4 research outputs found


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    This study describes the calculation of cold storage analysis for planning the preservation of vannamei shrimp in Pohuwato Regency. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the cooling load on frozen fish cold storage, calculate the performance of the vapor compression cycle including mass flow rate, compressor power, and COP. This study uses a theoretical design method. Cold storage design for product storage. The design data was obtained from field observations. The calculation results showed that the Refrigerant used was Refrigerant 12 (R-12), a vannamei shrimp product. The cycle cooling load is 47.33 kW. Cold storage designed for the process of preserving shrimp with a capacity of 13 tons, Cooling temperature in cold storage is 10° C, Superheated temperature is 5° C, Sub cooled temperature is 5° C, Refrigerant temperature in the condenser is 35° C, Refrigerant temperature in the evaporator is 5° C, the pressure in the condenser is 0.8 MPa, the pressure in the evaporator is 0.4 MPa so that a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.7 is obtained


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    Program rehabilitasi rumah tidak layak huni di Kota Gorontalo bertujuan membantu masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah untuk meningkatkan kualitas rumahnya menjadi layak huni. Program ini memberikan dana bantuan sebesar Rp. 17.500.000 untuk satu unit rumah. 184 unit rumah akan menjadi calon penerima program di 7 (tujuh) kelurahan dengan alokasi di Kelurahan Bugis 54 rumah, Tenda 27 rumah, Pilolodaa 20 rumah, Pohe 20 rumah, Talumolo 20, Heledulaa Utara 25, dan Leato Utara 20 rumah. Untuk itu kami dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gorontalo membantu melaksanakan kegiatan pendampingan verifikasi kelayakan rumah calon penerima program rehabilitasi rumah (BRS DAK) yang diselenggarakan oleh dinas perumahan rakyat dan kawasan permukiman Kota Gorontalo. Rumah yang layak menerima bantuan program rehabilitasi adalah rumah dengan kondisi yang tidak memenuhi tiga aspek standar rumah layak huni, yaitu aspek keselamatan bangunan, kecukupan minimum luas bangunan dan kesehatan penghuni. Hasil verifikasi yang  lolos seleksi dan disetujui oleh penyelenggara kemudian diumumkan kepada masyarakat di tujuh kelurahan tersebut. Hasil pendampingan verifikasi ini adalah penetapan nama-nama penerima manfaat bantuan program yang ditandatangani langsung oleh Walikota Gorontalo secara sah, sehingga masyarakat yang lolos verifikasi berhak atas program bantuan tersebut

    PENGARUH SETTING FISIK DAN AKTIVITAS PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA (PKL) TERHADAP LINKAGE KAWASAN Studi Kasus: Jl. Soeprapto, Jl. MT. Haryono, Jl. Raja Eyato dan Jl. S. Parman di Kawasan Perdagangan Kota Gorontalo

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    Development of a corridor street involves many aspects in it�s reality. Physical and non-physical has it�s own important role as in this process. Development in urban areas is growing, especially in Gorontalo city commercial area to meet community needs for container activity by high economic growth. Development of a road corridor is not possible regardless of the activities that are inside. Variety of formal sector activity will be followed by the informal sector, which gives unique pattern on a road corridor. It also gives a different value when compared to other road corridors. The research provides an influence of physical setting and activities of street vendors to the linkage district. The research method used is qualitative rationalistic, with analytical techniques using place centered mapping and person centered mapping method combined with the time budget method. Place centered mapping is used to know the characteristics and the amount of space used PKL physical setting and to know the location of the nodes (area magnet). Person centered mapping is used to know the movement and circulation disorders pedestrians and motor vehicles which perform the movement in the streets. The results of this method, then do superimpose to know how to influence. The conclusions of this research indicates that the effect caused by the physical characteristics of street vendors setting of type 2, type 4, type 5 and type 7 is quite significant in raising the quality of the linkage, so the recommendation is directed to attempt to neutralize the excessive pressure on street space by changing the types of the problem with the type