231 research outputs found

    Die Familie v. Liphart im Spiegel ihres Archivs im Herder-Institut Marburg

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    The article introduces the archive of the von Lipharts, a noble Baltic German family, stored in the document collection of the Herder Institute in Marburg (DSHI). The von Lipharts and their Raadi Manor near Tartu were of great importance to Baltic cultural history, and the archive reflects their role in the politics, economy and cultural life of Livonia, as well as the family’s subsequent status. A more in-depth presentation is made of the various materials in the archive that are related to the communications and activities of the Liphart family related to culture and art. In addition to describing the development and character of the family archive at the Herder Institute, the article also provides a survey of the historiography of the Liphart family and the latest research based on the collections in the archive

    Wie Forschung nützlich werden kann

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    This article starts from the premise that an academic discipline directed at practice has to question within which terms its research results become useful beyond science. For empirical research, the authors put forward the idea of use-inspired basic research. This approach might be a helpful orientation due to (further) educational science's double challenge to simultaneously prove academic productivity and practical as well as societal usefulness. By reference to points of decision regularly made in empirical research processes, the article shows how exemplary further educational science/adult education research acts towards these aspirations.Der Beitrag geht von der Annahme aus, dass eine auf Praxis gerichtete Wissenschaft sich die Frage stellen muss, unter welchen Bedingungen die von ihr erzielten Forschungsbefunde nützlich werden können. Für die empirische Forschung wird der Vorschlag unterbreitet, angesichts der doppelten Herausforderung an die Erziehungswissenschaft bzw. die Weiterbildungswissenschaft, sowohl ihre wissenschaftliche Produktivität als auch ihre praktische und gesellschaftliche Nützlichkeit nachzuweisen, sich am Konzept einer nutzeninspirierten Grundlagenforschung zu orientieren. Anhand der Entscheidungsfelder, die in empirischen Forschungsprojekten regelmäßig durchlaufen werden, wird aufgezeigt, wie exemplarische Projekte aus der Weiterbildungsforschung sich zu den damit formulierten Ansprüchen verhalten

    Die Arbeit an Fällen als Medium der Professionalisierung von Lehrenden

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    Zum Aufbau der für professionelles pädagogisches Handeln bedeutsamen Deutungskompetenz gilt die Arbeit an Fällen in der Erwachsenenbildung im Besonderen und der Lehrerbildung im Allgemeinen als eine geeignete Methode. Der Beitrag stellt etablierte Konzepte der Nutzung von Fällen für die Professionalisierung (von Lehrenden) in unterschiedlichen Kontexten vor. Dafür werden der Diskurs in der Erziehungswissenschaft - speziell der Erwachsenenbildung - und derjenige der psychologisch orientierten Lehr-Lern-Forschung skizziert und aufeinander bezogen. Trotz anderer Schwerpunktsetzung und Anwendung von Fällen bei letzterer eröffnen die dortigen Diskussionen u.a. zu digitalen Lehr-Lern-Umgebungen Hinweise zur Fallgestaltung in der Erwachsenenbildung

    An assortment of woody plants produced in the manor of Nové Dvory at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries: North American taxa

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    The noble family of Chotek began with the realization of extensive landscaping in their manor of Nové Dvory at the end of the 18th century. Lists of woody plants produced for these purposes and for sale were preserved from the years 1794, 1800 and 1814. 276 taxa of foreign woody plants in the current concept, permanently cultivated outdoors, have been identified in all three lists at least to the level of the species. 91 taxa come from North America, with 81 being the first documented place of their presence in the territory of the Czech Republic. All North American taxa are natural, none of them originated in culture.O

    Getting immersed in teacher and student perspectives?: facilitating analytical competence using video cases in teacher education

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    The ability to analyze and understand classroom situations through the eyes of not only teachers but also students can be seen as a crucial aspect of teachers’ professional competence. Even though video case-based learning is considered to have great potential for the promotion of analytical competence of teachers (i.e., becoming immersed in student and teacher perspectives as well as applying conceptual knowledge to better understand classroom situations), only a few studies have investigated the effects of corresponding instructional support. This empirical field study examines the effects on analytical competence of two types of instructional support—hyperlinks to multiple perspectives and hyperlinks to conceptual knowledge—by using a 2 × 2 factorial design in a computer-supported video case-based learning environment inspired by cognitive flexibility theory and participatory design. The study examines collaborative learning processes to discover what specific kind of instruction may help to counteract some of the known deficits of case-based learning and teacher thinking, such as limited perspective-taking. From a participatory design point of view, training novices to become immersed in teacher and student perspectives can be considered as an alternative for direct involvement of teachers and students in the design process. The study was realized as a four-day university course for pre-service teachers (N = 100). ANCOVAs of learning processes (small-group discussions) and outcomes (written case analyses) provide evidence that both types of instructional support (i.e., hyperlinks to multiple perspectives and conceptual knowledge) are beneficial. In particular, hyperlinks to multiple perspectives affected small-group case discussions and written post-tests as they led to increased immersion (i.e., perspective-taking). Hyperlinks to conceptual knowledge furthered the application of this knowledge, especially in the written post-tests. Implications for teacher education, participatory design, and further research are discussed

    An illustrated key to male Actinote from Southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)

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    Professional development for counsellors. Current empirical findings on ProfilPASS counsellors in Germany and Austria

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    Welche Art von Weiterbildung passt zu mir? Mit dieser Frage wenden sich immer mehr potenzielle Weiterbildungsteilnehmende an Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung. Sie erwarten sich dabei oft Hilfe bei der Planung ihrer Bildungs- und/oder Berufslaufbahn. Das deutschlandweit bekannteste und teilweise auch in Österreich eingesetzte qualitative Verfahren im Kontext der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung ist der ProfilPASS. Beim ProfilPASS handelt es sich um ein Portfolioverfahren, das eigens dafür qualifizierte ProfilPASS-BeraterInnen verwenden, um Menschen bei der Sichtbarmachung und Dokumentation ihrer Kompetenzen zu unterstützen. Doch wer sind diese BeraterInnen, vor welchem persönlichen Qualifikationshintergrund und unter welchen beruflichen und finanziellen Bedingungen leisten sie diese Beratung? Wie in Österreich sind aktuelle und fundierte Daten über sie rar. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter mehr als 700 deutschen und österreichischen ProfilPASS-BeraterInnen vorgestellt. Im Fokus steht ihre beratungsspezifische Professionalitätsentwicklung (DIPF/Orig.)What kind of continuing education is appropriate for me? More and more potential continuing education participants are turning to adult education institutions with this question. They often expect help in planning their educational and/or professional career. The ProfilPASS is the best known qualitative approach to educational and professional counselling in Germany; it is also used in some parts of Austria. The ProfilPASS is a portfolio used exclusively by qualified ProfilPASS counsellors to help people increase the visibility of their competences. Yet who are these counsellors, which personal qualifications do they have and under which professional and financial circumstances do they provide counselling? Like in Austria, current and reliable data is rare. This article presents findings from a survey of more than 700 German and Austrian ProfilPASS counsellors. The focus is on their professional development as counsellors. (DIPF/Orig.