69 research outputs found

    PsiholoŔki profil učinilaca krivičnog dela silovanja

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    This paper is a part of a more comprehensive research in which we have attempted to determine cognitive and conative structure of personality of crime perpetrators applying cybernetic model of personality dimensions. The problem of research was to determine which psychosocial dimensions characterize rapists. The goal of the paper was to determine whether it was possible to make a psychological profile of perpetrators involved in sexual crimes, which could enable for better insight into the nature of this specific form of aggressive behavior. We have assumed that certain personality dimensions influence not only the fact that someone will become a crime perpetrator but also the fact what kind of crime he will be involved in. For instance, we believed that personality committing sexual crimes would show considerable aberrations of cognitive dimensions (in comparison with other perpetrators), as well as the following conative dimensions anxiety, aggressiveness and psychopathy. 314 adult male convicts were examined by adequate methods which included a cybernetic personality model they were grouped according to the crimes for which they had been convicted. The results obtained by methods of non-linear canonic correlation analysis showed that the main characteristic of a rapist is cognitive insufficiency and conative dysfunction expressed through disturbed system for coordination of regulatory function, and which is determined as psychopath to the largest extent. These are anal aggressive types, who demonstrate their destruction in impulsive and uncontrolled manner.Ovaj rad je deo jednog obimnijeg istraživanja u kome smo nastojali da primenom kibernetičkog modela dimenzija ličnosti utvrdimo kognitivni i konativni sklop ličnosti prestupnika koji se bave kriminalnim ponaÅ”anjem. Problem istraživanja je bio da odredimo koje psihosocijalne dimenzije odlikuju počinitelje krivičnog dela silovanja. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi da li je moguće formirati psiholoÅ”ki profil prestupnika koji čine seksualne delikte, Å”to bi omogućilo bolji uvid u prirodu ove specifične vrste agresivnog ponaÅ”anja

    PsiholoŔki profil učinilaca krivičnog dela silovanja

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    This paper is a part of a more comprehensive research in which we have attempted to determine cognitive and conative structure of personality of crime perpetrators applying cybernetic model of personality dimensions. The problem of research was to determine which psychosocial dimensions characterize rapists. The goal of the paper was to determine whether it was possible to make a psychological profile of perpetrators involved in sexual crimes, which could enable for better insight into the nature of this specific form of aggressive behavior. We have assumed that certain personality dimensions influence not only the fact that someone will become a crime perpetrator but also the fact what kind of crime he will be involved in. For instance, we believed that personality committing sexual crimes would show considerable aberrations of cognitive dimensions (in comparison with other perpetrators), as well as the following conative dimensions anxiety, aggressiveness and psychopathy. 314 adult male convicts were examined by adequate methods which included a cybernetic personality model they were grouped according to the crimes for which they had been convicted. The results obtained by methods of non-linear canonic correlation analysis showed that the main characteristic of a rapist is cognitive insufficiency and conative dysfunction expressed through disturbed system for coordination of regulatory function, and which is determined as psychopath to the largest extent. These are anal aggressive types, who demonstrate their destruction in impulsive and uncontrolled manner.Ovaj rad je deo jednog obimnijeg istraživanja u kome smo nastojali da primenom kibernetičkog modela dimenzija ličnosti utvrdimo kognitivni i konativni sklop ličnosti prestupnika koji se bave kriminalnim ponaÅ”anjem. Problem istraživanja je bio da odredimo koje psihosocijalne dimenzije odlikuju počinitelje krivičnog dela silovanja. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi da li je moguće formirati psiholoÅ”ki profil prestupnika koji čine seksualne delikte, Å”to bi omogućilo bolji uvid u prirodu ove specifične vrste agresivnog ponaÅ”anja

