376 research outputs found

    Burnout profiles among young researchers:A latent profile analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Burnout is a growing problem among young researchers, affecting individuals, organizations and society. Our study aims to identify burnout profiles and highlight the corresponding job demands and resources, resulting in recommendations to reduce burnout risk in the academic context. METHODS: This cross-sectional study collected data from young researchers (n = 1,123) at five Flemish universities through an online survey measuring burnout risk, work engagement, sleeping behavior, and the most prominent job demands (e.g., publication pressure) and resources (e.g., social support). We conducted Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) to identify burnout profiles in young researchers and subsequently compared these groups on job demands and resources patterns. RESULTS: Five burnout profiles were identified: (1) High Burnout Risk (9.3%), (2) Cynical (30.1%), (3) Overextended (2.3%), (4) Low Burnout Risk (34.8%), and (5) No Burnout Risk (23.6%). Each burnout profile was associated with a different pattern of job demands and resources. For instance, high levels of meaningfulness (OR = −1.96) decreased the odds to being classified in the Cynical profile. CONCLUSION: Our findings show that the Cynical profile corresponds to a relatively high number of young researchers, which may imply that they are particularly vulnerable to the cynicism dimension of burnout. Additionally, work-life interference and perceived publication pressure seemed the most significant predictors of burnout risk, while meaningfulness, social support from supervisor and learning opportunities played an important protective role

    Игровые модели формирования сетевого взаимодействия

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    В последнее время сетевые игры активно применяются для построения моделей социального взаимодействия. Однако общая теоретико-игровая модель страдает от большого количества равновесий по Нэшу. В данной работе представлена программная реализация модели, гарантирующей существование и единственность равновесия по Нэшу. Для кооперативной модели игры приведено доказательство непустоты с-ядра для полной сети.Network games in recent years are actively used to build models of social interaction. However, the general game-theoretic model suffers from multiple Nash equilibria. In this paper, I present a software implementation of the framework, which guarantees the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium. For the co-operative model of the game shows the core nonemptiness proof for the complete network

    “Up To Date 2” Vervolgproject

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    Prévalence de l'abus de substances dans la population belge au travail. Formation des médecins à la thématique des abus de substances.Up to Date 2 (Use of psychoactive substances in adults: Prevention and Treatment by general practitioners and Occupational physicians - DATa retriEval

    Air pollution and endocrine disruptors induce human microbiome imbalances: A systematic review of recent evidence and possible biological mechanisms

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    A rich body of literature indicates that environmental factors interact with the human microbiome and influence its composition and functions contributing to the pathogenesis of diseases in distal sites of the body. This systematic review examines the scientific evidence on the effect of environmental toxicants, air pollutants and endocrine disruptors (EDCs), on compositional and diversity of human microbiota. Articles from PubMed, Embase, WoS and Google Scholar where included if they focused on human populations or the SHIME® model, and assessed the effects of air pollutants and EDCs on human microbiome. Non-human studies, not written in English and not displaying original research were excluded. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of individual studies. Results were extracted and presented in tables. 31 studies were selected, including 24 related to air pollutants, 5 related to EDCs, and 2 related to EDC using the SHIME® model. 19 studies focussed on the respiratory system (19), gut (8), skin (2), vaginal (1) and mammary (1) microbiomes. No sufficient number of studies are available to observe a consistent trend for most of the microbiota, except for streptococcus and veillionellales for which 9 out of 10, and 3 out of 4 studies suggest an increase of abundance with exposure to air pollution. A limitation of the evidence reviewed is the scarcity of existing studies assessing microbiomes from individual systems. Growing evidence suggests that exposure to environmental contaminants could change the diversity and abundance of resident microbiota, e.g. in the upper and lower respiratory, gastrointestinal, and female reproductive system. Microbial dysbiosis might lead to colonization of pathogens and outgrowth of pathobionts facilitating infectious diseases. It also might prime metabolic dysfunctions disrupting the production of beneficial metabolites. Further studies should elucidate the role of environmental pollutants in the development of dysbiosis and dysregulation of microbiota-related immunological processes.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Note de vision pour l'avenir de la médecine du travail en Belgique

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    Deze visienota is tot stand gekomen in verschillende werkgroepen waarin alle Belgische officiële verenigingen binnen de arbeidsgeneeskunde vertegenwoordigd waren. De standpunten die het duidelijkst naar voren gekomen zijn, zijn dat de arbeidsgeneeskunde er voor iedereen moet zijn en dat er meer aandacht moet kunnen worden besteed aan de problemen en noden van de werknemers en werkgevers. Andere thema’s zijn de re-integratie van werknemers, globale forfaitaire financiering binnen de huidige begrotingsenveloppe, de gezondheidspromotie in de werkomgeving, de verhoogde inzet van verpleegkundigen, een goede opleiding en evidence-based werken. De arbeidsgeneesheer is een specialist die zijn steentje wil bijdragen aan preventie en het oplossen van de problemen en behoeften waarmee de werknemers en ondernemingen worden geconfronteerd. De betrokkenheid van de geneesheer en het hele plaatje is hierbij belangrijk, dus niet enkel de gezondheidsbeoordeling. De arbeidsgeneesheer moet dus situationeel kunnen (re)ageren. In die zin zal de financiering ook moeten worden aangepast. Deze nota is geen eindpunt, maar we beschouwen hem als een beginpunt om met de verschillende partners actief over preventie en bescherming op het werk te spreken

