20 research outputs found

    Endometrial prostaglandin F2α in vitro production and its modulation regarding dominant follicle position in cattle

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    Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) determines luteolysis in cattle, and the ability to manipulate its endogenous synthesis is indispensible for large-scale animal breeding. Estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) modulate several molecular pathways in endometrial cells, including the synthesis of PGF2α; however, its specific mechanisms are still not totally known. This study investigated the production in vitro and possible modulation of endometrial PGF2α due to a local effect of endogenous E2 in the ipsilateral uterine horn (UH) containing the dominant follicle (DF) or from P4 in ipsilateral horn containing the corpus luteum (CL). The PGF2α stimulators oxytocin (OT) and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) were incubated with endometrial explants, and PGF2α content was measured. For that, cycling cows were synchronized, the development of DF and CL was examined by ultrasonography and on the seventh day of the estrous cycle, endometrial explants were collected and cultured in medium supplemented with 10-6 M PDBu or 10-6 M OT or non-supplemented. Media samples were collected immediately after treatment and 60 min later. Radioimmunoassay showed that the PGF2α content of the UH ipsilateral to the DF was 49% less than that of the contralateral UH (8.22 ± 0.95 vs. 12.24 ± 0.95 pg/mL/mg tissue, respectively; P < 0.01). However, the PGF2α levels did not differ between the UHs as a function of the CL position (9.46 ± 0.95 vs. 11 ± 0.95 pg/mL/mg; P > 0.05). The cellular stimulators promoted an increase in PGF2α synthesis (P < 0.02), and the effects differed among the animals (P < 0.04). The PGF2a production was higher in the explants treated with PDBu rather than OT (13.68 ± 1.16 vs. 10.01 ± 1.16 pg/mL/mg tissue, respectively; P < 0.05). In conclusion, PGF2α synthesis is modulated by the presence of the DF (local E2) but not the CL (local P4), and both PDBu and OT stimulated PGF2a synthesis.A prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) determina a luteólise em bovinos. A capacidade de manipular sua síntese endógena é indispensável para a produção animal em grande escala. O estradiol (E2) e a progesterona (P4) modulam diversas vias moleculares das células endometriais, incluindo a síntese de PGF2α; no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre seus mecanismos específicos. Este trabalho investigou a produção in vitro e a possível modulação da PGF2α endometrial devido a um efeito local do E2 endógeno no corno uterino ipsilateral ao folículo dominante (FD) ou da P4 no corno ipsilateral ao corpo lúteo (CL). Os estimuladores de PGF2α oxitocina (OT) e 12,23-dibutirato de forbol (PDBu) foram incubados com explantes endometriais, e o conteúdo de PGF2α foi mensurado. Para tal, vacas cíclicas foram sincronizadas, o desenvolvimento de FD e CL foi examinado por ultrassonografia, e no 17º dia do ciclo estral os explantes endometriais foram coletados e cultivados em meio ou suplementados com PDBu 10-6M ou 10-6M OT. As amostras de meio foram coletadas imediatamente após o tratamento e sessenta minutos depois. O radioimunoensaio mostrou que o conteúdo de PGF2α do corno ipsilateral ao FD foi 49% menor que o do corno contralateral (8,22 ± 0,95 vs. 12,24 ± 0,95 pg/mL/mg de tecido, respectivamente, P < 0,01). No entanto, os níveis de PGF2α não diferiram entre os cornos em função da posição do CL (9,46 ± 0,95 versus 11 ± 0,95 pg/mL/mg; P > 0,05). Os estimuladores celulares promoveram um aumento na síntese de PGF2α (P < 0,02), e os efeitos diferiram entre os animais (P < 0,04). A produção de PGF2α foi maior nos explantes tratados com PDBu em comparação à OT (13,68 ± 1,16 versus 10,01 ± 1,16 pg/mL/mg de tecido, respectivamente, P < 0,05). A conclusão obtida foi que a síntese de PGF2α é: modulada pela presença do FD (E2 local), mas não do CL (P4 local); e estimulada por PDBu e OT

    In vitro culture of ovine mammary gland cells expressing beta-lactoglobulin and beta-casein

