133 research outputs found

    Testing the EPR Locality using B-Mesons

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    We study the possibility of testing local realistic theory (LRT), envisioned implicitly by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in 1935, based on the Bell inequality for the correlations in the decay modes of entangled K or B-mesons. It is shown that such a test is possible for a restricted class of LRT, despite the passive nature of decay events and/or the non-unitary treatment of the correlations which invalidate the test for general LRT. Unfortunately, the present setup of the KEKB (Belle) experiment, where the coherence of entangled B-mesons has been confirmed recently, does not admit such a test due to the inability of determining the decay times of the entangled pairs separately. The indeterminacy also poses a problem for ensuring the locality of the test, indicating that improvement to resolve the indeterminacy is crucial for the test of LRT.Comment: 14 pages, PlainTeX, minor revisio

    Study of Thin Iron Films for Polarization Analysis of Ultracold Neutrons

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    The TUCAN (TRIUMF Ultra-Cold Advanced Neutron) collaboration aims to search for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) with unprecedented precision. One of the essential elements for the nEDM measurement is a polarization analyzer of ultracold neutrons (UCNs), whose main component is a magnetized thin iron film. Several thin iron films were deposited on aluminum and silicon ubstrates and were characterized by vibrating sample magnetometry and cold-neutron reflectometry. A magnetic field required to saturate the iron film is \sim12 kA/m for those on the aluminum substrates and 6.4 kA/m for the silicon substrates. The magnetic potential of the iron films on the Si substrate was estimated to be 2 T by the neutron reflectometry, which is sufficient performance for an UCN polarization analyzer of the nEDM measurement.Comment: Proceedings of the 24th International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2021), 18-22 October 2021, Matsue, Japa

    Synthesis of (difluoromethyl)naphthalenes using the ring construction strategy: C–C bond formation on the central carbon of 1,1-difluoroallenes via Pd-catalyzed insertion

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    The insertion of 1,1-difluoroallenes was carried out to form a C–C bond exclusively on their central carbon. o-Bromophenyl-bearing 1,1-difluoroallenes underwent intramolecular insertion in the presence of a palladium catalyst. Regioselective C–C bond formation occurred to form a six-membered carbocycle, leading to pharmaceutically and agrochemically promising difluoromethylated naphthalenes

    Study on the reusability of fluorescent nuclear track detectors using optical bleaching

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    Fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTDs) based on Al2{_2}O3{_3}:C,Mg crystals are luminescent detectors that can be used for dosimetry and detection of charged particles and neutrons. These detectors can be utilised for imaging applications where a reasonably high track density, approximately of the order of 1 ×\times 10410^4 tracks in an area of 100 ×\times 100 μ\mum2^2, is required. To investigate the reusability of FNTDs for imaging applications, we present an approach to perform optical bleaching under the required track density conditions. The reusability was assessed through seven irradiation-bleaching cycles. For the irradiation, the studied FNTD was exposed to alpha-particles from an 241^{241}Am radioactive source. The optical bleaching was performed by means of ultraviolet laser light with a wavelength of 355 nm. Three dedicated regions on a single FNTD with different accumulated track densities and bleaching conditions were investigated. After every irradiation-bleaching cycle, signal-to-noise ratio was calculated to evaluate FNTD performance. It is concluded that FNTDs can be reused at least seven times for applications where accumulation of a high track density is required

    Effects of behavioural activation on the neural circuit related to intrinsic motivation

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    [Background] Behavioural activation is an efficient treatment for depression and can improve intrinsic motivation. Previous studies have revealed that the frontostriatal circuit is involved in intrinsic motivation; however, there are no data on how behavioural activation affects the frontostriatal circuit. [Aims] We aimed to investigate behavioural activation-related changes in the frontostriatal circuit. [Method] Fifty-nine individuals with subthreshold depression were randomly assigned to either the intervention or non-intervention group. The intervention group received five weekly behavioural activation sessions. The participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning on two separate occasions while performing a stopwatch task based on intrinsic motivation. We investigated changes in neural activity and functional connectivity after behavioural activation. [Results] After behavioural activation, the intervention group had increased activation and connectivity in the frontostriatal region compared with the non-intervention group. The increased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus was correlated with an improvement of subjective sensitivity to environmental rewards. [Conclusions] Behavioural activation-related changes to the frontostriatal circuit advance our understanding of psychotherapy-induced improvements in the neural basis of intrinsic motivation. [Declaration of interest] None.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS (grants 16H06395 and 16H06399), and grant 23118004 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. This work was partially supported by the programme for Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS) by Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED (grant 15dm0207012h0002) and Integrated Research on Depression, Dementia and Development Disorders by AMED (grant 16dm0107093h0001). The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation or review of the manuscript or decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    The Precision nEDM Measurement with UltraCold Neutrons at TRIUMF

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    The TRIUMF Ultra-Cold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) collaboration aims at a precision neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) measurement with an uncertainty of 1027ecm10^{-27}\,e\cdot\mathrm{cm}, which is an order-of-magnitude better than the current nEDM upper limit and enables us to test Supersymmetry. To achieve this precision, we are developing a new high-intensity ultracold neutron (UCN) source using super-thermal UCN production in superfluid helium (He-II) and a nEDM spectrometer. The current development status of them is reported in this article.Comment: Proceedings of the 24th International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2021), 18-22 October 2021, Matsue, Japa

