3,961 research outputs found

    Fotossíntese de folhas de soja infectadas por Corynespora cassiicola e Erysiphe diffusa.

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    RESUMO: A estimativa visual da severidade de doenças em plantas nem sempre se correlaciona com o efeito desta sobre a atividade fotossintética do hospedeiro. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a interferência dos fungos Corynespora cassiicola e Erysiphe diffusa, causadores da mancha-alvo e do oídio na cultura da soja, respectivamente, na eficiência fotossintética de folhas infectadas. A fotossíntese foi relacionada com a área foliar doente por meio da equação Px/Po=(1-x)β. Os parâmetros β (± erro padrão) estimados foram 2,78 (± 0,28) (p1) indica que houve redução da eficiência fotossintética no tecido lesionado e em parte do tecido verde remanescente, enquanto que os valores obtidos para E. diffusa (β≤1) indicam que a estimativa visual da severidade da doença é um bom indicador do efeito do fungo na taxa fotossintética do hospedeiro. ABSTRACT: The visual estimate of the disease severity in plants does not always correlate with its effect on the host?s photosynthetic activity. The aim of this study was evaluate the interference of the fungi Corynespora cassiicola and Erysiphe diffusa, causal agents of target spot and powdery mildew on soybeans, in the photosynthetic efficiency of infected leaves. Photosynthesis was related to the diseased leaf area by the equation Px/Po = (1-x)β. The estimated parameters β (± standard error) were 2.78 (± 0.28) (p1) indicates that there was a reduction in the photosynthetic efficiency in the injured tissue and in part of the remaining green tissue, while the values obtained for E. diffusa (β≤1) indicate that the visual estimate of the disease severity is a good indicator of the effect of the fungus on the photosynthetic rate

    Geleia de abacaxi: influência do tipo de pectina nas alterações físico-químicas durante o armazenamento.

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    O abacaxi é uma das frutas tropicais mais populares por seu aroma e sabor agradável, que se deve, principalmente, à presença de sacarose, ácido cítrico e málico (THÉ, 2007). Seu acentuado teor de ácido, ressalta suas características sensoriais desejáveis e o torna adequado à fabricação de geleias (SILVA, 2006). A geleia é o produto obtido pela cocção das frutas inteiras ou em pedaços, da polpa ou do suco de fruta, adicionados de açúcar e água e concentrados até consistência gelatinosa. De maneira geral, a geleia é considerada uma rede tridimensional sólida que envolve a pectina, o açúcar e o ácido, retendo uma fase líquida em sua estrutura (MULTON, 2000). A liberação da fase líquida das geleias, conhecida como sinérese, é um dos principais problemas que ocorre durante o armazenamento do produto, que contribui para depreciar sua aparência (Figura 1). Fatores como pré-gelatinização antes e durante o envase, valores de pH inferiores ao ideal, diferencial de sólidos entre a fruta e o gel e deficiência na hidratação da pectina contribuem para a formação da sinérese. (MAIA, 1997; JOHNSON, 2001).bitstream/item/32571/1/comunicado-143ID27622.pdfTambém disponível em:

    Immunoexpression Of Cd95 In Chronic Gastritis And Gastric Mucosa-associated Lymphomas.

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    CD95 (Fas/APO-1)-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in immunological regulation and is related to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Immunoexpression of CD95 has been reported to frequently occur in low grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas, especially of post-germinal center histogenesis, among which those originating in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphomas). However, there is no report comparing in situ immunoexpression of this marker in lymphomas and the hyperplastic lymphoid reaction (chronic gastritis) related to Helicobacter pylori infection. The purpose of the present research was to compare the intensity of lymphoid CD95 immunoexpression in 15 cases of H. pylori-related chronic gastritis and 15 gastric MALT lymphomas. CD95 (anti-CD95) was detected by an immunoperoxidase technique in paraffin sections using the catalyzed amplification system. Graduation of reaction intensity (percentage of CD95-positive cells) was semiquantitative, from 1+ to 4+. Nine cases of chronic gastritis were 4+, five 2+ and one 1+. Three lymphomas were 4+, three 3+, four 2+, four 1+, and one was negative. Although 14 of 15 lymphomas were positive for CD95, the intensity of the reaction was significantly weaker compared to that obtained with gastric tissue for patients with gastritis (P = 0.03). The difference in CD95 immunoexpression does not seem to be useful as an isolated criterion in the differential diagnosis between chronic gastritis and MALT lymphomas since there was overlapping of immunostaining patterns. However, it suggests the possibility of a pathogenetic role of this apoptosis-regulating protein in MALT lymphomas.371397-40

    A Study of Archiving Strategies in Multi-Objective PSO for Molecular Docking

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    Molecular docking is a complex optimization problem aimed at predicting the position of a ligand molecule in the active site of a receptor with the lowest binding energy. This problem can be formulated as a bi-objective optimization problem by minimizing the binding energy and the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands. In this context, the SMPSO multi-objective swarm-intelligence algorithm has shown a remarkable performance. SMPSO is characterized by having an external archive used to store the non-dominated solutions and also as the basis of the leader selection strategy. In this paper, we analyze several SMPSO variants based on different archiving strategies in the scope of a benchmark of molecular docking instances. Our study reveals that the SMPSOhv, which uses an hypervolume contribution based archive, shows the overall best performance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Heat processing (HTST) of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara) pulp.

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    A polpa de umbu é um importante produto na economia da região semiárida do Brasil e sua conservação pode ser estendida por tratamento térmico. Um planejamento fatorial completo com 2 fatores (tempo e temperatura) e 3 pontos centrais foi utilizado para verificar o efeito do processo HTST sobre a qualidade físico-química, química, física, microbiológica e sensorial de polpas de umbu. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento térmico aplicado resultou em produtos sem significantes alterações nas características físico-químicas, químicas e microbiológicas. Com respeito à cor, os parâmetros L e a* foram alterados pelo aumento da temperatura, indicando um escurecimento na cor. A avaliação sensorial indicou que o tratamento 88 °C por 10 segundos foi a melhor condição de processamento, devido à maior similaridade do produto resultante com a amostra referência (polpa branqueada)

    Virulence potential of Candida albicans isolated from oral cavity of patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis

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    Objective In patients with chronic renal failure (PCRF), the frequency of colonization of the oral cavity by yeasts of genus Candida spp. is high compared with healthy individuals. These yeasts have virulence factors that may contribute to the persistence of colonization and the development of these infections. The aim of this study was evaluate aspects of virulence from Candida albicans isolated from oral cavity of PCRF on dialysis. Methods This study was initially conducted with 49 clinical samples of C. albicans. The virulence factors assayed were produce of biofilm, germ tube, determination of adherence in oral epithelial cells and evaluation of resistance to the antimicrobial action of neutrophils and mononuclear cells. Results All isolates were highly efficient in forming biofilms on poly- styrene microplates, where 94% of the samples formed 4 + biofilm. Used as a screening test, of which three isolates were selected with different degrees of ability to form biofilm to assess other indicators of virulence. Overall, the isolates exhibited different characteristics regarding the virulence factors analyzed. It was also observed that the hypophosphorous acid (HOCl), production, one of leading inflammatory mediators with fungicidal action, also varied especially when the neutrophils, and not mononuclear cells, were stimulated with different samples. (Figure 1). Conclusion Therefore, our results indicate that C. albicans, is not only the most common species in the oral cavity of CRFP on dialysis, but also it presents the main virulence attributes, which reinforces the importance of monitoring of these patients towards the prevention of fungal infections