    Perioperative blood loss and diclofenac in major arthroplastic surgery

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    Introduction: Contemporary literature indicates precaution over the perioperative use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since they can potentially increase perioperative blood loss related to their mechanism of action. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on perioperative blood loss undergoing hip arthroplasty and its correlation with general and regional anesthesia.Methods: This prospective study included 120 patients who had undergone elective unilateral total hip arthroplasty. Patients were allocated into four groups. Groups 1 and 2 were pretreated with diclofenac and operated in general and regional anesthesia. Group 3 and 4 werenā€™t pretreated with any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and were, as well, operated in general and regional anesthesia. Diclofenac was administered orally two times a day 75 mg (total 150 mg) and also as intramuscular injection (75 mg) preoperatively and 12 hours later on a day of surgery.Results: The perioperative blood loss in the rst 24 hours showed an increase of 29.4% in the diclofenac group operated in general anesthesia and increase of 26.8% in patients operated in regional anesthesia (P < 0.05) compared to control group. Statistical data evaluation of patients operated in general anesthesia compared to regional anesthesia, the overall blood loss in the rst 24 h after surgery, showed an increase of 6.4% in the diclofenac group and increase of 3.6% in placebo group. This was not statistically significant.Conclusion: Pretreatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) before elective unilateral total hip arthroplasty increases the perioperative blood loss signficantly. Early discontinuation of non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is advised

    Quality testing of industrially produced essential oil of white pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from the Republic of Srpska

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    The quality of the essential oil obtained from white pine wood greenery from the territory of the Republic of Srpska was analyzed by examining the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of samples produced by the hydro-distillation process in industrial production conditions. The chemical composition of the essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID analysis. The antimicrobial activity of the obtained white pine oil was investigated for its possible use as an antimicrobial agent. The obtained results prove the presence of 37 components in the analyzed sample, which represents 98.5% of the total components present. The most common are monoterpene hydrocarbons, followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, much less represented are monoterpenes containing oxygen and aromatic compounds, while aliphatic esters are found only in traces. Antimicrobial activity was examined using the disk diffusion method. The results showed large zones of inhibition, both for the tested oil sample and for all eight analyzed bacterial strains (from 12.00 Ā± 0.00 to 17.33 Ā± 1.15mm), as well as for the fungal strain. The chemical composition and antimicrobial action of essential white pine oiled from plant material originating from the territory of the Republic of Srpska indicates its significant phytomedical potential

    Povezanost inzulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1 i intrauterinog rasta

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    Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a regulator of intrauterine growth, and circulating concentrations are reduced in intrauterine growth-restricted fetuses. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between IGF-1 levels in newborns and intrauterine growth, expressed as birth weight (BW). The research was designed as a cross-sectional study. The study included 71 premature newborns, gestational age (GA) ā‰¤33 weeks. Quantitative determination of IGF-1 was performed in the 33rd post-menstrual week (pmw) to make the measurements more comparable. We used an enzyme-bound immunosorbent test for quantitative determination of IGF-1. Our results showed the mean IGF-1 level in premature newborns in 33rd pmw to be 23.1Ā±4.56 (range 15.44-39.75) Ī¼g/L. There was no difference in IGF-1 values between male (23.1Ā±4.98 Ī¼g/L) and female (23.1Ā±4.87 Ī¼g/L) newborns. Tere was no significant difference in the average IGF-1 levels between male and female newborns with BW 50th percentile for GA either (p>0.50). Only BW <33rd percentile newborns had a statistically significantly lower IGF-1 level compared to newborns with greater BW. Based on our results, it is concluded that serum IGF-1 level reflects intrauterine growth only in BW <33rd percentile newborns. This fact could be used for further therapeutic purposes.Inzulinu sličan faktor rasta (IGF-1) je jedan od čimbenika koji utječu na intrauterini rast. Serumske razine IGF-1 su smanjene u fetusima s intrauterinim zastojem rasta. Cilj naÅ”ega istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između razine IGF-1 u nedonoŔčadi i intrauterinog rasta izraženog kao porođajna težina (PT). Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija. U studiju je bilo uključeno 71 nedonoŔče gestacijske dobi (GD) ā‰¤33 tjedna. Kvantitativno određivanje IGF-1 provedeno je u 33. postmenstruacijskom tjednu (pmt) radi bolje usporedivosti rezultata. Za kvantitativno određivanje IGF-1 rabili smo enzimski imunosorbentni test. NaÅ”i rezultati pokazali su da je srednja razina IGF-1 u nedonoŔčadi u 33. pmt iznosila 23,1Ā±4,56 (raspon 15,44-39,75) Ī¼g/L. Nije bilo razlike u vrijednostima IGF-1 između muÅ”ke (23,1Ā±4,98 Ī¼g/L) i ženske (23,1Ā±4,87 Ī¼g/L) nedonoŔčadi. Također nije bilo značajne razlike u srednjim razinama IGF-1 između nedonoŔčadi s PT 50. percentila za GD (p>0,50). NedonoŔčad s niskom PT (<33. percentila) imala su statistički značajno nižu razinu IGF-1. Na temelju naÅ”ih rezultata može se zaključiti da serumska razina IGF-1 odražava intrauterini rast samo u nedonoŔčadi male PT (<33. percentila), Å”to bi mogao biti koristan podatak za buduću uporabu IGF-1 u terapijske svrhe