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    The expression of milk proteins in vitro is essential to exploit the mammary gland cells as a biological model. Enzymatic tissue disaggregation has been widely used to establish mammary cell culture, but its effect in long-term ovine mammary cell culture is not completely elucidated. This study aimed at comparing mechanical/enzymatic and mechanical dissociation methods to establish ovine mammary cell culture. We compared cellular differentiation induced by lactating ewe sérum or fetal bovine serum based on the gene expression levels of milk proteins (beta-lactoglobulin, alpha s1-casein, and betacasein). Mechanically dissociated cells were positive immunostaining for cytokeratin 8.13, such as mammary epithelial cells. These cells are responsible for milk protein expression and they are low immunostaining for vimentin, mesenchymal marker. Mechanical/enzymatic dissociation cells were positive for vimentin. The fastest cell growth (cell/hour) was observed in the mechanical dissociation group cultured with 10% fetal bovine serum medium. Mechanically and mechanically/enzymatically derived cells were able to express beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, but not alpha s1-casein. The relative expression of beta-lactoglobulin was not affected by the tissue dissociation method or culture media, beta-casein relative expression was down regulated in mechanically dissociated cells cultured in the presence of lactating ewe serum, (P = 0.019). Beta-casein relative expression was also down regulated in mechanically/enzymatically dissociated cells cultured with fetal bovine sérum (P = 0.021). In the present conditions, we conclude that mechanical dissociation followed by culture with 10% of fetal bovine serum was the most efficient method to induce milk proteins’ mRNA expression by ovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro.A expressão in vitro de proteínas do leite e essencial para explorar as células da glândula mamaria como um modelo biológico. A desagregação tecidual via enzimática e amplamente utilizada para o estabelecimento cultivo de células mamarias. No entanto, seu efeito a longo prazo no cultivo de células da glândula mamaria ovina ainda não e bem elucidado. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar dois métodos de dissociação tecidual, mecânico/enzimático e mecânico, para estabelecer cultivo celular de glândula mamaria ovina. A indução da diferenciação celular, por adição de soro de ovelha lactante ou soro fetal bovino, foi avaliada pelos níveis de expressão de proteínas do leite (beta-lactoglobulina, alpha s1-caseina e beta-caseína). Células mecanicamente dissociadas foram positivamente marcadas para a presença de citoqueratina 8.13, marcador para células epiteliais mamarias. Essas células são as responsáveis pela produção das proteínas do leite e são pouco marcadas para a presença de vimentina, marcador para células de origem mesenquimal. Já as células obtidas da dissociação mecânica/ enzimática foram positivamente marcadas para presença de vimentina. A maior velocidade de crescimento (células/hora) foi observado para o grupo com dissociação mecânica cultivado em meio com 10% de soro fetal bovino. As células obtidas tanto da dissociação mecânica quanto mecânica/enzimática foram capazes de expressar beta-lactoglobulina e beta-caseína, mas não alfa s1-caseina. A expressão relativa de beta-lactoglobulina não foi afetada pelo método de dissociação ou meio de cultivo. A expressão relativa da beta-caseína foi negativamente regulada para células mecanicamente dissociadas e cultivadas na presença de soro de ovelha lactante (P = 0,019). A expressão relativa da beta-caseína também foi negativamente regulada para células dissociadas de forma mecânica/enzimática e cultivadas com soro fetal bovino (P = 0,021). Nas condições do presente estudo, concluímos que o método de dissociação mecânica seguido pelo cultivo em meio com 10% de soro fetal bovino foi o método mais eficiente para induzir a expressão mRNA de proteínas do leite por células epiteliais mamarias ovinas in vitro

    Use of extracellular matrix (Matrigel®) for establishment of porcine embryonic stem cells and expression characterization of plurpotency related molecules

