366 research outputs found

    Phylogenies of atpD and recA support the small subunit rRNA-based classification of rhizobia

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    The current classification of the rhizobia (root-nodule symbionts) assigns them to six genera. It is strongly influenced by the small subunit (16S, SSU) rRNA molecular phylogeny, but such single-gene phylogenies may not reflect the evolution of the genome as a whole. To test this, parts of the atpD and recA genes have been sequenced for 25 type strains within the alpha -Proteobacteria, representing species in Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Azorhizobium, Agrobacterium, Phyllobacterium, Mycoplana and Brevundimonas. The current genera Sinorhizobium and Mesorhizobium are well supported by these genes, each forming a distinct phylogenetic clade with unequivocal bootstrap support. There is good support for a Rhizobium clade that includes Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the very close relationship between Agrobacterium rhizogenes and Rhizobium tropici is confirmed. There is evidence for recombination within the genera Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium, but the congruence of the phylogenies at higher levels indicates that the genera are genetically isolated. rRNA provides a reliable distinction between genera, but genetic relationships within a genus may be disturbed by recombination

    Atividades de quitinase após eliciação das defesas da soja contra a ferrugem asiática.

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    Para avaliar a influência do jasmonato de metila (JM) sobre a atividade da quitinase (proteína relacionada à patogênese), assim como, o potencial do eliciador na redução do progresso da ferrugem asiática, no estádio V5 as plantas da cultivar suscetível BRS 361 foram pulverizadas com água, Tween 20 a 0,02 % e JM a 1,25 mM. Após 24 horas da pulverização, as plantas foram inoculadas com 1,4x105 uredósporos/mL de Phakopsora pachyrhizi; como controle foi aplicado água. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com seis blocos, cada vaso contendo cinco plantas. Coletaram-se folhas V4 e V5, às 48, 96, 144 e 192 horas após a inoculação. Folhas de plantas não inoculadas foram coletadas nos mesmos períodos. A atividade da quitinase foi determinada pelo método proposto por Robert & Selitrennikoff (Journal of General Microbiology, v. 134, n. 1, p. 169-176, 1988), modificado por Harman et al. (Phytopathology, v. 83, n. 3, p. 313-318, 1993). A atividade da quitinase foi superior em folhas de soja inoculadas em comparação com as não inoculadas, independente dos produtos aplicados. A aplicação de JM aumentou a atividade da quitinase em folhas submetidas ou não a inoculação, independente do período de avaliação. A aplicação de Tween 20 também aumentou a atividade em comparação com a água, independente da inoculação, embora com intensidade sempre menor que o JM. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a inoculação com ferrugem asiática da soja induz a atividade da quitinase e que eliciadores JM e Tween 20 podem ser usados para avaliar a resistência da soja ao patógeno

    Morphological responses, fruit yield, nutritive value and in vitro gas production of forage watermelon genotypes on semi-arid condition.

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    This study aimed to evaluate morphological, bromatological, in vitro gas production and yield of forage watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) genotypes in semi-arid condition. Seven genotypes were evaluated were BGCIA 228, BGCIA 239, Jojoba, BGCIA 228 x BGCIA239, BGCIA 228 x BGCIA Jojoba, BGCIA 239 x Jojoba and BGCIA 991. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with three replicates. The genotypes presented differences between the characteristics: fruit length (P = 0.01), vertical diameter (P = 0.02), peel thickness (P = 0.01), fruit pulp thickness (P = 0.02), transversal diameter (P = 0.02), in vitro dry matter digestibility (P = 0.003) and the latency time (P < 0.0001). Cumulative in vitro gas production and gas production rate was not affected by genotypes. None of the studied genotypes had production and productivity affected. Among them, Jojoba and BGCIA 991 stood out for having heavier and longer fruits, and a higher peel thickness and pulp length

    Myelination of neuronal cell bodies when myelin supply exceeds axonal demand

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    The correct targeting of myelin is essential for nervous system formation and function. Oligodendrocytes in the CNS myelinate some axons, but not others, and do not myelinate structures including cell bodies and dendrites [1]. Recent studies indicate that extrinsic signals, such as neuronal activity [2, 3] and cell adhesion molecules [4], can bias myelination toward some axons and away from cell bodies and dendrites, indicating that, in vivo, neuronal and axonal cues regulate myelin targeting. In vitro, however, oligodendrocytes have an intrinsic propensity to myelinate [5-7] and can promiscuously wrap inert synthetic structures resembling neuronal processes [8, 9] or cell bodies [4]. A current therapeutic goal for the treatment of demyelinating diseases is to greatly promote oligodendrogenesis [10-13]; thus, it is important to test how accurately extrinsic signals regulate the oligodendrocyte's intrinsic program of myelination in vivo. Here, we test the hypothesis that neurons regulate myelination with sufficient stringency to always ensure correct targeting. Surprisingly, however, we find that myelin targeting in vivo is not very stringent and that mistargeting occurs readily when oligodendrocyte and myelin supply exceed axonal demand. We find that myelin is mistargeted to neuronal cell bodies in zebrafish mutants with fewer axons and independently in drug-treated zebrafish with increased oligodendrogenesis. Additionally, by increasing myelin production of oligodendrocytes in zebrafish and mice, we find that excess myelin is also inappropriately targeted to cell bodies. Our results suggest that balancing oligodendrocyte-intrinsic programs of myelin supply with axonal demand is essential for correct myelin targeting in vivo and highlight potential liabilities of strongly promoting oligodendrogenesis

    Release of volatile compounds from polymeric microcapsules mediated by photocatalytic nanoparticles

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    In this study we propose a suitable method for the solar-activated controlled release of volatile compounds from polymeric microcapsules bonded with photocatalytic nanoparticles. These reservoirs can find applications, for example, in the controlled release of insecticides, repellents, or fragrances, amongst other substances. The surfaces of the microcapsules have been functionalized with TiO2 nanoparticles.Upon ultraviolet irradiation, redox mechanisms are initiated on the semiconductor surface resulting in the dissociation of the polymer chains of the capsule wall and, finally, volatilization of the encapsulated compounds. The quantification of the output release has been performed by gas chromatography analysis coupled with mass spectroscopy.Strategic Project PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011 and PTDC/CTMNAN/119979/2010 Projec