341 research outputs found

    Value of Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load and the Risk of Overweight and Obesity

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    Obesity, due to the scale dissemination is a major social health problem. There is a systematic increase in the frequency of its occurrence. Overweight and obesity are the result of the coexistence of genetic factors with environmental factors –low physical activity and poor nutrition. Obesity is not only the disease but is also the cause of many other medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Proper diet and physical activity play a key role in the treatment of obesity. The study estimates the value of the glycemic index and glycemic load of diet of an excessive body weight people against those with normal body weight in their daily food ration. Results show that the potential cause of weight gain in overweight and obesity could be an average intake of dietary glycemic index and high glycemic load and a relatively low intake of dietary fiber, especially in the diet of people with excessive body weight. Another factor contributing to the occurrence of overweight and obesity could be low physical activity among the said group. Key Words: Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, Overweight, Obesit

    Tank depressurisation

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    This paper analyses the activation of two mechanical depressurisation devices, the transformer protector (TP), a leading example of a fast tank depressurisation technique (FTDT) and the pressure relief valve (PRV) during an internal arc on a transformer installed at the JSC RusHydro Boguchanskaya Hydro Power Plant, located in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. The incident occurred on a 400 MVA three phase transformer on the 3rd May, 2013. Using all the available data, including SCADA records, dissolved gas analysis and voltage/current measurements, computational simulations were performed to study the dynamic pressure evolution and static pressure build up inside the tank. Simulation results on tank protections were analysed in the context of general arcing events. This incident demonstrates that the frst dynamic pressure peak due to the arc quickly activates the FTDT, while the PRV activates with static pressure only

    Effectiveness of structured training plan in triathlon

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    Katedra tělesné výchovyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Eliminating External Threats of a Chosen Organization

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit konkurenční postavení podniku na trhu. Za tímto účelem bylo využito strategické analýzy v oblasti vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí. Hodnocenou organizací je podnik vyrábějící tepelné a technické izolace z kamenné minerální vlny. Z celkového zhodnocení pomocí SWOT analýzy bylo zjištěno, že v podniku převládají silné stránky a příležitosti. Na základě těchto zjištění byla navržena opatření a doporučení pro podnik.The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate competitive position of a chosen company on the market. For this purpose was used strategic analysis of the internal and external business environment. Evaluated organization is company producing thermal and technical insulation from stone wool. From an overall assessment by using SWOT analysis was found that in the company dominates strengths and opportunities. Based on these findings was proposed measures and recommendations for the company.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    LRH-1/NR5A2 interacts with the glucocorticoid receptor to regulate glucocorticoid resistance

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    Nuclear receptors are transcription factors with important functions in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Targeting glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activity using glucocorticoids is a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), and resistance to GC-induced cell death is associated with poor outcome and a high risk for relapse. Next to ligand-binding, heterodimerization with other transcription factors presents an important mechanism for the regulation of GR activity. Here, we describe a GC-induced direct association of the Liver Receptor Homolog-1 (LRH-1) with the GR in the nucleus, which results in reciprocal inhibition of transcriptional activity. Pharmacological and molecular interference with LRH-1 impairs proliferation and survival in T-ALL and causes a profound sensitization to GC-induced cell death, even in GC-resistant T-ALL. Our data illustrate that direct interaction between GR and LRH-1 critically regulates glucocorticoid sensitivity in T-ALL opening up new perspectives for developing innovative therapeutic approaches to treat GC-resistant T-ALL

    Resonant Biaxial Nanoprobe Utilized for Non-Contact Surface Measurements

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    In this work a non-contact biaxial nanoprobe for surface profile scans of macroscopic objects with 150 nm accuracy is presented. The biaxial nanoprobe oscillates in two directions to overcome the challenges of sticking in contact mode. Two electrostatic actuators drive the nanoprobe while two electrostatic sensors measure the position of the tip ball. The contact behavior between the tip ball and the specimen is determined by the contact stiffness and the contact damping. Dependent on the dominating effect the nanoprobeoperatesat semi- or non-contact mode, respectively. The aims of this paper are the investigation of the contact behavior, the proof of the independent evaluation of the two axes and the check if sticking is safely avoided

    Expressões corporais Kaingang como forma de transmissão de saberes na Terra Indígena Apucaraninha: O Nẽn Ga

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Intercultural Indígena do Sul da Mata AtlânticaEste estudo tem por objetivo entender o processo da transmissão dos saberes através das expressões corporais, que é uma das formas de linguagem do povo Kaingang. Trata-se de um longo processo de ensino aprendizagem através do desempenho corporal da dança e da música Kaingang dentro do âmbito escolar e comunitário. Para isso, vou descrever alguns aspectos da língua Kaingang nos cantos na Terra Indígena Apucaraninha visando gerar conhecimentos sobre a transmissão de saberes através desses cantos e das danças. A transmissão desses conhecimentos se dá no cotidiano da aldeia: o povo Kaingang se baseia principalmente na oralidade e nas diferentes formas de expressões corporais para manter vivos seus saberes tradicionais. A dança e o canto são desenvolvidos em contextos e momentos diferentes. Pois, cada povo tem maneiras próprias de cultivar suas tradições. Este trabalho descreve diferentes momentos de vivência do coletivo cultural Nẽn Ga Kaingang.Vẽnhrá tag tóg ẽg tỹ ẽg vĩ tygrĩn nén ki kãnhrãn mũ to ke nĩ, ẽg tỹ kaingang tag, ẽg vĩ vỹ tar nĩgtĩ, kỹ isỹ tag kãmén sĩ han ke vẽ. Tỹ tóg ẽg tỹgtỹnh to ke nĩ, ẽg jé ke gé ẽg jamã kãki, kar ẽg vẽnhkanhrãn jãfã kãki, inh jamã tỹ Apucaraninha ki. Ẽg Tỹ ẽg vĩ ẽg tỹnh mré ẽg jé ki kanhró nỹtĩ jé, ẽg jamã hã kãki ẽg tóg ki kanhrãn tĩ. Kanhgág ag kãki ag vĩ hã vỹ tar nỹgtĩ, kar kỹ ag tỹgtỹnh ke gé. Hãra ag tỹgtỹnh tag vỹ tỹ ũ nĩ, ũ nĩ tĩgtĩ. Kenjé tãmĩ kanhgág ũ ag jykre vỹ tóg tỹ ũ nỹtĩgtĩ. Kỹ vẽnhrá tag tóg tỹ Nẽn Ga Kaingang ag tỹ ẽg jykre tag tỹ tar e to ke nĩ

    Study of transformer explosion prevention with bushing turret protection

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    Liquid-filled power transformers typically contain thousands of liters of flammable insulation. When this insulation breaks down, there is a high risk of transformer failure that would endanger human life, generate environmental hazards, and destroy valuable assets. Because live tests involving arcing are expensive and potentially dangerous, numerical simulations are a useful alternative to study faults over a wide range of transformers. Since bushings are common sources of transformer failure, we examine the role of deploying a transformer fast depressurization system on two simulated transformer designs, with protections localized in the bushing turret region, to ensure that the transformer is robust to internal arcs