83 research outputs found

    Construction of exact constants of motion and effective models for many-body localized systems

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    One of the defining features of many-body localization is the presence of extensively many quasi-local conserved quantities. These constants of motion constitute a corner-stone to an intuitive understanding of much of the phenomenology of many-body localized systems arising from effective Hamiltonians. They may be seen as local magnetization operators smeared out by a quasi-local unitary. However, accurately identifying such constants of motion remains a challenging problem. Current numerical constructions often capture the conserved operators only approximately restricting a conclusive understanding of many-body localization. In this work, we use methods from the theory of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium to establish a new approach for finding a complete set of exact constants of motion which are in addition guaranteed to represent Pauli-zz operators. By this we are able to construct and investigate the proposed effective Hamiltonian using exact diagonalization. Hence, our work provides an important tool expected to further boost inquiries into the breakdown of transport due to quenched disorder.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, replaced with published versio

    Edge mode locality in perturbed symmetry protected topological order

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    Spin chains with symmetry-protected edge zero modes can be seen as prototypical systems for exploring topological signatures in quantum systems. These are useful for robustly encoding quantum information. However in an experimental realization of such a system, spurious interactions may cause the edge zero modes to delocalize. To stabilize against this influence beyond simply increasing the bulk gap, it has been proposed to harness suitable notions of disorder. Equipped with numerical tools for constructing locally conserved operators that we introduce, we comprehensively explore the interplay of local interactions and disorder on localized edge modes in the XZX cluster Hamiltonian. This puts us in a position to challenge the narrative that disorder necessarily stabilizes topological order. Contrary to heuristic reasoning, we find that disorder has no effect on the edge modes in the Anderson localized regime. Moreover, disorder helps localize only a subset of edge modes in the many-body interacting regime. We identify one edge mode operator that behaves as if subjected to a non-interacting perturbation, i.e., shows no disorder dependence. This implies that in finite systems, edge mode operators effectively delocalize at distinct interaction strengths. In essence, our findings suggest that the ability to identify and control the best localized edge mode trumps any gains from introducing disorder

    Experimentally Accessible Witnesses of Many-Body Localization

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    The phenomenon of many-body localized (MBL) systems has attracted significant interest in recent years, for its intriguing implications from a perspective of both condensed-matter and statistical physics: they are insulators even at non-zero temperature and fail to thermalize, violating expectations from quantum statistical mechanics. What is more, recent seminal experimental developments with ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices constituting analog quantum simulators have pushed many-body localized systems into the realm of physical systems that can be measured with high accuracy. In this work, we introduce experimentally accessible witnesses that directly probe distinct features of MBL, distinguishing it from its Anderson counterpart. We insist on building our toolbox from techniques available in the laboratory, including on-site addressing, super-lattices, and time-of-flight measurements, identifying witnesses based on fluctuations, density–density correlators, densities, and entanglement. We build upon the theory of out of equilibrium quantum systems, in conjunction with tensor network and exact simulations, showing the effectiveness of the tools for realistic models

    Trauma Psycho Social Support Plus® and EMDR therapy for children and adolescents in a post-conflict setting: Mental health training in Kurdistan

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    Abstract: Being confronted with the alarming situation in countries like Iraq and Syria – areas shaped by war, of people having lost their homes and suffering from horrible experiences - TraumaAid has designed and conducted a training program, especially for health workers in refugee camps. Clearly the intervention would have to adjust to specific circumstances; it would need a method adapted to another language and culture, an approach that could be used in a not-yet-secure situation with an undetermined number of sessions with every client. Resilience is an important aspect enabling people who suffered from different traumata to resume an everyday life again. Resource installation is a basic technique in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which intensifies an integral awareness of individual resources for the client. As easy as this method may seem, a careful priming for its actual use is required. A profound understanding of how a traumatic experience affects body, thoughts and emotions is needed as background knowledge. Moreover qualified skills concerning the interaction with children are needed to be able to establish a trustful relationship in the first place. The following article describes a pilot project in Kurdistan / Northern Iraq - a training for psychologists, social workers and other mental health professionals working in different refugee camps. The aim was to provide the staff members with background knowledge of the dynamics of traumatization and teach them how to use resource installation in a responsible way to work with children, adolescents and their parents.&nbsp

    Local constants of motion imply information propagation

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    Interacting quantum many-body systems are usually expected to thermalise, in the sense that the evolution of local expectation values approach a stationary value resembling a thermal ensemble. This intuition is notably contradicted in systems exhibiting many-body localisation, a phenomenon receiving significant recent attention. One of its most intriguing features is that, in stark contrast to the non-interacting case, entanglement of states grows without limit over time, albeit slowly. In this work, we establish a novel link between quantum information theory and notions of condensed matter, capturing the phenomenon in the Heisenberg picture. We show that the existence of local constants of motion, often taken as the defining property of many-body localisation, together with a generic spectrum, is sufficient to rigorously prove information propagation: These systems can be used to send a signal over arbitrary distances, in that the impact of a local perturbation can be detected arbitrarily far away. We perform a detailed perturbation analysis of quasi-local constants of motion and also show that they indeed can be used to construct efficient spectral tensor networks, as recently suggested. Our results provide a detailed and model-independent picture of information propagation in many-body localised systems.Comment: 4 + 6 pages, stylistic changes in presentatio

    Bounding the resources for thermalizing many-body localized systems

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    Understanding under which conditions physical systems thermalize is a long-standing question in many-body physics. While generic quantum systems thermalize, there are known instances where thermalization is hindered, for example in many-body localized (MBL) systems. Here we introduce a class of stochastic collision models coupling a many-body system out of thermal equilibrium to an external heat bath. We derive upper and lower bounds on the size of the bath required to thermalize the system via such models, under certain assumptions on the Hamiltonian. We use these bounds, expressed in terms of the max-relative entropy, to characterize the robustness of MBL systems against externally-induced thermalization. Our bounds are derived within the framework of resource theories using the convex split lemma, a recent tool developed in quantum information. We apply our results to the disordered Heisenberg chain, and numerically study the robustness of its MBL phase in terms of the required bath size. The thermalization of many-body localization phases poses a number of open questions related to our understanding of thermalization in quantum systems. Here, the authors aim to demonstrate that a quantum information approach can be used to investigate the mechanisms of thermalization in a quantum many-body system when coupled to an external system
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