1,589 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Kredit USAha Rakyat di Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Bahu Manado

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    Micro business, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) have the role and an important contribution ini Indonesian economy, namely to providing employment opportunities broad and contributed significant on the establishment of gross domestic product. Since disbursed policy/KUR program, People\u27s Bank of Indonesia (BRI) appointed as one of the executing banks. One KUR wich carried out by of BRI is KUR micro. This research purpose to find of policy loans for small-scale businesses (KUR) micro in BRI unit Bahu. The theory used in this writing is the implementation of public developed by George R. Edward III who pointed four variable that are important in the achievements of the success of the implementation of a policy: communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The method of research is the method descriptive-qualitative. The results of the study showed that there is good communication, the availability of human resources employees who adequate in quality and quantity of and resources sufficient financial, the level of disposition or commitment and consistency civil servant and employee who high, and the structure of bureaucracy/implementing organizations (SOP and the distribution of duty and responsibility) eho obviously and flatly, so that the policy/micro KUR program was running properly and successfully consistent with the objectives, the objective and outcomes that has been set. This research is expected to give a valuable contribution in the development of the theory of public policy which was about the concept of the implementation of public policy and give feedback to the government and BRI that can be used ase one ingredient information and materials consideration in order to improve the effective implementation of the policy the people business credit (KUR) micro

    Mass Uncertainties of f0(600) and f0(1370) and their Effects on Determination of the Quark and Glueball Admixtures of the I=0 Scalar Mesons

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    Within a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian framework the correlations between the quark and glueball admixtures of the isosinglet scalar mesons below 2 GeV and the current large uncertainties on the mass of the f0(600) and the f0(1370) are studied. The framework is formulated in terms of two scalar meson nonets (a two-quark nonet and a four-quark nonet) together with a scalar glueball. It is shown that while some properties of these states are sensitive to the mass of f0(600) and f0(1370), several relatively robust conclusions can be made: The f0(600), the f0(980), and the f0(1370) are admixtures of two and four quark components, with f0(600) being dominantly a non-strange four-quark state, and f0(980) and f0(1370) having a dominant two-quark component. Similarly, the f0(1500) and the f0(1710) have considerable two and four quark admixtures, but in addition have a large glueball component. For each state, a detailed analysis providing the numerical estimates of all components is given. It is also shown that this framework clearly favors the experimental values: m[f0(600)] < 700 MeV and m[f0(1370)] = 1300-1450 MeV. Moreover, an overall fit to the available data shows a reciprocal substructure for the f0(600) and the f0(1370), and a linear correlation between their masses of the form m [f0(1370)] = 0.29 m[f0(600)] + 1.22 GeV. The scalar glueball mass of 1.5-1.7 GeV is found in this analysis.Comment: placement of figures inside text improved. Content unchange

    Kualitas Kimia Dan Organoleptik Burger Ikan Tuna Yang Disubtitusi Dengan Tepung Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effect of addition of noni flour as substitution of tapioca flour to protein content, moisture content, and ash content and organoleptic nature of tuna burger. This study used Completely Randomized Design (RAL) and Randomized Block Design (RAK). The experimental treatment were: B1 (0% noni flour + 15% tapioca flour), B2 (2.5% noni flour + 12.5% tapioca flour), B3 (5% noni flour + 10% tapioca flour), B4 7.5% noni flour + 7.5% tapioca flour). To know the effect of treatment, then the analysis of variance and if the treatment has real effect continued with BNT advanced test. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the addition of noni flour as substitution of tapioca flour to 7.5% can increase the protein tuna burger protein by 14.87%, moisture content 71.07% and ash content 2.07%, and aroma, taste, color, and texture are relatively the same on all treatment

    Analisis pendapatan peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan serta Break Event Point (BEP) peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara pada bulan April dan Mei 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey, dan penentuan sampel menggunakan metode Purpossive sampling. Peternakan milik Bapak Ardi Rondonuwu di Desa Talawaan, dipilih dengan pertimbangan merupakan satu-satunya peternak broiler closed house system. Peternakan open house system di Desa Mapanget, milik Ibu Antoneta Pinaria dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa responden berpengalaman, usahanya sering dinilai baik oleh perusahaan inti dilihat dari nilai Feed Convertion Rasio dan Indek Peformance. Hasil penelitian diperoleh jumlah biaya produksi per ekor, open house system Rp. 29.559, closed house system Rp. 30.451 dan penerimaan per ekor pada open house system Rp. 32.758, closed house system Rp. 39.273, dengan pendapatan per ekor open house system Rp. 2.770, closed house system Rp. 8.821 serta BEP harga Rp 17.870 pada open house system, Rp 18.332 pada closed house system, BEP unit 11.346 kg pada open house system, 15.888 kg pada closed house system. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa pendapatan usaha peternakan ayam broiler dengan closed house system lebih besar daripada usaha peternakan dengan open house system.Ă‚

    Adaptive Dispersion Compensation for Remote Fiber Delivery of NIR Femtosecond Pulses

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    We report on remote delivery of 25 pJ broadband near-infrared femtosecond light pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser through 150 meters of single-mode optical fiber. Pulse distortion due to dispersion is overcome with pre-compensation using adaptive pulse shaping techniques, while nonlinearities are mitigated using an SF10 rod for the final stage of pulse compression. Near transform limited pulse duration of 130 fs is measured after the final compression.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Global Citizen Science perspectives on Open Science

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    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Penanganan Pertama Korban Tenggelam Air Laut Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Nelayan Di Desa Bolang Itang II Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    : Drowning is injured of immersion that can lead to death in less than 24 hours. Purpose: To determine the effect of health education on the handling of First Instance against the knowledge of fishermen drowning victim. Research Methods: The study was pre-experimental design with one group pre-post test. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with sample size 47. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test with 95% significance level (α): 0.05. Results of research: Statistical test results before and after showed that health education greatly affects the level of public knowledge about the handling of the first fishermen drowning victim, with a value of p = 0.000 is smaller than <0.05. Conclusion: There is an effect of health education on handling Peratama Seawater Drowning Victims Against Increasing Community Knowledge of Fishermen. Recommendation: The Department of Health is expected education about handling sea water drowning victims first more intensively carried out in order to add insight to the fishing communities and the evaluation to further increase awareness of victims drowned
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