216 research outputs found

    Tissue eosinophilia and eosinophil degranulation in Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis.

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    The etiology of Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis (IFT) has remained obscure. This rare disorder has been confused in the past with the more common fibrous variant of Hashimoto's disease. The typical histological features of IFT, in particular the presence of an invasive fibrosclerotic process in conjunction with a prominent chronic inflammatory infiltrate, suggest that the release of fibrogenic cytokines and other factors from these cellular infiltrates may play an important role in the pathogenesis of this condition. Our observations in routinely processed tissue sections obtained from patients with documented IFT of striking tissue eosinophilia led us to hypothesize that eosinophils and their products may play a role in the evolution of this disease. Immunofluorescence staining with affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibody directed against human eosinophil granule major basic protein revealed marked tissue eosinophilia and abundant extracellular deposition of major basic protein in all specimens from 16 patients with IFT. By contrast, only occasional eosinophils and no extracellular major basic protein were detected in control thyroid tissues obtained from patients with multinodular goiter, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, and normal thyroid tissue. The presence of marked eosinophil infiltration and extracellular major basic protein deposition in IFT and other associated fibrosclerotic conditions suggests a role for eosinophils and their products in propagating the fibrogenesis seen in IFT

    Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy in Undergraduate Curricula 1969-70

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    In 1966 I presented a short paper describing some impressions of the status of vertebrate comparative anatomy (and embryology) in European universities (Goellner, 1968). Discussions which followed seemed to suggest that the status of these courses in the United States may be changing, and that a survey might elicit information on this matter. A basic assumption was implied, namely, that comparative anatomy had, indeed, been a traditional course in college offerings, particularly for zoology majors and for pre-medical and pre-dental students. This paper presents results of a modest survey conducted during the winter of 1969-70

    Notes on the Status and Teaching of Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Embryology in European Universities

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    During six months in Europe and Great Britain inquiry was made at 35 universities as to the status of vertebrate comparative anatomy and embryology in undergraduate curricula. People directly involved in teaching these courses were interviewed. Wide variation in programs was found, with evidence of a de-emphasis of morphology in many institutions

    The Orangethroat Darter (Etheostoma spectabile) in Eastern Iowa

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    The orangethroat darter, thought possibly to be extinct in Iowa, has been collected from a limited area north of Marion in Linn County, and from Des Moines County, near Burlington. An unpublished record from Davenport has not been confirmed. Another record from Taylor\u27s Slough at Ft. Madison, in Lee County, is considered doubtful

    Effects of experience and body size on refuge choice in the crayfish Orconectes immunis

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    We investigated whether refuge size or experience with a refuge affected the refuge use of male Orconectes immunis crayfish. Individuals were given choices among seven refuges for 10 consecutive days. Refuges were formed from equal length but different diameter PVC pipe and placed in an array in a random sequence. Three treatments were used. In the Novel Refuge treatment, individuals were placed in a new test arena with a new arrangement of cleaned refuges every day. In the Nonremoval treatment, individuals were left in the same arena with the same set of refuges each day. In the Removal treatment, individuals were removed from the refuges each day but placed back in the same arena with the same set of refuges after the refuges had been cleaned. We found that refuge occupation was correlated with an individual\u27s size; smaller crayfish tended to use smaller refuges than larger crayfish, even though all crayfish could fit in all of the different sized refuges. When first tested, individuals initially chose larger refuges than they would subsequently settle in, suggesting that under duress, they were not as particular about refuge characteristics. Individuals in the Nonremoval and Removal treatments were significantly more consistent in their refuge use than those in the Novel Refuge treatment, suggesting that experience with a particular refuge increased use of that refuge. Individuals from the Novel Refuge treatment that were housed for a month with a single refuge did not increase their use of that sized refuge more than those that were housed without a refuge, indicating that simply occupying a refuge of a given size did not affect refuge preference

    Conventional liquid-based techniques versus Cytyc Thinprep(® )processing of urinary samples: a qualitative approach

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to objectively compare Cytyc Thinprep(® )and other methods of obtaining thin layer cytologic preparations (cytocentrifugation, direct smearing and Millipore(® )filtration) in urine cytopathology. METHODS: Thinprep slides were compared to direct smears in 79 cases. Cytocentrifugation carried out with the Thermo Shandon Cytospin(® )4 was compared to Thinprep in 106 cases, and comparison with Millipore filtration followed by blotting was obtained in 22 cases. Quality was assessed by scoring cellularity, fixation, red blood cells, leukocytes and nuclear abnormalities. RESULTS: The data show that 1) smearing allows good overall results to be obtained, 2) Cytocentrifugation with reusable TPX(® )chambers should be avoided, 3) Cytocentrifugation using disposable chambers (Cytofunnels(® )or Megafunnel(® )chambers) gives excellent results equalling or surpassing Thinprep and 4) Millipore filtration should be avoided, owing to its poor global quality. Despite differences in quality, the techniques studied have no impact on the diagnostic accuracy as evaluated by the rate of abnormalities. CONCLUSION: We conclude that conventional methods such as cytocentrifugation remain the most appropriate ones for current treatment of urinary samples. Cytyc Thinprep processing, owing to its cost, could be used essentially for cytology-based molecular studies

    Determining how internal and external process connectivity affect supply chain agility: a life-cycle theory perspective

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    This paper examines how organizations connect internal and external processes to enable an agile response to continuous change. Drawing on life cycle theory, a hypothetical model is developed regarding the independent and combinative effects of internal and external process connectivity on supply chain agility and the moderating effect of product and supply complexity. The model is tested using hierarchical regression analysis based on survey data from 143 managers at German manufacturing firms. Our findings suggest that internal and external process connectivity have a positive effect on supply chain agility independently and collectively, with complexity having a moderating effect in particular instances. The findings build on prior research regarding the process-related enablers of supply chain agility; research that has yet to clearly differentiate between internal and external processes or uses the terms interchangeably. The theoretical contribution of the paper rests on its extension of life cycle theory to the supply chain

    Hemangiopericytomas of the spine: case report and review of the literature

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    We describe a rare case of a primary intracranial meningeal hemangiopericytoma (HPC) with late metastasis to the cervical spine. A 36-year-old woman had a left occipital lesion that was histopathologically identified as HPC. Fourteen years after resection, the tumor recurred and was treated with radiotherapy. Three years later, CT imaging showed a large mass in the liver consistent with metastatic HPC, and MRI of the cervical spine showed an extensive lesion of the C3 vertebral body. The patient underwent C3 corpectomy with en-bloc tumor removal and follow-up radiation with no local recurrence or other spinal metastasis for the following 4 years. Regardless of the subtype of spinal HPC, complete surgical removal and radiotherapy appear to be treatment of choice
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