6 research outputs found

    CMOS pixel sensors on high resistive substrate for high-rate, high-radiation environments

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    In Press, Corrected Proof — Note to usersInternational audienceA depleted CMOS active pixel sensor (DMAPS) has been developed on a substrate with high resistivity in a high voltage process. High radiation tolerance and high time resolution can be expected because of the charge collection by drift. A prototype of DMAPS was fabricated in a 150 nm process by LFoundry. Two variants of the pixel layout were tested, and the measured depletion depths of the variants are 166 μm and 80 μm. We report the results obtained with the prototype fabricated in this technology

    Depleted fully monolithic active CMOS pixel sensors (DMAPS) in high resistivity 150 nm technology for LHC

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    International audienceDepleted monolithic CMOS 1 1 Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor.  active pixel sensors (DMAPS) have been developed to demonstrate their suitability as pixel detectors in the outer layers of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) pixel detector in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Two prototypes have been fabricated using a 150 nm CMOS technology on high resistivity ( ≥  2 k Ω cm) wafers. The chip size of 10 mm  ×  10 mm is similar to that of the current FE-I3 ATLAS pixel detector readout chip. One of the prototypes is used for detailed characterization of the sensor and analog front end circuitry of the DMAPS. The other one is a fully monolithic DMAPS, including fast readout digital logics that handle the required hit rate. To yield a strong homogeneous electric field within the sensor volume, back-side process of the wafer was tested. The prototypes were irradiated with X-rays up to a total ionization dose (TID) of 50 Mrad(SiO 2 ) and with neutrons up to a 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 10 15  n eq /cm 2 to test non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) effects. The analog front end circuitry maintained its performance after TID irradiation, and the hit efficiency at < 10 −7 noise occupancy was as high as 98.9% after NIEL irradiation

    Development of depleted monolithic pixel sensors in 150 nm CMOS technology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker upgrade

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    International audienceThis work presents a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS) prototype manufactured in the LFoundry 150 nm CMOS process. The described device, named LF-Monopix, was designed as a proof of concept of a fully monolithic sensor capable of operating in the environment of outer layers of the ATLAS Inner Tracker upgrade for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Implementing such a device in the detector module will result in a lower production cost and lower material budget compared to the presently used hybrid designs. In this paper the chip architecture will be described followed by the simulation and measurement results

    Radiation hard DMAPS pixel sensors in 150 nm CMOS technology for operation at LHC

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    International audienceMonolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) have been developed since the late 1990s employing silicon substrate with a thin epitaxial layer in which deposited charge is collected by disordered diffusion rather than by drift in an electric field. As a consequence the signal is small and slow, and the radiation tolerance is below the requirements for LHC experiments by factors of 100 to 1000. We developed fully depleted (D)MAPS pixel sensors employing a 150 nm CMOS technology and using a high resistivity substrate as well as a high biasing voltage. The development has been carried out in three subsequent iterations, from prototypes to a large pixel matrix comprising a complete readout architecture suitable for LHC operation. Full CMOS electronics is embedded in large deep n-wells which at the same time serve as collection nodes (large electrode design). The devices have been intensively characterized before and after irradiation employing lab tests as well as particle beams. The devices can cope with particle rates seen by the innermost pixel detectors of the LHC pp-experiments or as seen by the outer pixel layers of the planned HL-LHC upgrade. They are radiation hard to particle fluences of at least 1015 neq/cm2 and total ionization doses of at least 50 Mrad

    The Monopix chips: Depleted monolithic active pixel sensors with a column-drain read-out architecture for the ATLAS Inner Tracker upgrade

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    International audienceTwo different depleted monolithic CMOS active pixel sensor (DMAPS) prototypes with a fully synchronous column-drain read-out architecture were designed and tested: LF-Monopix and TJ-Monopix. These chips are part of a R&D effort towards a suitable implementation of a CMOS DMAPS for the HL-LHC ATLAS Inner Tracker. LF-Monopix was developed using a 150nm CMOS process on a highly resistive substrate (>2 kΩ cm), while TJ-Monopix was fabricated using a modified 180 nm CMOS process with a 1 kΩ cm epi-layer for depletion. The chips differ in their front-end design, biasing scheme, pixel pitch, dimensions of the collecting electrode relative to the pixel size (large and small electrode design, respectively) and the placement of read-out electronics within such electrode. Both chips were operational after thinning down to 100 μm and additional back-side processing in LF-Monopix for total bulk depletion. The results in this work include measurements of their leakage current, noise, threshold dispersion, response to minimum ionizing particles and efficiency in test beam campaigns. In addition, the outcome from measurements after irradiation with neutrons up to a dose of 1×1015 neq / cm2 and its implications for future designs are discussed