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    O estabelecimento de cultivo de células-tronco embrionárias (ESC) ainda não foi realizado com sucesso. Verificação de marcadores de pluripotência e diferenciação nos três folhetos germinativos são necessárias para validação de uma linhagem celular pluripotente. O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer e caracterizar o cultivo de ESC suínas usando Matrigel e comparar a expressão dos marcadores de pluripotência Oct-4, CD9 e α6-integrina em embriões. Blastocistos in vitro ou in vivo foram submetidos à imunocirurgia para cultura da massa celular interna, fixados para imunocitoquímica ou extração de RNA total para RT-PCR. Nenhuma colônia de ESC foi obtida usando co-cultivo em fibroblastos embrionários murinos (MEF) ou em Matrigel. Expressão de Oct-4, CD9 e α6-integrina foi detectada por PCR. Os produtos de PCR de CD9 e α6-integrina tiveram suas sequências nucleotídicas determinadas e comparadas com bases de dados públicas. O produto de CD9 foi idêntico à seqüência do CD9 suíno e o produto de α66integrina foi similar à humana e eqüina. Reação de Imunocitoquímica revelou a presença de Oct-4 no citoplasma de células da massa celular interna e do trofoblasto. CD9 e α6-integrina foram observados preferencialmente em células do trofoblasto. Não foi possível comparar a expressão dos marcadores de pluripotência entre ESC e embriões em suínos. Porém, este estudo descreve pela primeira vez a expressão de CD9 e α6-integrina em blastocistos suínos, os quais podem não estar relacionados com células pluripotentes embrionárias suínas.Establishment of embryonic stem cell (ESC) culture in pigs has not been achieved. Verification of pluripotency markers and differentiation in the three embryonic layers are necessary for validation of a pluripotent cell line. The objective of this study was to establish and characterize porcine ESC culture using Matrigel and compare the expression of pluripotency markers Oct-4, CD9 and α6-integrin with embryos. In vitro or in vivo porcine blastocysts were submitted to immunosurgery for culture of inner cell mass, fixation for immunocytochemistry or total RNA extraction for RT-PCR. No ESC colonies were obtained using co-culture on mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) or on Matrigel. Expression of Oct-4, CD9 and α6-integrin was detected by PCR. CD9 and α6-integrin PCR products had their nucleotide sequence assessed and compared with public nucleotide database. CD9 product was identical to CD9 porcine sequences and α6-integrin product was similar to human and equine α6-integrin. Immunocytochemistry revealed Oct-4 expression in cytoplasm of the inner cell mass and trophoblast cells. CD9 and α6-integrin were observed preferentially on trophoblast cells. It was not possible to compare expression of pluripotency markers between porcine ESC and embryos. However, this study describes for the first time expression of CD9 and α6-integrin in porcine blastocysts, which may not be related to pluripotent porcine embryonic cells

    FGF4 and BMP4 influence FGFR2 dynamics during the segregation of epiblast and primitive endoderm cells in the pre-implantation mouse embryo

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    Post-doctoral research at Sickkids research institute - Rossant lab - Marcelo D. Goissi

    Safeguarding genetic resources of curassow through cryopreservation and transplantation of post-mortem recovered testicular cells into recipient roosters

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    Cryopreservation and transplantation of testicular cells (TCs), especially spematogonial stem cells (SSCs), offers a new perspective for the genetic rescue of birds since traditional biobanking using semen and eggs are either inefficient or impractical. Here, we demonstrated that transplantation of TCs (which contained SSCs) from dead curassows were able to survive and colonize chicken testes, despite the phylogenetic distance between donors and recipients. Previously to transplants, TCs were collected, cryopreserved, thawed, and then labelled with PKH26. Subsequently, labelled TCs were transferred into gonads of sterilized recipient chickens, and monitored for their presence and development from 1 to 180 days after transplantation. The interval between collecting testes and processing them in the laboratory was crucial for TCs viability, but it did not affect the viability of undifferentiated spermatogonia within 24 hours post-mortem. Although positive correlation between testis weight and the total cells recovered was noticed, the number of undifferentiated spermatogonia comprised approximately 0.05% of the total TCs. Once the number of undifferentiated spermagonial stem cells was not sufficient, we decided to make transplants using crude TC fractions containing different types of germ and somatic cells. PKH26-positive cells were found in the cryosections of recipient testes until 42 days after transplantation, whereas the presence of the donor genomic DNA was confirmed until 120 days after transplantation. Taken together, our findings indicate that chicken testes can provide functional conditions for the survival and proliferation of germ cells rescued from individuals of another family of the Galliformes order. This approach represents a promising conservation tool for the recovery of testicular germ cells (including SSCs) from individuals of different ages (from embryos to adult males)

