772 research outputs found

    Density Functional Theory calculation on many-cores hybrid CPU-GPU architectures

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    The implementation of a full electronic structure calculation code on a hybrid parallel architecture with Graphic Processing Units (GPU) is presented. The code which is on the basis of our implementation is a GNU-GPL code based on Daubechies wavelets. It shows very good performances, systematic convergence properties and an excellent efficiency on parallel computers. Our GPU-based acceleration fully preserves all these properties. In particular, the code is able to run on many cores which may or may not have a GPU associated. It is thus able to run on parallel and massive parallel hybrid environment, also with a non-homogeneous ratio CPU/GPU. With double precision calculations, we may achieve considerable speedup, between a factor of 20 for some operations and a factor of 6 for the whole DFT code.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient and accurate three dimensional Poisson solver for surface problems

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    We present a method that gives highly accurate electrostatic potentials for systems where we have periodic boundary conditions in two spatial directions but free boundary conditions in the third direction. These boundary conditions are needed for all kind of surface problems. Our method has an O(N log N) computational cost, where N is the number of grid points, with a very small prefactor. This Poisson solver is primarily intended for real space methods where the charge density and the potential are given on a uniform grid.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Interatomic potentials for ionic systems with density functional accuracy based on charge densities obtained by a neural network

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    Based on an analysis of the short range chemical environment of each atom in a system, standard machine learning based approaches to the construction of interatomic potentials aim at determining directly the central quantity which is the total energy. This prevents for instance an accurate description of the energetics of systems where long range charge transfer is important as well as of ionized systems. We propose therefore not to target directly with machine learning methods the total energy but an intermediate physical quantity namely the charge density, which then in turn allows to determine the total energy. By allowing the electronic charge to distribute itself in an optimal way over the system, we can describe not only neutral but also ionized systems with unprecedented accuracy. We demonstrate the power of our approach for both neutral and ionized NaCl clusters where charge redistribution plays a decisive role for the energetics. We are able to obtain chemical accuracy, i.e. errors of less than a milli Hartree per atom compared to the reference density functional results. The introduction of physically motivated quantities which are determined by the short range atomic environment via a neural network leads also to an increased stability of the machine learning process and transferability of the potential.Comment: 4 figure

    Low complexity method for large-scale self-consistent ab initio electronic-structure calculations without localization

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    A novel low complexity method to perform self-consistent electronic-structure calculations using the Kohn-Sham formalism of density functional theory is presented. Localization constraints are neither imposed nor required thereby allowing direct comparison with conventional cubically scaling algorithms. The method has, to date, the lowest complexity of any algorithm for an exact calculation. A simple one-dimensional model system is used to thoroughly test the numerical stability of the algorithm and results for a real physical system are also given

    Particle-Particle, Particle-Scaling function (P3S) algorithm for electrostatic problems in free boundary conditions

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    An algorithm for fast calculation of the Coulombic forces and energies of point particles with free boundary conditions is proposed. Its calculation time scales as N log N for N particles. This novel method has lower crossover point with the full O(N^2) direct summation than the Fast Multipole Method. The forces obtained by our algorithm are analytical derivatives of the energy which guarantees energy conservation during a molecular dynamics simulation. Our algorithm is very simple. An MPI parallelised version of the code can be downloaded under the GNU General Public License from the website of our group.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to: Journal of Chemical Physic

    Daubechies Wavelets for Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory

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    We demonstrate that Daubechies wavelets can be used to construct a minimal set of optimized localized contracted basis functions in which the Kohn-Sham orbitals can be represented with an arbitrarily high, controllable precision. Ground state energies and the forces acting on the ions can be calculated in this basis with the same accuracy as if they were calculated directly in a Daubechies wavelets basis, provided that the amplitude of these contracted basis functions is sufficiently small on the surface of the localization region, which is guaranteed by the optimization procedure described in this work. This approach reduces the computational costs of DFT calculations, and can be combined with sparse matrix algebra to obtain linear scaling with respect to the number of electrons in the system. Calculations on systems of 10,000 atoms or more thus become feasible in a systematic basis set with moderate computational resources. Further computational savings can be achieved by exploiting the similarity of the contracted basis functions for closely related environments, e.g. in geometry optimizations or combined calculations of neutral and charged systems

    Accurate Complex Scaling of Three Dimensional Numerical Potentials

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    The complex scaling method, which consists in continuing spatial coordinates into the complex plane, is a well-established method that allows to compute resonant eigenfunctions of the time-independent Schroedinger operator. Whenever it is desirable to apply the complex scaling to investigate resonances in physical systems defined on numerical discrete grids, the most direct approach relies on the application of a similarity transformation to the original, unscaled Hamiltonian. We show that such an approach can be conveniently implemented in the Daubechies wavelet basis set, featuring a very promising level of generality, high accuracy, and no need for artificial convergence parameters. Complex scaling of three dimensional numerical potentials can be efficiently and accurately performed. By carrying out an illustrative resonant state computation in the case of a one-dimensional model potential, we then show that our wavelet-based approach may disclose new exciting opportunities in the field of computational non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure