1,453 research outputs found

    Gender and perceived cooperation modulate visual attention in a joint spatial cueing task

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    This research investigated how interactive social contexts shape basic visual attention. It has been shown that social information can modulate inhibition of return effects in joint spatial cueing tasks. We predicted that if perceptions of cooperativeness explain this phenomenon, we would then observe larger inhibition of return effects for more cooperative individuals and in highly cooperative contexts. Experiments 1a and 1b found larger inhibition of return effects and greater perceptions of cooperativeness for female compared to male participants, consistent with the literature on gender stereotypes and the behavioural evidence that females are more cooperative than males. In Experiment 2a and 2b, we experimentally manipulated the cooperativeness of the task, describing it as either a team or an individual game. This time, we found larger inhibition of return effects and greater perceptions of cooperativeness for male participants in the team compared to the individual game. We conclude that construing interactive contexts as cooperative plays an important role in the joint spatial orienting of visual attention, and we propose this as an example of socially distributed cognition

    Studi Penjaminan Mutu (Quality Assurance) Dalam Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotek

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    Low Quality Assurance in Pharmacy Award Ipilo Gorontalo include pharmaceutical, security, procurement, storage, and distribution or drug delivery, drug management, on a prescription drug services, drug information services, as well as drug development, medicinal materials and traditional medicine. The impact of the implementation of activities in the pharmacy pharmacy services Anugerah Ipilo errors may occur treatment (medication errors) in the service process. Quality Assurance (QA) is one dimension that is used in the measurement of quality of service, where the application of QA in pharmacies Ipilo Award aims to provide quality assurance of pharmaceutical products and the quality of services provided to patients. This research is descriptive, the source of primary data obtained from the questionnaires with QA standard indicator framework on pharmaceutical services in pharmacies Anugerah Ipilo. The assessment results then classified based on criteria appropriate, relatively appropriate and not appropriate. The results showed that the Quality Assurance (Quality Assurance) on the quality of the equipment and the safety assurance of Pharmaceutical Services in Pharmacy Award Ipilo there are seven questions (70%) had a very good criteria, three questions (30%) had a good criterion. Quality Assurance (Quality Assurance) on the Process of Pharmaceutical Services in Pharmacy Award Ipilo there are 4 questions (40%) had a very good criteria, one question (10%) had a pretty good and 5 questions (50%) had less good. Pharmacies merely focused on the administration and management of medication alone is not the overall pharmacy services, in addition because the pharmacy Anugerah Ipilo prefer the function of the economy (business) rather than its social function, which pharmacies are required to gain / profit in business

    On Torsion-Free Crawley Groups

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    The notion of a Crawley p-group is well known in Abelian group theory. In this present work, a corresponding concept is introduced for torsion-free groups. The principal result, which uses the set-theoretic notions of the diamond and Martin’s axiom, establishes an independence result for N1-free Crawley groups

    Analisis pendapatan peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan serta Break Event Point (BEP) peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara pada bulan April dan Mei 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey, dan penentuan sampel menggunakan metode Purpossive sampling. Peternakan milik Bapak Ardi Rondonuwu di Desa Talawaan, dipilih dengan pertimbangan merupakan satu-satunya peternak broiler closed house system. Peternakan open house system di Desa Mapanget, milik Ibu Antoneta Pinaria dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa responden berpengalaman, usahanya sering dinilai baik oleh perusahaan inti dilihat dari nilai Feed Convertion Rasio dan Indek Peformance. Hasil penelitian diperoleh jumlah biaya produksi per ekor, open house system Rp. 29.559, closed house system Rp. 30.451 dan penerimaan per ekor pada open house system Rp. 32.758, closed house system Rp. 39.273, dengan pendapatan per ekor open house system Rp. 2.770, closed house system Rp. 8.821 serta BEP harga Rp 17.870 pada open house system, Rp 18.332 pada closed house system, BEP unit 11.346 kg pada open house system, 15.888 kg pada closed house system. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa pendapatan usaha peternakan ayam broiler dengan closed house system lebih besar daripada usaha peternakan dengan open house system.Â

    Notification of Security Threats on the Internet Proxy Server is a Server-based Short Message Service (SMS )

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    Defense system against interference when the activity is generally done manually by the administrator. This resulted in the integrity of the system depends on the availability and speed of the administrator in response to disturbance. In the current era of information technology, almost all information is important for an institution can be accessed by its users. Disclosure of such access raises new security issues in part of a computer network system that is very important to maintain the validity and integrity of data and ensure availability of services for its users.In this issue then designed a system to detect any interference. The detection is based filtering on the port service, using the programming language Delphi 7. The data obtained from the filtered traffic data packets passing the proxy server. By building a system that can work automatically and in real time, then perform the detection of intruders or illegal activities which will then be reported to the administrator.With this administrator can find out the use of illegal ports through port filter techniques on the traffic data service in and out in real time, from both internal and external networks. Administrators can do the monitoring without having to depend on availability. With such a system administrator can perform tasks more efficiently in maintaining the validity and integrity of data

    Analisa Performansi Sistem Komunikasi Single-Input Multiple-Output Pada Lingkungan Indoor Menggunakan WARP

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    Dalam sistem komunikasi nirkabel, salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah multipath fading. Hal ini mengakibatkan level daya yang bervariasi pada penerima sehingga terjadi outage ketika mengalami fading. Dalam lingkungan indoor, hal ini lebih sering terjadi karena hampir tidak ada line-of-sight antara pemancar dan penerima. Efek kanal multipath bisa diatasi dengan sistem komunikasi SIMO (Single-Input Multiple-Output). Sinyal yang diterima diolah menggunakan beberapa metode seperti Selection dan Maximal Ratio Combining dengan jumlah antena di penerima lebih dari satu. Implementasi juga bisa dilakukan pada WARP (Wireless Open-Access Research Platform) yang merupakan salah satu jenis SDR (Software Defined Radio). Modul tersebut digunakan sebagai pemancar dan penerima pada pengukuran kualitas performansi SIMO pada lingkungan indoor dengan metode-metode combining. Hasil unjuk kerja dibandingkan terhadap sistem SISO (Single-Input Single-Output). Hasil dari implementasi dan pengukuran pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, dalam lingkungan indoor pada kondisi tertentu, sistem SIMO dengan metode selection combining memiliki diversity gain 2.3–2.5 dB, sedangkan maximal ratio combining memiliki diversity gain 2.5–4.6 dB lebih baik daripada SISO pada kondisi BER

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Bervisi SETS terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit di SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo (2) Seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit di SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo, terdiri dari 9 kelas yang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah X IPA 1 sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan X IPA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol, masing-masing terdiri dari 25 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument tes dan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji realiabilitas, uji nilai rata-rata, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap keterampilan proses sains yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 88% (thitung = 1,804 > ttabel = 1,6722). Adapun model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing bervisi SETS terhadap hasil belajar kognitif, menghasilkan hasil yang signifikan, memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 80,4 % (thitung = > ttabel = 1,6722). Hasil belajar afektif memperoleh nilai rata-rata 82,25% (thitung = > ttabel = 1,6722) sedangkan hasil belajar psikomotor memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 83% (thitung = 3,136 > ttabel = 1,6722)

    Size Structure, Growth Pattern, And Condition Factor Of Red Lolosi Fish (Caesio chrysozona, Cuvier, 1830) From The Bay Of Ratatotok Subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa Tenggara District

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in Totok Bay, Ratatotok Subdistrict, with the aim to know the size structure, growth pattern and condition factor of red lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona). It is expected that this research can provide basic information to monitor the presence of these fish in the future, especially in the territorial waters of Ratatotok. The name of red lolosi fish is a local name in North Sulawesi. Fish with the scientific name Caesio chrysozona is commonly found around the coral reefs and shallow rocky coastal waters. Data were collected in the field by taking a random sample of fish from the catch of fishermen who are still in a fishing boat. The number of fish samples taken to be analyzed were 66. Based on the measurement of 66 individuals of red lolosi, the structure size is as follows: male (51 head) with total length of 180 mm - 259 mm, length of fork 153 mm - 216 mm, and raw length 135mm - 200 mm. While body weight ranges from 71.38 gr - 217.18 grams and females (15 fish) with a total length range of 196 mm - 243 mm, fork length of 165 mm - 209 mm, and standard length of 149 mm - 185 mm. While body weight ranges from 110.22 gr - 193.99 gr. The growth pattern of red lolosi fish both male and female is a negative allometric growth pattern (b <3) where the length of fish increase faster than weight gain. The condition factor of each individual male and female varies with the value of the male condition factor ranging from 0.8094 - 1.2547 and females ranged from 0.9668 to 1.0281. Because the value of K ranged 1 then the conclusion is that male and female of red lolosi fish have a less flat shape. This causes the loss of weight of fish due to the influence of food, age, sex and gonad maturity. ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 di Teluk Totok Kecamatan Ratatotok, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui struktur ukuran, pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi dari ikan lolosi merah (Caesio chrysozona).  Ikan lolosi merah adalah nama lokal di Sulawesi Utara, dan ditemukan cukup berlimpah di  sekitar terumbu karang dan perairan dangkal yang berbatu-batu di Teluk TotokPengambilan sampel di lapangan  dilakukan dengan metoda sampling yaitu dengan cara mengambil sampel ikan secara acak dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang masih berada dalam perahu nelayan.  Jumlah sampel ikan yang diambil untuk dianalisis sebanyak  66 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 66 individu lolosi merah, diperoleh struktur ukuran sebagai berikut: jantan (51 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 180 mm - 259 mm,.  Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 71.38 gr – 217.18 gr,  dan betina (15 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 196 mm - 243 mm, Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 110.22 gr – 193.99 gr.  Pola pertumbuhan ikan lolosi merah baik jantan maupun betina adalah pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif ( b < 3)  dimana pertambahan panjang ikan lebih cepat dari  pertambahan beratnya. Faktor kondisi setiap individu jantan dan betina bervariasi dengan nilai faktor kondisi jantan  berkisar 0.8094 - 1.2547 dan Betina berkisar 0.9668 - 1.0281