358 research outputs found

    Homotopy theory of modules over operads in symmetric spectra

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    We establish model category structures on algebras and modules over operads in symmetric spectra, and study when a morphism of operads induces a Quillen equivalence between corresponding categories of algebras (resp. modules) over operads.Comment: Corrigendu

    An Exegetical Treatment of I Timothy 2:9-15 as it Pertains to the Privieges of Women in the Church

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    But for now the subject of this paper necessarily was limited to exegetical study of I Timothy 2:9-15 which is one of the focal points under discussion in the practical discussions revolving around the privileges of women in the church. It should be borne in mind that this is but one phase of a complex responsibility. This paper in no way seeks to answer all the problems involved, nor to draw accuracy on all points from the confusion, nor to formulate any direction for every practical situation in the world of today. That would be impossible on this level even if the writer were equipped to undertake such an impossible task

    The Foolishness of Christ Crucified Viewed from the Point of Incipient Gnosticism at Corinth

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    The thesis of this paper is that at Corinth Paul did take over some of the thought patterns and vocabulary of an incipient Gnosticism with Judaic overtones. But instead of being influenced theologically by the borrowed terms, he used them for his consistent preaching of the crucified Savior, the true Wisdom of God. He was well aware of the uniqueness of the religion he preached; its real source lay not in the current thought forms of either Judaism or Hellenism, but in the Person, \u27Preaching and redemptive work of the crucified Son of God

    Dr Norman Vincent Peale\u27s Concept of Faith

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    The purpose of\u27 this thesis is to examine the concept of faith as it is presented in the writings of Dr. Norman v. Peale. This chapter will include a critique of Dr. Peale\u27s concept of faith. The body of this paper which follows will discuss Dr. Peale\u27s background and general approach to religion, his definition of\u27 faith, the means by which one comes into possession of this faith, and what the results and benefits of this faith are. The material presented is based on Dr. Peale\u27s own writings, some of which have achieved best seller status. The writer of this paper is aware of the fact that as this examination is being written, more material is being made available by the celebrated pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church in New York City. Realizing the subject matter to be taken from a contemporary pen, he proceeds to offer an objective view of Dr. Peale\u27s concept of faith
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