20 research outputs found

    Are patient charges an effective policy tool? Review of theoretical and empirical evidence

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    Policy-makers assign various objectives to the implementation of patient charges for public health care services. These charges impose prices on health care consumption and as such, they are expected to affect the quantities of health care service demanded, and to generate revenues. The actual ability of patient charges to achieve these objectives depends to a great extent on the patient payment mechanism implemented in a country, as well as on the health care system and context-specific factors. This paper reviews and discusses the theoretical and empirical evidence on the effectiveness of patient payment policies. The paper suggests that patient charges can be a successful policy tool for controlling the pattern of health care utilisation and improving the quality of health care provision. However, an additional condition for success is the appropriateness of the design of patient charges with respect to efficiency and equity in the public health care secto

    Towards an organisation-wide process-oriented organisation of care: A literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many hospitals have taken actions to make care delivery for specific patient groups more process-oriented, but struggle with the question how to deal with process orientation at hospital level. The aim of this study is to report and discuss the experiences of hospitals with implementing process-oriented organisation designs in order to derive lessons for future transitions and research.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A literature review of English language articles on organisation-wide process-oriented redesigns, published between January 1998 and May 2009, was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 329 abstracts identified, 10 articles were included in the study. These articles described process-oriented redesigns of five hospitals. Four hospitals tried to become process-oriented by the implementation of coordination measures, and one by organisational restructuring. The adoption of the coordination mechanism approach was particularly constrained by the functional structure of hospitals. Other factors that hampered the redesigns in general were the limited applicability of and unfamiliarity with process improvement techniques.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Due to the limitations of the evidence, it is not known which approach, implementation of coordination measures or organisational restructuring (with additional coordination measures), produces the best results in which situation. Therefore, more research is needed. For this research, the use of qualitative methods in addition to quantitative measures is recommended to contribute to a better understanding of preconditions and contingencies for an effective application of approaches to become process-oriented. Hospitals are advised to take the factors for failure described into account and to take suitable actions to counteract these obstacles on their way to become process-oriented organisations.</p

    Implementation by simulation; strategies for ultrasound screening for hip dysplasia in the Netherlands

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    Background: Implementation of medical interventions may vary with organization and available capacity. The influence of this source of variability on the cost-effectiveness can be evaluated by computer simulation following a carefully designed experimental design. We used this approach as part of a national implementation study of ultrasonographic infant screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Methods: First, workflow and performance of the current screening program (physical examination) was analyzed. Then, experimental variables, i.e., relevant entities in the workflow of screening, were defined with varying levels to describe alternative implementation models. To determine the relevant levels literature and interviews among professional stakeholders are used. Finally, cost-effectiveness ratios (inclusive of sensitivity analyses) for the range of implementation scenarios were calculated. Results: The four experimental variables for implementation were: 1) location of the consultation, 2) integrated with regular consultation or not, 3) number of ultrasound machines and 4) discipline of the screener. With respective numbers of levels of 3,2,3,4 in total 72 possible scenarios were identified. In our model experimental variables related to the number of available ultrasound machines and the necessity of an extra consultation influenced the cost-effectiveness most. Conclusions: Better information comes available for choosing optimised implementation strategies where organizational and capacity variables are important using the combination of simulation models and an experimental design. Information to determine the levels of experimental variables can be extracted from the literature or directly from experts

    Applying the quality improvement collaborative method to process redesign: a multiple case study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the widespread use of quality improvement collaboratives (QICs), evidence underlying this method is limited. A QIC is a method for testing and implementing evidence-based changes quickly across organisations. To extend the knowledge about conditions under which QICs can be used, we explored in this study the applicability of the QIC method for process redesign.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated a Dutch process redesign collaborative of seventeen project teams using a multiple case study design. The goals of this collaborative were to reduce the time between the first visit to the outpatient's clinic and the start of treatment and to reduce the in-hospital length of stay by 30% for involved patient groups. Data were gathered using qualitative methods, such as document analysis, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and participation in collaborative meetings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Application of the QIC method to process redesign proved to be difficult. First, project teams did not use the provided standard change ideas, because of their need for customised solutions that fitted with context-specific causes of waiting times and delays. Second, project teams were not capable of testing change ideas within short time frames due to: the need for tailoring changes ideas and the complexity of aligning interests of involved departments; small volumes of involved patient groups; and inadequate information and communication technology (ICT) support. Third, project teams did not experience peer stimulus because they saw few similarities between their projects, rarely shared experiences, and did not demonstrate competitive behaviour. Besides, a number of project teams reported that organisational and external change agent support was limited.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study showed that the perceived need for tailoring standard change ideas to local contexts and the complexity of aligning interests of involved departments hampered the use of the QIC method for process redesign. We cannot determine whether the QIC method would have been appropriate for process redesign. Peer stimulus was non-optimal as a result of the selection process for participation of project teams by the external change agent. In conclusion, project teams felt that necessary preconditions for successful use of the QIC method were lacking.</p

    Are patient charges an effective policy tool? Review of theoretical and empirical evidence

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    Policy-makers assign various objectives to the implementation of patient charges for public health care services. These charges impose prices on health care consumption and as such, they are expected to affect the quantities of health care service demanded, and to generate revenues. The actual ability of patient charges to achieve these objectives depends to a great extent on the patient payment mechanism implemented in a country, as well as on the health care system and context-specific factors. This paper reviews and discusses the theoretical and empirical evidence on the effectiveness of patient payment policies. The paper suggests that patient charges can be a successful policy tool for controlling the pattern of health care utilisation and improving the quality of health care provision. However, an additional condition for success is the appropriateness of the design of patient charges with respect to efficiency and equity in the public health care secto

