14 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de um solo residual de gnaisse da cidade de Porto Alegre, no que tange a compressão. Este solo residual apresenta marcado bandamento gnáissico herdado da rocha mãe, que lhe confere uma forte anisotropia textural. Foram executados ensaios de compressão isotrópica e confinada em amostras reconstituídas e ensaios de compressão confinada com amostras indeformadas com diferentes ângulos entre o bandamento gnáissico e a direção de aplicação da tensão principal maior (ângulo d). A interpretação dos resultados foi realizada a luz da Teoria do Estado Crítico. Verificou-se a determinação de uma linha de compressão normal (NCL) para as amostras reconstituídas, tanto em compressão isotrópica como em compressão confinada, entretanto as amostras indeformadas apresentaram retas paralelas no plano n:logs’v dependentes do valor de d (para os níveis de tensão estudados)

    Un contributo alla validazione italiana del Physical Self-Description Questionnaire short

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    This study presents a critical validation contribution of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire Short (PSDQ-S) for the Italian socio-cultural context. The original version of PSDQ was elaborated by Marsh, Richards, Johnson, Roche e Tremayne (1994). The aim of the questionnaire is to assess 11 factors related to the physical self-concept: Activity, appearance, Body Fat, Coordination, Endurance, Flexibility, Health, Sport, Strength, Global Physical, Global Esteem. The Italian PSDQ-S was obtained using 47 of the 70 items of the whole version of the PSDQ validated by Meleddu, Scalas e Guicciardi (2002), with the aim of reducing the length of the questionnaire, maintaining the same measurement properties. Participants were 951 students (548 female, 403 male) aged 11-36, attending the secondary school and university in North Eastern Italy. Statistical analysis (Cronbach\u2019s Alpha, Exploraty Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, factor analysis on the single factors, indexes assessing data fit to the model) showed a good validity and reliability of the instrument, confirming the factor structure, invariance across gender and age

    Feedback effects between plant and flower-visiting insect communities along a primary succession gradient

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    Primary successions of glacier forelands are unique model systems to investigate community dynamics and assembly processes. However, successional changes of plant and insect communities have been mainly analysed separately. Therefore, changes in plant–insect interactions along successional gradients on glacier forelands remain unknown, despite their relevance to ecosystem functioning. This study assessed how successional changes of the vegetation influenced the composition of the flower-visiting insect assemblages of two plant species, Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heyw. and Saxifraga bryoides L., selected as the only two insect-pollinated species occurring along the whole succession. In addition, we investigated the links between reproductive output of these plants and pollinator abundance through experimental exclusion of pollinators. Plant community structure changed along the succession, affecting the distribution and the abundance of insects via idiosyncratic responses of different insect functional groups. L. alpina interacted with ubiquitously distributed pollinators, while S. bryoides pollinators were positively associated with insect-pollinated plant species density and S. bryoides abundance. With succession proceeding, insect assemblages became more functionally diverse, with the abundance of parasitoids, predators and opportunists positively related to an increase in plant cover and diversity. The reproductive output of both plant species varied among successional stages. Contrary to our expectation, the obligate insect-pollinated L. alpina showed a reproductive output rather independent from pollinator abundance, while the reproductive output of the self-fertile S. bryoides seemed linked to pollinator abundance. Observing ecological interactions and using functional traits, we provided a mechanistic understanding of community assembly processes along a successional gradient. Plant community diversity and cover likely influenced insect community assembly through bottom-up effects. In turn, pollinators regulate plant reproductive output through top-down control. We emphasise that dynamics of alpine plant and insect communities may be structured by biotic interactions and feedback processes, rather than only be influenced by harsh abiotic conditions and stochastic events

    A One-Health evaluation of the burden of cystic echinococcosis and its prevention costs: Case study from a hypo-endemic area in Italy

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    An integrated model, based on a One Health approach, was implemented to estimate the epidemiological and economic outcomes of cystic echinococcosis (CE) in Veneto region, an hypo-endemic area of Northern Italy, and the costs for its prevention. Data and information needed to populate the model were retrieved from published literature, official statistics, expert opinions, or actively searched through data mining (i.e., Hospital and slaughterhouse data), when fundamental data were not available. Human-health and animal-health costs, both public and private, were considered. The overall impact of CE in the study area was estimated in an yearly cost of about 0.5 million \u20ac, due to an average of 19.5 human hospitalized cases and about 200 infected animals among cattle and sheep, per year. The human:animal costs ratio was about 8:1. Most of the infected animals were autochthonous, while the identification of an autochthonous source of the infection for the human cases was extremely difficult, and unlikely in most cases. No specific action resulted to be in place for human surveillance, while veterinary surveillance accounted for a yearly cost of about 22,000 \u20ac. Sheepherders were found to pay privately an overall amount of around 2000 \u20ac for the preventive treatment of their dogs every year, but the applied protocol proved to be sub-optimal. The source of most of the human cases was likely external to the study area, and their economic impact accounts for a cost that is far exceeding that of surveillance and preventive actions in place in the veterinary sector. Although autochthonous human cases appeared to be very rare, the strengthening of preventive actions and surveillance systems can reduce the risk of their increment

    L’écriture et l’espace de la mort. Épigraphie et nécropoles à l'époque préromaine

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    Ce volume d’actes d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu à l’École française de Rome du 5 au 7 mars 2009 constitue l’étape finale d’un programme de recherches visant à examiner les rapports entre mondes des vivants et des morts à travers le prisme des inscriptions des nécropoles. Les participants sont revenus sur des problématiques formulées par la New Archaeology qui voyait dans les nécropoles le reflet des sociétés qui les produisent ; ils se sont demandé si l’on pouvait adhérer à certaines des critiques formulées à son encontre par la Post-Processual Archaeology et ils proposent de définir autrement les contours de ce monde des morts. Le volume offre ainsi une série d’analyses rendant compte du travail des vivants sur les morts à partir d’études précises d’inscriptions choisies dans l’Europe d’époque pré-romaine et de l’époque de la romanisation. Il montre que l’étude de l’idéologie funéraire est un moyen privilégié de parvenir à une vision sociale de l’Antiquité.Il volume contenente gli atti di un colloquio internazionale tenutosi all'École française de Rome dal 5 al 7 marzo del 2009, costituisce la tappa finale di un programma di ricerca mirante ad esaminare i rapporti tra mondo dei vivi e mondo dei morti attraverso il materiale epigrafico rinvenuto nelle necropoli. I partecipanti hanno affrontato le varie problematiche fomulate dalla New Archeology che vedeva nelle necropoli un riflesso delle società stesse. Si sono chiesti se era possibile aderire ad alcune delle critiche formulate dall'incontro con la Post-Processual Archaelogy e propongono di definire i contorni di questo mondo dei morti. Il volume offre anche una serie di analisi che vertono sul "lavoro" dei vivi sui morti, partendo da analisi di iscrizioni del contesto europeo pre-romano e del'epoca della romanizzazione. Viene infine dimostrato come lo studio dell'ideologia funeraria sia un mezzo privilegiato per comprendere la visione sociale dell'Antichit