    Izazovi primene hromatografskih tehnika u postavljanju dijagnoze SARS-CoV-2 infekcije

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    Preventivne mere, rano otkrivanje i potvrda novih slučajeva infekcije, predstavljaju osnov u sprečavanju Å”irenja i suzbijanju ininfektivne bolesti COVID-19. Primena visoko osetljive, spe- cifične real-time RT-PCR metode predstavlja zlatni standard u detekciji SARS-CoV-2. Brza i pouzdana dijanoza su neophodni za efikasno praćenje bolesti, ali veliki broj lažno negativnih slučajeva omogućio je nekontrolisanu transmisiju infekcije. Nove metode za detekciju SARS-CoV-2 iz nazofaringealnog brisa zasnovane na principu tečne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (HPLC-MS/MS) isključivo se koriste u istraživačke svrhe. Hromatografski testovi omogućavaju istovremenu detekciju viÅ”e različitih, specifičnih peptidnih markera za identifikaciju SARS-CoV-2. Na ovaj način, moguće mutacije u genskoj sekvenci virusa, lako mogu biti prevaziđene. Upotreba gasne hromatografije sa spektrometrijom pokretljivosti jona (GC-IMS) za detekciju odabranih molekula u izdahnutom vazduhu pacijenata sa COVID-19 može omogućiti neinvazivnu, brzu i tačnu, ā€žpoint of careā€ potvrdu dijagnoze bolesti. Uprkos superiornim analitičkim performansama hromatografskih tehnika, njihova primena u rutinskoj laboratorijskoj praksi je retka. Pored opreme, njihova primena zahteva obučeno osoblje i ā€žin houseā€ procedure validacije i verifikacije metoda. Protokoli validacije hromato- grafskih metoda se oslanjaju na preporuke date u naučnim publikacijama i različitim smer- nicama, te su istraživački orijentisani. NajčeŔće koriŔćene su EMA, FDA i CLSI smernice za postupke i procedure validacije metoda. Međutim, ove smernice dozvoljavaju različita tuma- čenja i ostavljaju analitičaru da odluči koji od parametara validacije su neophodni. Različiti preanalitički i analitički aspekti hromatografskih metoda diktiraju složenost kriterijuma vali- dacije. Zbog toga je neophodno izdvojiti najvažnije postupke validacije hromatografskih teh- nika (određivanje linearnosti, LOQ i LOD vrednosti, tačnosti i preciznosti metode) i primeniti dostupnu opremu i naučna saznanja

    Research of the effect of cold atmospheric plasma on gluten proteins from gluten-free flour

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    A gluten-free diet is the only available therapy for people with celiac disease (CD) and wheat allergy (WA). Given that this type of diet is difficult to implement because there is a possibility that gluten-free products could be contaminated with gluten, the aim of this paper was to examine the effect of cold plasma treatment on gluten proteins present in gluten-free flour. Samples were treated in a solid state (4 min) and as extracts (1 min). After treatment, proteins were separated on an HPLC apparatus. Then, the samples that were treated (in the solid form and as extracts) were compared to the untreated samples. Based on the obtained results, fewer proteins were isolated from the samples that were treated, compared to the untreated ones