    Seasonal reproduction of Megascops choliba males in Southeastern Brazil (Aves, Strigidae): An endocrine and molecular study

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    Reproductive activity in animals is regulated by variations in plasma levels of steroid hormones, which respond to both geophysical and social-environmental cues. Changes in testosterone (T) levels play a crucial role in coordinating the morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations among males, orchestrating gonadal recrudescence and regression in response to seasonal shifts in environmental factors. Although these reproductive neuroendocrine processes have been extensively examined in various bird species, they remain largely unexplored in owls. The Tropical Screech Owl is widely distributed across Central and South America, and it exhibits regional variations in the timing of chick hatching. This study hypothesized that male Tropical Screech Owls (Megascops choliba) exhibit fluctuations in testosterone levels and corresponding seasonal expression of reproductive genes, potentially linked to reproductive activity, including the presence of semen. To investigate this seasonal reproduction, a group of seven adult male owls was monitored for 14 consecutive months under ex-situ conditions. These owls underwent cloacal electrostimulation and subsequent massage to collect semen, as well as blood sampling to measure serum T levels. The expression of aromatase (CYP19A1), androgen receptor (AR), and estrogen receptor (ESR1 and ESR2) genes was also assessed in gonadal and hypothalamic tissues from four reproductively active and four non-reproductive males collected in-situ from a wild population. Serum T levels in males were significantly higher in July and August, coinciding with the presence of sperm. No significant difference was observed in the hypothalamic tissue transcripts of reproductive versus non-reproductive males. However, non-reproductive males exhibited higher expression of AR and ESR1 genes at the gonadal level. These results confirm the reproductive seasonality of M. choliba males during the winter season in São Paulo State

    Bovine oocyte vitrification: effect of ethylene glycol concentration and meiotic stages

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    Success in oocyte cryopreservation is limited and several factors as cryoprotectant type or concentration and stage of oocyte meiotic maturation are involved. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of maturation stage and ethylene glycol (EG) concentration on survival of bovine oocytes after vitrification. In experiment 1, kinetics of oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) was evaluated. Germinal vesicle (GV), germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), metaphase I (MI), and metaphase II (MII) oocytes were found predominantly at 0, 0-10, 10-14, and 18-24 h of IVM, respectively. In experiment 2, in vitro embryo development after in vitro fertilization (IVF) of oocytes exposed to equilibrium (ES) and vitrification solution VS-1 (EG 30%), or VS-2 (EG 40%) at 0, 12 or 18 h of IVM was evaluated. Only blastocyst rate from oocytes vitrified in SV-2 after 18 h of IVM was different from control oocytes. Hatched blastocyst rates from oocytes vitrified in VS-1 after 12 and 18 h, and SV-2 after 18 h of IVM were different from unvitrified oocytes. In experiment 3, embryo development was examined after IVF of oocytes vitrified using VS-1 or VS-2 at 0, 12 or 18 h of IVM. Rates of blastocyst development after vitrification of oocytes in VS-1 at each time interval were similar. However, after vitrification in VS-2, blastocyst rates were less at 18 h than 0 h. Both cleavage rates and blastocyst rates were significantly less in all vitrification groups when compared to control group and only control oocytes hatched. In conclusion, both EG concentration and stage of meiotic maturation affect the developmental potential of oocytes after vitrificatio

    Bovine oocyte vitrification: Effect of ethylene glycol concentrations and meiotic stages

