490 research outputs found

    Press in Russia: Precarious Freedom

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    "Requiem na jeden głos… f-moll" ks. Hieronima Feichta w świetle jego twórczości mszalnej oraz repertuaru Chóru Stradomskiego

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    The article focuses on the background of Hieronim Feicht’s Requiem, which was written during World War II. The main aspect of it is to present main thoughts on mass settings composed by Feicht and to give basic information about their performances given by the choir of theological seminary students of the Congregation of the Mission in Kraków-Stradom. Many of extant documents provide us with precise knowledge about the repertoire and solemnities during which it was sung. Except for performances, the article presents the praxis of performing requiem masses in the first half of the 20th century. Taking this context into consideration, the author presents a brief analysis of the Feicht’s requiem mass setting

    On legal situations and the interpretation of European Union law

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    Prawo unijne stanowi źródło praw, uprawnień, kompetencji, obowiązków i zobowiązań różnych podmiotów: instytucji unijnych, państw członkowskich oraz podmiotów krajowych. Ponieważ eksplikacja, w jaki sposób prawo unijne to w istocie czyni, nie jest wcale sprawą trywialną, podstawowym celem artykułu jest ustalenie, na rudymentarnym poziomie przepisów i norm prawnych, jak to się dzieje, że podmiotom krajowym przysługiwać mogą prawa i obowiązki w jakiś sposób zakorzenione w prawie unijnym. Jako że udzielenie odpowiedzi na to pytanie zakłada akceptację pewnej koncepcji wykładni prawa, drugim celem opracowania jest wykazanie, że derywacyjna koncepcja wykładni prawa prof. Macieja Zielińskiego umożliwia eksplikację, a nawet rozwiązanie niektórych problemów ujawniających się w ramach wykładni i stosowania prawa unijnego w państwach członkowskich. Przeprowadzona analiza normatywna wybranych przepisów wykazuje, że prawo unijne wyznacza w istocie pierwotne, pochodne i złożone sytuacje prawne pod-miotów krajowych. Przepisy unijne wysłowiają bowiem normy (elementy norm), które czynią podmioty krajowe ich adresatami, beneficjentami lub podmiotami uprawnionymi. W artykule wykazano, że zarówno konceptualizacje, jak i metodo-logia koncepcji derywacyjnej mogą być z powodzeniem wykorzystane w procesie rekonstrukcji norm prawnych w ramach wykładni prawa unijnego. Koncepcja ta okazuje się przydatna zwłaszcza wówczas, gdy elementy syntaktyczne i semantyczne rekonstruowanej normy są rozczłonkowane krzyżowo między aktami prawnymi ustanowionymi przez instytucjonalnie różnych prawodawców. Okazuje się również, że wypracowane w koncepcji derywacyjnej pojęcie pluralności przepisów przyczynia się do rozwiązania interesujących problemów dotyczących prawa unijnego, jak problem wielości i założonych adresatów norm.31535562Studia Prawa Publiczneg

    Distinct Eras in the History of U.S. Debt Monetization

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    Here I review the history of debt monetization by the Federal Reserve, as well as the relationship between debt monetization and inflation. While it is commonly held that inflation follows from debt monetization, that has not been the case in the U.S., at least not since the Korean War. From the early 1950s through 2007 debt monetization has been modest and steady, while inflation has been highly variable. With the recent financial crisis, debt monetization entered a new era. Since 2008 the magnitude and composition of debt monetization has no precedent. Also unprecedented is the Federal Reserve’s ability to suppress inflation despite extensive debt monetization, at least through 2015. Overall, since the creation of the Federal Reserve, the United States has experienced substantial inflation both with and (more commonly) without debt monetization. It remains to be seen if the United States can experience substantial debt monetization without inflation

    Effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Body Modification in Borderline Personality Disorder

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    Borderline Personality Disorder is a mood disorder characterized by emotional dysregulation, increased impulsivity, and increased self-harm. Recently, a positive correlation has been made relating number of body modifications (such as piercings, tattoos, and scarification) and severity of disease. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the first-line treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder and has been found to significantly reduce engagement in another form of self-harming behavior (non-suicidal self-injury). However, the effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on body modification are not understood. In this randomized control study, we will compare the effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, pharmacotherapy, or non-treatment on the number of body modifications in participants with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder. Additionally, fMRI data will be obtained to better understand the neural mechanisms underlying engagement in body modification. This study will allow providers to better understand, recognize, and treat individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder who engage in frequent body modification

    Bit by Bit: Household Characteristics of Cryptocurrency Owners — Early Evidence From the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances

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    Developments in financial technology over the past decade have increased the importance and use of cryptocurrency, though not much is known about the characteristics of cryptocurrency owners. Data on the ownership of cryptocurrency by U.S. households has recently been made available via the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances. In the present research we identify key aspects that differentiate cryptocurrency owning households from those that do not. We find that households owning cryptocurrency tend to have a higher risk profile, especially pertaining to decisions concerning other investments, and demonstrate more financial acumen than households that do not own cryptocurrency. This has important implications as cryptocurrency ownership becomes more mainstream

    Solutions for Impact Investors: From Strategy to Implementation

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    In writing this monograph, our main goal is to provide impact investors with tools to tighten the link between their investment decisions and impact creation. Our intent is threefold: to attract more capital to impact investing; to assist impact investors as they move from organizational change to executing and refining their impact investment decision-making process; and to narrow the gap within foundations between program professionals and investment professionals thereby contributing to a mutual understanding and implementation of a portfolio approach to impact investing.Additionally, we intend to help break down the barriers making it difficult to identify opportunities in impact investing. To this end, we provide examples throughout the monograph and at www.rockpa.org/impactinvesting of impact investment opportunities in most major asset classes.While we understand the important role that impact investors can play in providing financial capital, we also want to acknowledge the wide range of non-financial resources needed to address the world's problems. Our intent with this monograph is not to provide a comprehensive list of investments across asset classes nor any type of investment advice with regard to the selected profiles. We strongly encourage the reader to conduct their own assessment and evaluation for risk and suitability before considering any investment