    Cholesterol Metabolic Profiling of HDL in Women with Late-Onset Preeclampsia

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    A specific feature of dyslipidemia in pregnancy is increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration, which is probably associated with maternal endothelium protection. However, preeclampsia is most often associated with low HDL cholesterol, and the mechanisms behind this change are scarcely explored. We aimed to investigate changes in HDL metabolism in risky pregnancies and those complicated by late-onset preeclampsia. We analyze cholesterol synthesis (cholesterol precursors: desmosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, and lathosterol) and absorption markers (phytosterols: campesterol and Ī²-sitosterol) within HDL particles (NCSHDL), the activities of principal modulators of HDL cholesterolā€™s content, and major HDL functional proteins levels in mid and late pregnancy. On the basis of the pregnancy outcome, participants were classified into the risk group (RG) (70 women) and the preeclampsia group (PG) (20 women). HDL cholesterol was lower in PG in the second trimester compared to RG (p < 0.05) and followed by lower levels of cholesterol absorption markers (p < 0.001 for campesterolHDL and p < 0.05 for Ī²-sitosterolHDL). Lowering of HDL cholesterol between trimesters in RG (p < 0.05) was accompanied by a decrease in HDL phytosterol content (p < 0.001), apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) concentration (p < 0.05), and paraoxonase 1 (PON1) (p < 0.001), lecithinā€“cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) (p < 0.05), and cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) activities (p < 0.05). These longitudinal changes were absent in PG. Development of late-onset preeclampsia is preceded by the appearance of lower HDL cholesterol and NCSHDL in the second trimester. We propose that reduced capacity for intestinal HDL synthesis, decreased LCAT activity, and impaired capacity for HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux could be the contributing mechanisms resulting in lower HDL cholesterol

    Uticaj različitih uslova čuvanja uzoraka i kontaminacije uzoraka bakterijama na koncentracije rutinskih biohemijskih parametara