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    Success in oocyte cryopreservation is limited and several factors as cryoprotectant type or concentration and stage of oocyte meiotic maturation are involved. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of maturation stage and ethylene glycol (EG) concentration on survival of bovine oocytes after vitrification. In experiment 1, kinetics of oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) was evaluated. Germinal vesicle (GV), germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), metaphase I (MI), and metaphase II (MII) oocytes were found predominantly at 0, 0-10, 10-14, and 18-24 h of INK respectively. In experiment 2, in vitro embryo development after in vitro fertilization (IVF) of oocytes exposed to equilibrium (ES) and vitrification solution VS-1 (EG 30%), or VS-2 (EG 40%) at 0, 12 or 18 It of IVM was evaluated. Only blastocyst rate from oocytes vitrified in SV-2 after 18 h of IVM was different from control oocytes. Hatched blastocyst rates from oocytes vitrified in VS-1 after 12 and 18 h, and SV-2 after 18 h of IVM were different from unvitrified oocytes. In experiment 3, embryo development was examined after IVF of oocytes vitrified using VS-I or VS-2 at 0, 12 or 18 h of IVM. Rates of blastocyst development after vitrification of oocytes in VS-1 at each time interval were similar. However, after vitrification in VS-2, blastocyst rates were less at 18 h than 0 h. Both cleavage rates and blastocyst rates were significantly less in all vitrification groups when compared to control group and only control oocytes hatched. In conclusion, both EG concentration and stage of meiotic maturation affect the developmental potential of oocytes after vitrification. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Kinetics of changes in plasma membrane related to apoptosis and necrosis in bovine sperm cells at different incubation times

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    Incubation time induce damages in sperm cells by necrosis and/or apoptosis. The aim of this study was the evaluation of changes in plasma membrane related to apoptosis and necrosis in bovine sperm cells through 2 hours of incubation. Sperm cells were incubated at 5% (v/v) CO2 in air for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. After each period, sperm cells were incubated with fluorescent probes Yo-pro and propidium iodide (PI) to detect change in plasma membrane related to apoptosis and necrosis respectively. Using Yo-pro/PI assay, three different subpopulations of sperm cells were detected by flow cytometry: a) necrotic sperm cells (PI+ and Yo-pro-/+); b) apoptotic sperm cells (Yo-pro+ and PI-) and c) living cells (Yo-pro- and PI-). The percentage of live cells (plasma membrane integrity) significantly decreases over 2 hour of incubation, on the other hand, the percentage of necrotic and apoptotic cells increase during incubation. Changes in plasma membrane integrity were correlated to incubation time. While live cells were negatively correlated with the increase of incubation time, necrosis and apoptosis were positively correlated. It was also observed that necrosis was the main damage in sperm cells in all incubation times. In conclusion, incubation time induces changes in plasma membrane integrity related to necrosis and apoptosis, whether necrosis is present in higher quantity in all incubation timesO tempo de incubação causa danos nas células espermáticas relacionados a necrose e/ou apoptose. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as mudanças na membrana plasmática relacionadas a apoptose e necrose em espermatozóides bovinos durante 2 horas de incubação. Os espermatozóides foram incubados a 5% (v/v) CO2 em ar por 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutes. Depois de cada periodo, as células espermáticas foram incubadas com as sondas fluorescentes Yo-pro e iodito de propideo (PI) para detectar mudanças na membrana plasmática relacionadas a apoptose e a necrose, respectivamente. Usando Yo-pro/PI assay, três subpopulações diferentes de células espermáticas são detectadas pelo citômetro de fluxo: a) células espermáticas em necrose (PI+ and Yo-pro-/+); b) células espermáticas em apoptose (Yo-pro+ and PI-) e c) células espermáticas vivas (Yo-pro- and PI-). A porcentagem de células vivas (membrana plasmática integra) significativamente diminui durante 2 horas de incubação, por outro lado, a porcentagem de espermatozóides em necrose e apoptose aumentaram durante a incubação. As mudanças na integridade da membrana plasmática foram correlacionadas com o tempo de incubação. Enquanto as células vivas foram correlacionadas negativamente com o aumento do tempo de incubação, necrose e apoptose foram correlacionadas positivamente. Também foi observado que necrose foi o principal dano causado pelo tempo de incubação nas células espermáticas. Conclui-se que o tempo de incubação causa alteração na integridade da membrana plasmática relacionadas a necrose e apoptose nas células espermáticas, sendo que necrose foi observada em maior quantidade em todos os tempos de incubaçãoFAPESP 03/10234-7FAPESP 03/07456-