    ジンコウ ナイジ ウメコミ シュジュツ オ ヨウシタ インフルエンザ カンキン ズイマクエン ノ ダンジ レイ

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    人工内耳手埋込術を必要としたインフルエンザ桿菌による化膿性髄膜炎を報告した.症例は2 歳男児.感冒症状の5 日目に意識障害が出現し,化膿性髄膜炎と診断された.髄液培養検査で起因菌はインフルエンザ桿菌と判明した.莢膜血清型はb 型で,PBP-3 耐性遺伝子の変異を伴うgBLNAR と判明した.デキサメタゾン0.15 mg/kg×4×4 日,g グロブリン150 mg/kg×2 日,および抗生剤としてCTX 200 mg/kg/日とMEPM120 mg/kg/日を14 日間投与した.経過中,脳MRI で硬膜下膿瘍を確認した.第27 病日の聴性脳幹反応検査では,両耳ともに100 dB 刺激でI-V波すべて無反応を示した.両耳に人工内耳埋込手術を施行し,右耳は聴力が回復したが,左耳は既に蝸牛の骨化が進行し,手術は不能であった.デキサメタゾン療法と適切な抗生剤加療を励行しても,インフルエンザ桿菌による化膿性髄膜炎に伴う聴力障害を完全に回避することは臨床的に不可能である.近年,国内でもインフルエンザ桿菌に対するワクチンが導入された.インフルエンザ桿菌による化膿性髄膜炎および併発する聴力障害を防ぐためには,ワクチン接種による髄膜炎の予防を啓蒙することが重要である.We repot a surgical cochlear implantation for a deafened2-year-old boy with ossified cochleae after plurent meningitisdue to Haemophilus Influenzae type B. Purulent meningitiswas diagnosed following a consciousness disorder appearingon the 5th day of flu-like symptoms. An inspectionof the cerebrospinal fluid culture identified the originatingbacterium as Haemophilus Influenzae. The capsular serotypewas of type b, and was identified as gBLNAR, whichaccompanies a mutation of the PBP-3 resistance gene. A14-day treatment was provided consisting of dexamethasone(0.15 mg/kg×4×4 days), g -globulin (150 mg/kg×2days), and as an antibiotic, (CTX 200 mg/day and MEPM120 mg/kg/day). An MRI scan of the brain revealed a subduralabscess. An auditory brain-stem response test conductedon the 27th day of hospitalization revealed that bothears showed no response to a 100db stimulation of all WaveI-V. Surgery to insert artificial inner ears was carried outon both ears, and although the right ear regained hearing,ossification of the cochlea in the left ear had already progressed,preventing surgery.Despite the administration of dexamethasone therapy andthe appropriate treatment of antibiotics, completely avoidinghearing disability as a result of purulent meningitis dueto Haemophilus influenza is not clinically possible. In recentyears, a vaccine to Haemophilus influenza has been introduceddomestically. In order to prevent the occurrence ofhearing disability associated with purulent meningitis dueto Haemophilus influenzae, it is important to educate societyon the prevention of purulent meningitis through vaccinatio

    ソウザン ジ ノ センエン セイ ハイ コウケツアツショウ ニ タイ スル NO キュウニュウ リョウホウ ノ ユウコウ セイ ・ アンゼン セイ ノ ケントウ

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    新生児遷延性肺高血圧症(persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn:PPHN)は,出生早期に肺高血圧症を発症し高度の低酸素血症を来す疾患である.正期産児のPPHNに対しては,NO吸入療法(inhaled nitric oxide:iNO)が有効とされているが,早産児における有効性は確立していない.今回,我々は在胎30週未満の早産児に対するiNOの有効性および安全性について検討した.対象は,出生後3日以内にiNOを施行した在胎30週未満の早産児39例である.肺高血圧の原因疾患は肺炎・敗血症が多かった.基礎疾患によって有効率が異なったが,iNO開始1時間の時点で全体の64%の症例はPPHNが改善した.PPHN改善後は速やかにiNOを減量・離脱できた症例が多かった.無効症例は週数・出生体重がより小さい児で多かった.有害事象としてはメトヘモグロビン血症を2例認めた.iNOは早産児のPPHNに対して,短期間の加療で出生早期の循環動態を改善させる有用な治療法であると考えられた.Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a disease in which newborns develop pulmonary hypertension soon after birth, causing severe hypoxemia. Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy is effective in treating PPHN in term infants;however, the efficacy of iNO in preterm infants has not been established. We investigated the efficacy and safety of iNO as a treatment for preterm infants born at <30 weeks\u27 gestation. The subjects were 39 preterm infants born at <30 weeks\u27 gestation who underwent iNO therapy within 3 days of birth. The subjects\u27 pulmonary hypertension was most commonly caused by pneumonia and sepsis. PPHN improved in 64 % of the subjects 1 hour after starting iNO. In many subjects, iNO was successfully reduced and withdrawn promptly after PPHN improved. Subjects in whom iNO was ineffective were commonly those born early and with lower birth weight. Mild methemoglobinemia was complicated in 2 subjects. In preterm infants with PPHN, iNO is a useful therapythat causes few adverse events and improves hemodynamics soon after birth within a short amount of time