    Enterprise resource planning for hospitals

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    Integrated hospitals need a central planning and control system to plan patients' processes and the required capacity. Given the changes in healthcare one can ask the question what type of information systems can best support these healthcare delivery organizations. We focus in this review on the potential of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for healthcare delivery organizations. First ERP systems are explained. An overview is then presented of the characteristics of the planning process in hospital environments. Problems with ERP that are due to the special characteristics of healthcare are presented. The situations in which ERP can or cannot be used are discussed. It is suggested to divide hospitals in a part that is concerned only with deterministic processes and a part that is concerned with non-deterministic processes. ERP can be very useful for planning and controlling the deterministic processe

    Dopłaty pacjentów jako skuteczne narzędzie polityki zdrowotnej : teoretyczne założenia i empiryczne dowody

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    Wprowadzeniu dopłat pacjentów do publicznych świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej towarzyszą różnorodne cele. Dopłaty te, stanowiąc cenę konsumowanych świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej, mają wpływać na ich liczbę i/lub generować dodatkowe przychody. Możliwość osiągnięcia tych celów zależy w dużej mierze od mechanizmu dopłat pacjentów wprowadzonego w danym kraju, jak również od cech systemu opieki zdrowotnej oraz czynników pozasystemowych. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje i poddaje pod dyskusję teoretyczne założenia i empiryczne dowody na skuteczność polityki dopłat pacjentów. Przedstawione wyniki wskazują, że dopłaty pacjentów mogą być skutecznym narzędziem kontroli struktury korzystania ze świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej, jak również polepszenia jakości dostarczanej opieki zdrowotnej. Jednakże dodatkowym warunkiem osiągnięcia sukcesu jest odpowiednia konstrukcja systemu dopłat, zapewniająca efektywność i sprawiedliwość w publicznym systemie opieki zdrowotnej.Policy-makers assign various objectives to the implementation of patient charges for public health care services. These charges impose prices on health care consumption and as such, they are expected to affect the quantities of health care service demanded, and to generate revenues. The actual ability of patient charges to achieve these objectives depends to a great extent on the patient payment mechanism implemented in a country, as well as on the health care system and context-specific factors. This paper reviews and discusses the theoretical and empirical evidence on the effectiveness of patient payment policies. The paper suggests that patient charges can be a successful policy tool for controlling the pattern of health care utilisation and improving the quality of health care provision. However, an additional condition for success is the appropriateness of the design of patient charges with respect to efficiency and equity in the public health care sector

    Does case-mix based reimbursement stimulate the development of process-oriented care delivery?

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    Objectives Reimbursement based on the total care of a patient during an acute episode of illness is believed to stimulate management and clinicians to reduce quality problems like waiting times and poor coordination of care delivery. Although many studies already show that this kind of case-mix based reimbursement leads to more efficiency, it remains unclear whether care coordination improved as well. This study aims to explore whether case-mix based reimbursement stimulates development of care coordination by the use of care programmes, and a process-oriented way of working.Methods Data for this study were gathered during the winter of 2007/2008 in a survey involving all Dutch hospitals. Descriptive and structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses were conducted.Results SEM reveals that adoption of the case-mix reimbursement within hospitals' budgeting processes stimulates hospitals to establish care programmes by the use of process-oriented performance measures. However, the implementation of care programmes is not (yet) accompanied by a change in focus from function (the delivery of independent care activities) to process (the delivery of care activities as being connected to a chain of interdependent care activities).Conclusion This study demonstrates that hospital management can stimulate the development of care programmes by the adoption of case-mix reimbursement within hospitals' budgeting processes. Future research is recommended to confirm this finding and to determine whether the establishment of care programmes will in time indeed lead to a more process-oriented view of professionals.Reimbursement Process-orientation Hospital budgeting Operations management Care programmes

    The Use of Operational Excellence Principles in a University Hospital

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    The introduction of Operational Excellence in the Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) has been the first of its kind and scale for a university hospital. The policy makers of the MUMC+ have combined different elements from various other business, management, and healthcare philosophies and frameworks into a unique mix. This paper summarizes the journey of developing this system and its most important aspects. Special attention is paid to the role of the operating rooms and the improvements that have taken place there, because of their central role in the working of the hospital. The MUMC+ is the leading tertiary healthcare center for the South-East region of The Netherlands and beyond. Regional, national, and international developments encouraged the MUMC+ to start significantly reorganizing its care processes from 2009 onward. First experiments with Lean Six Sigma and Business Modeling were combined with lessons learned from other centers around the world to form the MUMC+’s own type of Operational Excellence. At the time of writing, many improvement projects of different types have been successfully completed. Every single department in the hospital now uses Operational Excellence and design thinking in general as a method to develop new models of care. An evaluation in 2014 revealed several opportunities for improvement. A large number of projects were in progress, but 75% of all projects had not been completed, despite the first projects being initiated back in 2012. This led to a number of policy changes, mainly focusing on more intensive monitoring of projects and trying to do more improvement projects directly under the responsibility of the line manager. Focusing on patient value, continuous improvement, and the reduction of waste have proven to be very fitting principles for healthcare in general and specifically for application in a university hospital. Approaching improvement at a systems level while directly involving the people on the work floor in observing opportunities for improvement and realizing these has shown itself to be essential