oxygenated species. As an example, the database overestimated toluene by almost a factor of three, which caused an air quality forecast model (WRF-CHEM) using this database to overpredict the toluene mixing ratio by a factor of 2.5 as well. On the other hand, the overall reactivity of the measured species and the reactivity of the same compounds in the emission database were found to agree within 30%. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union

    Emissions and photochemistry of oxygenated VOCs in urban plumes in the Northeastern United States

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    Photochemical processes inside urban plumes in the Northeast of the United States have been studied using a highly detailed chemical model, based upon the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM). The model results have been compared to measurements of oxygenated VOCs (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, acetaldehyde, acetic acid and methanol) obtained during several flights of the NOAA WP-3D aircraft, which sampled plumes from the New York City area during the ICARTT campaign in 2004. The agreement between the model and the measurements was within 40–60 % for all species, except acetic acid. The model results have been used to study the formation and photochemical evolution of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and acetaldehyde. Under the conditions encountered during the ICARTT campaign, acetone is produced from the oxidation of propane (24–28 %) and i-propanol

    Radicals in the marine boundary layer during NEAQS 2004: A model study of day-time and night-time sources and sinks

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    This paper describes a modelling study of several HOx and NOx species (OH, HO2, organic peroxy radicals, NO 3 and N2O5) in the marine boundary layer. A model based upon the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) was constrained to observations of chemical and physical parameters made onboard the NOAA ship R/V Brown as part of the New England Air Quality Study (NEAQS) in the summer of 2004. The model was used to calculate [OH] and to determine the composition of the peroxy radical pool. Modelled [NO3] and [N 2O5] were compared to in-situ measurements by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy. The comparison showed that the model generally overestimated the measurements by 30g€"50%, on average. The model results were analyzed with respect to several chemical and physical parameters, including uptake of NO3 and N 2O5 on fog droplets and on aerosol, dry deposition of NO3 and N2O5, gas-phase hydrolysis of N 2O5 and reactions of NO3 with NMHCs and peroxy radicals. The results suggest that fog, when present, is an important sink for N2O5 via rapid heterogeneous uptake. The comparison between the model and the measurements were consistent with values of the heterogeneous uptake coefficient of N2O5 (I3N 2O5)>1×10-2, independent of aerosol composition in this marine environment. The analysis of the different loss processes of the nitrate radical showed the important role of the organic peroxy radicals, which accounted for a significant fraction (median: 15%) of NO3 gas-phase removal, particularly in the presence of high concentrations of dimethyl sulphide (DMS)

    Ozone production in remote oceanic and industrial areas derived from ship based measurements of peroxy radicals during TexAQS 2006

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    During the Texas Air Quality Study II (TexAQS 2006) campaign, a PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier (PERCA) was deployed on the NOAA research vessel R/V Brown to measure total peroxy radicals (HO2+SRO2). Day-time mixing ratios of HO2+SRO2 between 25 and 110 ppt were observed throughout the study area - the Houston/Galveston region and the Gulf coast of the U.S. - and analyzed in relation to measurements of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and photolysis rates to assess radical sources and sinks in the region. The measurements of HO 2+SRO2 were used to calculate the in-situ net photochemical formation of ozone. Measured median values ranged from 0.6 ppb/h in clean oceanic air masses up to several tens of ppb/h in the most polluted industrial areas. The results are consistent with previous studies and generally agree with observations made during the previous TexAQS 2000 field campaign. The net photochemical ozone formation rates determined at Barbours Cut, a site immediately south of the Houston Ship Channel, were analyzed in relation to local wind direction and VOC reactivity to understand the relationship between ozone formation and local VOC emissions. The measurements of HO 2+SRO2 made during the R/V Brown TexAQS 2006 cruise indicate that ozone formation is NOx-limited in the Houston/Galveston region and influenced by highly reactive hydrocarbons, especially alkenes from urban and industrial sources and their photooxidation products, such as formaldehyde