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    Background: The pre-analytical (PA) phase is the most vulnerable phase of laboratory testing procedure, with critical procedures-collection, handling, sample transport, and time and temperature of sample storage. The aim of this study was to examine if different anticoagulants, storage conditions, and freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs) influence the concentrations of basic biochemical parameters. In parallel, the presence and the effect of sample microbiological contamination during routine laboratory work were examined. Methods: Two plasma pools (EDTA, and sodium-fluoride/potassium oxalate plasma (NaF)) were stored at +4CĖš/-20ĖšC. Total cholesterol (TC), glucose, triglycerides (TG), urea, total protein (TP), and albumin concentrations were measured using Ilab 300+. Sample microbiological contamination was determined by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The experiment encompassed a 5 day-period: Day 1ā€“fresh sample, Day 2ā€“1st FTC, Day 3ā€“2nd FTC, Day 4ā€“3rd FTC, Day 5ā€“4th FTC. The appearance of bacteria in two consecutive samples was the experiment's endpoint. Results: During 4 FTCs there were no changes in plasma urea concentrations. Glucose was stable in EDTA+4ĖšC and NaF- 20ĖšC until the 3rd FTC (P=0.008, P=0.042, respectively). Changes in protein concentrations followed the zig-zag pattern. TG concentrations changed significantly in the EDTA-20ĖšC sample after 1st and 4th FTCs (P=0.022, P=0.010, respectively). In NaF samples no contamination was observed during 4 FTCs. Conclusions: Urea and glucose concentrations were robust. Changes in lipid and protein concentrations after FTCs follow complex patterns. Bacterial growth was not observed in NaF plasma samples. This can promote NaF use in analytical procedures in which microbiological contamination affects the quality of analysis.Uvod: Preanaliti~ka (PA) faza je slo`en proces koji ~ine: prikupljanje, rukovanje, transport i skladi{tenje uzoraka, i predstavlja najzna~ajniji izvor laboratorijskih gre{aka. Cilj ovog istra`ivanja je bio da se ispita stabilnost osnovnih biohemijskih parametara u zavisnosti od uslova skladi{tenja uzoraka i broja ciklusa zamrzavanja-odmrzavanja (FTC). Pored toga, ispitivano je prisustvo bakterijske kontaminacije uzoraka tokom rutinskog laboratorijskog rada. Metode: Dva Ā»poolĀ«-a plazme (etilendiaminotetrasir}etna kiselina (EDTA) i natrijum-fluorid/kalijum oksalat (NaF)) su skladi{tena na +4 ĖšC/-20 ĖšC. Koncentracije ukupnog holesterola (TC), glukoze, triglicerida (TG), uree i albumina su odre|ene kori{}enjem BioSystems reagenasa (holesterol oksidaza/peroksidaza, glukoza oksidaza/peroksidaza, glice rol fosfat oksidaza/peroksidaza, ureaza/salicilat, od- nosno bromkrezol zeleno metodama, sukcesivno) na Ilab 300+ analizatoru. Bakterijska kontaminacija uzoraka je potvr|ena 16S rRNA sekvencioniranjem. Eksperiment je sproveden tokom 5 uzastopnih dana: 1. dan ā€“ sve` uzorak, 2. dan ā€“ 1. FTC, 3. dan ā€“2. FTC, 4. dan ā€“ 3. FTC, 5. dan ā€“ 4. FTC. Zavr{nu ta~ku eksperimenta predstavljala je pojava bakterija u dva uzastopna uzorka. Rezultati: Tokom 4 FTC koncentracije uree u plazmi se nisu zna~ajno razlikovale. Koncentracija glukoze je bila stabilna u EDTA +4 ĖšC i NaF -20 ĖšC do 3.FTC (P=0,008, P=0,042, redom). Koncentracije TG su se zna~ajno pro- menile u uzorku EDTA -20 ĖšC nakon 1. i 4. FTC-a (P=0,022, P=0,010, redom). U uzorcima NaF plazme nije do{lo do bakterijske kontaminacije tokom 4. FTC. Zaklju~ak: Koncentracije uree i glukoze su bile stabilne tokom trajanja eksperimenta. Promene u koncentracijama lipida nakon FTC prate slo`ene obrasce. Rast bakterija nije prime}en u uzorcima NaF plazme, te upotreba ovog anti- koagulansa mo`e biti opravdana u analiti~kim proce - durama podlo`nim uticaju mikrobiolo{ke kontaminacije

    Effects of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Cholesterol Metabolism in Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Possible Implications for Neonatal Outcome

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    Metabolic disorders in pregnancy, particularly gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), are associated with an increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcome and long-term cardiometabolic health of mother and child. This study analyzed changes of serum cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers during the course of high-risk pregnancies, with respect to the development of GDM. Possible associations of maternal lipid biomarkers with neonatal characteristics were also investigated. The study included 63 women with high risk for development of pregnancy complications. Size and proportions of small low-density (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were assessed across trimesters (T1ā€“T3), as well as concentrations of cholesterol synthesis (lathosterol, desmosterol) and absorption markers (campesterol, Ī²-sitosterol). During the study, 15 women developed GDM, while 48 had no complications (non-GDM). As compared to the non-GDM group, women with GDM had significantly higher triglycerides in each trimester, while having a lower HDL-C level in T3. In addition, they had significantly lower levels of Ī²-sitosterol in T3 (p < 0.05). Cholesterol synthesis markers increased across trimesters in both groups. A decrease in serum Ī²-sitosterol levels during the course of pregnancies affected by GDM was observed. The prevalence of small-sized HDL decreased in non-GDM, while in the GDM group remained unchanged across trimesters. Newbornā€™s size in the non-GDM group was significantly higher (p < 0.01) and inversely associated with proportions of both small, dense LDL and HDL particles (p < 0.05) in maternal plasma in T1. In conclusion, high-risk pregnancies affected by GDM are characterized by altered cholesterol absorption and HDL maturation. Advanced lipid testing may indicate disturbed lipid homeostasis in GDM
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