    Screening for the risk on long-term sickness absence

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    Background: Long-term sickness absence is a growing concern in Belgium and other European countries. Since 2017, Belgian physicians of the sickness funding organisations are required to assess the re-integration possibilities within the first two months of sickness absence. Given the shortage of physicians in the assessment of work disability and the growing number of people in sickness absence, there is a need for a triage tool, allowing to assign return-to work support to patients having a high-risk profile not to resume work. Methods/design: The current study comprises a comprehensive validation process of a screening tool that supports Belgian physicians in guiding people back to work. The study consists of a theoretical construct validation (face validity and content validity), and an empirical construct validation (concurrence validity, factorial validity, predictive validity, hypothesis testing validity and known- group validity). Expected impact of the study for Public Health: The screening instrument assessing the risk for long-term sickness absence is a tool developed to support physicians who work for sickness funds and for occupational health and safety organisations. Both professionals play an important role in the return to work process and the prevention of long-term sickness absence. The screening tool aims at making a distinction between people who will resume their work independently and people who will need support to do so. Generation of this prediction model will help physicians to focus effort and resources in the high-risk group. Results may also help understand the relationship between the biopsychosocial model and long-term sick-leave

    Les facteurs qui favorisent l’implication des médecins généralistes belges dans la gestion des abus de substances. Une étude qualitative basée sur le I-Change Model

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    Objectifs Les médecins généralistes (MG) jouent un rôle majeur dans la détection et la gestion des abus de substances. L’étude présentée ici investiguait les facteurs qui influencent leur implication concernant la gestion des abus d’alcool, des drogues illégales, des hypnotiques et des anxiolytiques dans la population belge des 18-65 ans. Méthodes 20 MG ont été interrogés par entretiens semi-directifs dans les régions de Liège et d’Anvers. Le I-Change Model de de Vries a été utilisé pour construire le guide d’entretien et analyser les données récoltées. Résultats Parmi les principaux résultats de l’étude, il ressortait que les MG étaient fortement influencés dans leur approche par leurs propres représentations de l’abus, qui oscillait leurs responsabilités professionnelles envers ces patients et la responsabilité de ces derniers quant à la gestion de leur santé, avec l’idée de faute morale en substrat. En ce sens, l’abus de substance était perçu sur un continuum entre l’abus comme forme de maladie chronique d’une part, et la faute morale d’autre part. L’alcool et le cannabis étaient néanmoins mieux acceptés socialement que les autres substances. Les propres expériences personnelles des MG concernant les abus avaient aussi une incidence sur leur volonté de s’investir avec ces patients. Pour autant, les pratiques multidisciplinaires (notamment au forfait) et l’expérience étaient évoqués comme des facteurs importants quant à l’engagement dans la gestion. Les contraintes temporelles et l’investissement demandé étaient, en revanche, considérés comme des barrières. Conclusion Les facteurs motivationnels apparaissaient centraux dans la décision de s’investir dans la gestion des abus de substances, bien davantage que les connaissances théoriques et les formations qui semblaient plus secondaires. La peur du burn-out s’exprimait donc en substrat. La formation des MG devrait tenir compte de ce souhait de se protéger, afin de favoriser simultanément une approche centrée sur le patient

    Practice-Based Evidence to Support Return to Work in Cancer Patients

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    BackgroundInternational research emphasizes the importance of providing early, hospital-based support in return to work (RTW) for cancer patients. Even though oncology health professionals are aware of the scientific evidence, it remains unclear whether they implement this knowledge in current practice. This paper presents the knowledge and viewpoints of health care professionals (HCPs) on their potential role in their patients' RTW process.MethodsSemi-structured interviews with oncology HCPs were used to describe current practice. Results of these interviews served as input for focus group discussions with managers in oncology hospitals, which led to an agreement on of best practice.ResultsThis research had the participation of 75% of Belgian institutions involved in oncology health care services. Five themes were identified that influence care providers and staff to implement scientific evidence on RTW in cancer patients: (1) Opinions on the role that care institutions can take in RTW support; (2) Current content of RTW support during oncology care; (3) Scientific bases; (4) Barriers and success factors; and (5) Legislation and regulations. The key elements of the best practice included a generic approach adapted to the needs of the cancer patient supported by a RTW coordinator.ConclusionsHealth care providers include RTW support in their current care, but in very varied ways. They follow a process that starts with setting the indication (meaning the identification of patients for whom the provision of work-related care would be useful) and ends with a clear objective agreed upon by HCPs and the patient. We recommend that specific points of interest be included in regulation at both the patient and hospital levels